Friday, March 26, 2010


Good Morning all!

Brrr, what a chilly morning. Couldn't believe when I went out at 5:30 a.m. this morning that the temp. said 22 degrees. But I saw a "sailor's delight" last night at sunset (wasn't it beautiful), so I am expecting a beautiful day today anyway.

Well, I'm winding down to some of the last pictures from retreat. I wish I would have gotten pictures of all the scrapbooking pages for the contest, as there were some really nice layouts. The only thing I can think of is that I got interrupted and forgot to go back to get the rest. Anyway here are a few, with credit to the owner when I knew who it was (or I think I know). Remember to double-click on the picture or right-click and open in new page so you can enlarge to see details.

This is one of the 5 or 6 that Patty created. I love her heritage pages, and her actual pictures are anybodies dream of having for their heritage.

This was "one" of Stephanie's pages (we shared as contest winners). She had one page that I am so mad I didn't get a picture of using the bling from the "Eggcellent" kit. Beautiful pictures of her trip to Sea World.

I'm sorry that I don't have the name of who created this page, but I believe she had around 3-4 pages of the Women's Breast Cancer event. I love her flowers using the Sweet Pea Felt Flurries.

This was one of 2-page layout I did with pictures of Mother's Day cookout with my daughters. We are all moms, so the guys treated us with cookout. But as we all know, it was my daughter who had to clean her house and prep for the party -- but we all enjoyed.

The grandkids, daughters, and I spreading the love!

This is a closeup of my tribute to myself (LOL) -- well somebody has to do it!!

Double-page layout #1 from Ronda's Class.

Double-Page class layout #2.

Double-Page Class Layout # 3

Single-Page 12" x 12" Make'n Take page layout.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures from Retreat, as much as I enjoyed sharing. Contact me if you would like more information on the next retreat scheduled in November.
Thanks for visiting and please leave a note if you have time. Sandi

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Happy Saturday Everyone!

Yes, I'm feeling it: Spring is here! So what if snow is predicted for today -- we know it will at least melt now. We have "something" to look forward to -- it can only get better!

Today I am posting more pictures from Retreat (also see previous post). I have so many pictures that I decided to group them in collages, as I am having a really hard time staying on line to get this post done as it is. Have I ever told you that I HATE MY DIAL-UP ON-LINE SERVICE??? Well I do. For all of you out there who have high-speed cable, or anything other than dial-up -- you are blessed!! I'm about so ready to spend the thousands of dollars to put up my own tower -- it would be so worth it. Anyway, I regress. Here are the pictures. Remember to double-click on them to enlarge -- as they are a little small to see the detail.

This was my VERY favorite class I took -- because it only lasted about 10 minutes, and in real life the jewelry and inserts are so beautiful. I did a few more after class using rub-ons and even an adhesive-backed rhinestone from the Eggcellent Eggs Kit (see my next post for pictures of the class using this kit). The tiny blue jewelry insert in the bottom-right corner uses the Eggcellent Eggs rub-on and rhinestone. You really have to double-click on the picture to blow it up, and even then my picture is not that great. I will be making lots more of these.

This is my favorite design for the jewelry insert. I used a rub-on on top of the Charming flower stamp in White Craft Ink. I love using the rub-ons because I can see to position them better.

Here are some of the prizes I won and gifts from Ronda and Melissa. Some are not in the picture because I accidently put them in my daughter's 12" x 12" Keeper (which was our goodie bag full of free product), and she took it home. Yes, I texted her and told her not to get any ideas of keeping the goodies!!

These are the make'n takes we did during the weekend. The bottom-left is a 6" x 6" album page that I will be making into a 12" x 12" layout. The bottom-middle is a 12" x 12" page layout. I loved all of our designs -- Ronda and Melissa do such a beautiful job creating the projects.

Stay tuned, I still have pictures to show in my next post of the beautiful scrapbooking pages we did, including what I submitted for the contest!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Retreat Getaway!!

What an awesome weekend I had. Ronda Wade and Melissa Roberts hosted their semi-annual Scrapin' and Stampin' Getaway Retreat this last weekend. I had so much fun -- I'm still on a high! I laughed and played hard let me tell you. I can't say I worked hard -- because that is not why I go to retreat (like most people). I go to socialize, for the classes, and for the prizes (at least I'm honest and admit to being greedy). And as usual, the classes were totally awesome along with the prizes. I feel a little guilty because I won so much, but of course not enough to stop playing, LOL.

