Monday, November 30, 2009

Gift Bags!!

Hello All!
A quick post today to show you what I did during my Gift Bag class this weekend.  I decided to make a couple of bags for myself as long as I was demonstrating how to put them together.  While the class used the new Christmas Designer Paper, I decided to use some of my discontinued SU Designer Series Paper (just in case I goofed up demonstrating -- yiks, how awful that would be, but does happen on a regular basis -- LOL).  I just loved making these and I thought they turned out awesome.  Of course I picked some of my favorite discontinued paper for the person I am sending gift to tomorrow.  So I guess you could say, I got 2 things checked of my List Of Things To Do!!  (Gift Class and gift packaging for mail tomorrow).  Actually, I got quite a few things crossed off my list during the holiday weekend, besides being gone quite a bit. 

The automated Excel Customer and Demonstrator Workshop Forms template is updated with all the new products from the Occasions Mini, Definitely Decorative Update, and Sale-A-Bration Mini.  The template is posted on Splitcoast Stampers in the Demonstrator Only Forum for download (can't have the customers sneeking a look can we). 

I finished all my projects for the Technique event this weekend (Ronda still has some spots open so go to her blog link on this page to sign-up).  I can't wait to show you what I did -- but you have to wait, SORRY!!  Now to get started on my swap cards.  I tried to today, but after cleaning up my studio, and getting all the supplies out for the swap card; I started to procrastinate.  I started doing everything I could but getting started on the swap card, as I knew it was going to be a challenge for me.  So I filed all the gook off my Adhesive Remover (ah, that was a real must do -- right!).  Then I decided to make gift tags for my gift bags, then clean all my sponges and daubers, and of course did my embossing trays that had a beautiful mixture of dazzling diamonds, colored embossing powders, and glitter in it (yes, I put the dust in a container Ronda to save).  So after organizing all my paper scraps, etc., decided I would start my swap cards tomorrow as soon as I get up, so I will be more alert and focused.  Yah, that will last until I finish my coffee.  Anywho, here are my gift bags -- I hope you like:

Can you believe this is holding over $100 of SU product!!

The card is actually pink but not showing in picture.

I love this one!!

Inside View

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


. . . And all through the house not a creature was stiring, just me and my mouse.  Now turkey and pies, potatoes and jello; dressing and vegetable, and rolls all ready to go.  Yep, the lights are down low.  My hubby is snoring and the dogs sleeping.  I love it, as my work is all done!!  Happy Thanksgiving to All!!  Actually, I am being treated for dinner tomorrow at my daughters.  She is having the whole family over there.  She called me tonight around 9:30 for the tenth time today asking for directions on cooking and in the end said, "boy, Mom, I don't know how you have done this all these years -- it sure is a lot of work."  I just laughed and told her I was so glad that I lived long enough to hear that from her.  Actually my other daughter was over there cooking with her, so she still doesn't fully appreciate all that goes into the preparations (plus we are bringing pies, cornbread casserole, and jello salad mold).  So I really got a chuckle out of her statement about how much work it is (I mean, she is doing the turkey and dressing).  I just love my girls -- yes, they are moody -- but I love every one of their moods!!

Sorry I can't upload any of my latest projects I've been working on this week, as it will spoil it for Ronda's technique event next Saturday.  Let's just say, I am very happy with at least 3 of the 6 projects I have finished.  Of course I like all of them, or I wouldn't take them -- but 3 of them are my personal WOW projects.    I always say "my WOW" because a WOW to me might not be a WOW for you.  I will probably do one more project, after I get my swaps done this weekend (which I can't wait to do because it is an awesome CASE -- I love to CASE!!).  Would you believe, I did not CASE one of my technique projects -- that is kind of scary isn't it.

Anywho, I still want to show you some awesome cards/projects, just not mine.  I took these pictures at a recent RubberQueen meeting.  I'm telling you, there are some very talented ladies out there, and we are so lucky they love Stampin' Up!! 

I don't know who did this beautiful decoration or the swap Medallion card below, but if either are yours, stand up and identify yourself so I can give you credit.

Build A Bear Purse by Melissa Roberts

Build A Bear clipboard by Melissa Roberts

Enjoy your turkey and pies, and thanks for stopping by!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Missed The Boat

Hello everybody!!  Just wanted to let you know I'm still around.  I've had a lot of emergencies that came up this week, so haven't really had a chance to post.  Actually, I'm showing you today one of my ugly swap cards I made a couple of months ago -- yes, it happens to all of us.  Notice, I didn't post this until now, when I didn't have anything else to post.  It started out great in my mind -- but I should have looked in the SCS gallary to see the right way to do this card.  Anyway, this is just a reminder to myself that I still need a lot of training before I get to be considered an "artist" in stamping.  I really have to work hard at being humble -- as most of you know by now, LOL.

Well, I guess I will show you my album pages I did at Ronda's weekend retreat, as long as I am showing you things that are not on the top of my list as WOW projects.  I did like this however more than my swap card.  This was for the contest Ronda had to make a project using product you received in your goodie bag.  I think I used more than half the product:  Merry Moments Designer Series Paper, Christmas Jingle Scrap Kit, Gold Cord, Shimmer Paint, and lots of stamp sets and punches (no we didn't get ALL of that in our goodie bag).

Tah, dah -- I'm off to my studio to design some more projects for upcoming RubberQueen all-day event December 5.  It will be another awesome time because we will be doing 10 more techniques for our rings (books).  I am doing a presentation on the Iris Folding technique.  If you have any templates or ideas -- pass them on so I can get some mojo from your ideas!!

Laughin' and stampin' the rest of the day, see yah, Sandi

Friday, November 13, 2009

RubberQueen Swaps

Hello everyone!!
I have been a real lazy-daisy this week.  I haven't created anything, nor done anything spectacular (do I ever??).  Most of my week has been on the computer getting caught up on the business side of my non-business (I love being [just] a hobbyist) Stampin' Up demonstrator duties  I hope that makes sense to you all .  I just hate it because my blog no longer has a spell check, being as I can't spell anything correctly any longer.  Those days are long gone since my last spelling bee in school.  But it is still one of my favorite subjects: the English language.  How many other people do you know who have 8 editions of The Gregg Reference Manual, and still loves to read it and use it on a regular basis???  That would be me.

Anyway, I only have to submit one more SU order, and I have all my e-mails caught up, so I am feeling wonderful right about now.  Tomorrow I am going to stamp and play the entire day.  In the meantime, and as promised, here are some pictures from the last RubberQueen meeting. 

WOW Card made by Lynn Schulz

TaDah!!  Isn't it gorgeous on the inside!!  The butterflies look like they are flying when they are actually adhered to SU's clear window sheet strips.  This is one you have to see in person for the beauty.

Gorgeous Leaf Wreath made with our Leaves #2 Die and grape vines.

One of my favorite swap cards (sorry the picture isn't great).

And then there was my swap card -- did you notice I changed his shoes???  I also had to update some of the product because we only swap cards with current SU product.  My gift for winning the swap card contest was a $20 SU gift certificate -- thank you Ronda!!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments -- you know I love it!!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, I'm still alive after an awesome Scrapbooking Weekend Retreat Getaway!!  Ronda Wade (our RubberQeen Leader) and Melissa Roberts (top ten SU Demonstrator) our Hostesses for the weekend always put on the Ritz for us -- and this weekend was no exception.  Actually, they just keep getting better and better.  I don't know how they will top this last one tho.  But they have already booked the hotel for March 12, 13, & 14 of 2010 for the next Retreat!!  The bad news is that I forgot all about taking pictures Saturday until it was Sunday at 1 a.m.  Hey, we were having way too much fun (as you can tell in the pictures) for me to stop and think about taking pictures.  Thank goodness I had an hour before the doors opened to take pics of the hotel.  Anyway, here are some of my pictures.  I can't show all of them because I don't want you to know how much fun we had -- I don't want Ronda to fill up her spots for the next retreat before I get my deposit in to her (she is accepting $25 deposits now to hold a spot as space is limited).  Enjoy the few pictures I have, and sorry I didn't get more.  Please check out Ronda's Blog HERE to see more pictures.

The view right outside my room upstairs!!

Our Hang Out Spot -- Food & Drinks!! (Door to our Classroom in upper right corner)

Hot Tub/Jacuzzi on upper left

My class projects and refreshments!

Our Hostesses:  Ronda on right standing and Melissa sitting in center left.

Part of the crafting/class room

You really need to right-click on these pictures to open in another new page to see details, as I am very limited in my blog for the size (especially for the class projects so you can see how beautiful they were).  I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun I had at this retreat -- and I was so happy to spend time with my RubberQueen friends that attended for the first time (Lynn, Sandy, and Brenda; my sister Lois and niece Michelle; and all the new friends I made) and of course, my daughter Tricia who puts up with my snoring!!  See you in a couple of days when I post some awesome pictures from our last RubberQueen meeting!! 

Thanks for stopping by and here's hoping for some more beautiful Fall days in Michigan!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

RubberQueen WOW Table

I decided to take a break from making my swap cards for Ronda's RubberQueen meeting tomorrow and post what I did for the WOW table.  I have been working on and off on my swap cards for a couple of days now and have come to the conclusion NEVER - EVER do the Build-A-Bear Elf cards for swaps.  Especially if you decide to change a few things from your first one.  I am throwing all of my punches used to make this card into a basket as I go along, I think I am up to around 12 punches now!!!  I really forgot how much detail is in this -- so very glad I decided not to do this at a card class.  Although it probably would be a good one for my clients because everything would be punched and cut for them and the design in front of them.  Anyway, back to what I am suppose to be talking about -- my project I did for the WOW table.

First, this is a total case of Andrea Walford's design.  All I did was update it to current product.  Thank you Andrea for always having such beautiful ideas.  And here it is folks:

Top Note Tags & Box

Inside Box

Close-Up of Closed Box

Close-Up of Tag

This was so fast and easy to make -- my kind of project!!  Hope you like as much as I did.  Now it's back to the studio to get those elfs done!!  I'll be dreaming elfs before this is over.

Thanks for stopping by and see you in about 4 days -- I'm off to Ronda's Scrapbooking Retreat this weekend -- yes, I am excited!!