On Friday Ronda always has the PJ contest and this was the first time I have participated. I double-dog dared the other ladies to enter so we gave Dianne Emery (the winner in the last five Retreats) some competition. It was hilarious. I was a garbage bag with scraps glued all over it (as I get accused of going through the garbage for scraps thrown away -- doesn't everybody do this????). My daughter went as "Maxine" and won the contest. I have to admit she did look cute, but then I am partial. Actually everybody was cute. Dianne Emery and my sister Kathleen both had tons of flowers attached with pins on their PJs. We should have stood them out front of the motel as a "flower stand" to make some money selling flowers. My dear friend Patti Matejewski was a princess of course, and Kim had her T-shirt decorated with the Sweet Pea Felt Flowers (I would go into more detail, but my blog is G-rated).

Anyway, for today, I am only posting pictures of Friday night, along with the PJ contest participants. You really had to be there to feel the "laughter" and fun we had. Ronda and Melissa truly treat us like queens for the entire weekend.

And here are our hostesses!! They are holding one of the gifts they made for everybody. A birdy mini album with our names on the front -- we are so spoiled! Thank you Ronda and Melissa for another awesome weekend -- I had more fun than I can describe in this blog!!

Here is the group shot of the PJ Contest participants: (from left to right: Patti Matejewski, Kim, myself, Dianne Emery, Kathleen Miller (my sister), Jane Delau, and Tricia (my daughter) sitting on the table of course (she is such a drama queen).

And the winner is "Tricia"!! If you haven't guessed already, she is the famous "Maxine" from the cartoon.

Here is a close-up of her nasty slippers (see if you can guess what they were made from)!!

Here is the back of her robe with the Birdie made with the Big Shot die (all of the flowers were made with material cut from Big Shot dies)

Here we are soothing crazy Maxine so she doesn't start spouting off!

Close up of Dianne's Garden Flower PJ's -- another great use of the Big Shot to make all her flowers, which were all embellished!!

A close-up of Patti's PJ's

Here is a close-up of Kathleen's PJ's with all her pins made with the Big Shot dies.

Here is my other sister, Lois, working away -- next time she will be getting into the contest.

My guest, friend, and neighbor Cheryl trying to hide her face from me. This was her first time going to the event and I think we shocked her with how crazy we get (of course this was also taken after she used her drink ticket)!!!!

I have lots more pictures, so stay tuned to see some of the projects we did, along with other event pictures. Ronda's next weekend retreat will be in November -- so start saving your money if you think you would like to go. You will not be disappointed, I can promise you!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Purse

Hi everyone! Did you miss me? Yep, I’ve been playing hooky. There has been so much going on in the last couple of weeks that updating my blog went way down on the priority list. I have been working on a few projects, but forgot to take pictures before I gave them away or I can’t show them yet.

Anyway, I am suppose to be packing right now for Ronda’s Getaway Weekend – I believe this is her fifth one and I have attended all of them. So I better post a picture because I know it will be at least 4 days before I post again. I finally got around to doing my rag purse. Was going to do it a month ago and decided yesterday morning to start it, then after cutting out the material using my Big Shot and Square Scallop Die, I decided that nothing has changed: I STILL CAN’T SEW AND IT IS STILL ON THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY LIST OF THINGS TO DO!! My sister talked me into finishing it this morning so here is what I ended up with:

This is the front. This material is probably over 40 years old as it belonged to my Grandmother, so I am surprised it didn't fall apart.

This is the side view, showing one of the pockets (there is one on the other side also).

This is the back view -- yes, the purse is full but I did have enough room for everything!

I followed Patty Bennett’s directions (thank God she had pictures – thank you Patty!!). Of course I didn’t understand any of the “sewing” language so just punted and made up stuff so I could get it done. Don’t get me wrong – if I did not have my trusty Big Shot, I would have NEVER attempted making one. My husband said it looked very nice, and I like it better than I did this morning (could it be because I didn’t wash my material before I started like I was suppose to and now that it has been washed and dried it looks better???) And yes, I did have to get my 40-year old sewing manual out to remember how to thread my bobbin. And that was after I cleaned all the cobwebs out of the 40-year old sewing machine. I know my very BFF is laughing her head off out in Prescott, Arizona reading this because she is like a seamstress and has made tons of clothes for my girls.

Before I leave you, I have one other amazing thing that happened to me yesterday. I found out that my cell phone has an On/Off button on it. I’m telling yah, what they won’t think of next. Here I always thought it was off unless I pushed the “OK” button. Well yesterday my brother called and wanted to know why I wasn’t answering my cell and I checked and found out it wouldn’t work (just a black screen). I charged it, but still wouldn’t work. Later that day, my husband was going to take it over to Verizon to get it fixed when all of a sudden the light bulb came on in my head (yes, it does happen once in a while), so I pushed this button on top – and there it was!! I was so proud of myself, as I haven’t even opened the manual up yet.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!