Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hi Everyone!

Can't believe it has been over a week since I last posted.  I have been busy doing some late Spring cleaning, workshops, and my brother has been here from Ohio since last Wednesday.  We have had a great time going through old pictures.  I was suppose to have his Family Heritage album done before he got here, but that did not even come close to happening.  Just as well because he really needed to tell me what pictures he wanted to include.  We still haven't put one picture in the album -- having to much fun putting names to the faces in the family.  I think everybody should do a heritage album because it really gives you an idea of how easy one family branches out to hundreds of family members.  Especially in our family because a couple of my uncles had 12+ kids (we only had 8 kids in our family).  I dare say, I will never complete the entire tree of my maternial side of the family in my lifetime -- but maybe my paternial side, as there weren't that many.

Tomorrow I am having a picnic at our house for my siblings, kids, and grandkids.  You might know it is going to be in the 90s, we wanted to have a huge bonfire -- not sure if that is going to happen.  But the gang should start arriving around noon, and I imagine we will be playing board games and cards until dinner and then later, and then before everybody leaves on Tuesday.  It will be just like the old days!!

I wasn't sure what I would post today.  It was a toss-up between more Décor Elements projects or my last card class.  Guess I will just do the rest of the Décor Elements so everybody can add those to their order September 1st, as Christmas really is just around the corner.  Today will be pictures using the Candy Cane Christmas Décor Elements.

Here is a group shot.

A cookie platter using the "Candy Cane Christmas" Décor Elements.

Coffee mugs still using "Candy Cane Christmas Décor Elements."

Silver platter using the blue "Flurry" Décor Elements.

Christmas blocks using "Candy Cane Christmas" Décor Elements, "Candy Cane Buttons," "A Cute Christmas" stamp set, " Candy Cane Christmas" Designer Series Paper, and Real Red Satin Ribbon.

Quilted Coaster using the new "Candy Cane Christmas" Designer Fabric, Candy Cane Buttons, and "Snowflake #2" Original Die

Back side of quilted coaster using the new "Tasteful Trim" Bigz XL Die and the
Dove from the "Holiday Windows" Magnetic Movers and Shapers dies.

Front of another quilted coaster.

Back side of above quilted coaster again using the new "Tasteful Trim" Bigz XL Die and the Ornament from the "Holiday Windows" Magnetic Movers and Shapers dies.

Yes, I had tons of Décor left over, but used it in my workshop.  Everybody got to make a block as their workshop make'n take along with a Christmas card.  They all turned out a little different, but all were beautiful.  So much fun.  I just wish I would have remembered to take a picture of the "Live Every Moment" Décor Element my hostess pre-ordered for her wall, which we applied during the workshop -- it really looked sharp!

Until next time, have a great week, and remember:  "Right thinking leads to right living."

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Yes, it is time to gear up for Fall and Halloween!!  It doesn't seem possible, but it is just around the corner, and orders need to go in now for all those Halloween projects and cards you have in mind.  Personally, I do not do Halloween, but that doesn't mean I don't like to decorate my porch.  Today I have just the project that everybody can do, which is fast and easy, but oh so lovely.  As you know, pictures never look as nice as the real thing and today is no exception.  You have to actually see these in person -- they are so awesome.  And the nice thing, for $14.95 you can make these and more when you buy the new "Spooky Things" Décor Elements, from the Holiday Mini catalog.  These vinyl images (set of 10) go a long way for just the coolest decorations.  I still have a few images left for more projects (especially can't wait to use the raven -- but still thinking about just the right project because it is so large).  Take a looky:

To show how easy these are to make, my grand-daughter, Holly, decorated this 12" x 12" tile (after spray-painting white) with the Spooky Things Décor Elements and new 1/2" Raven Lace Trim.  She did such an awesome job, in about 10 minutes tops.

After spray-painting these metal pumpkins, Holly and I decorated again with "Spooky Things."  This idea was a CASE from Brent Steele's presentation at Convention.  The other table decorations were all done by Tami Ackerson, for Ronda's Holiday Event yesterday.  Tami's presentation used the Halloween stamps, etc., from the new Holiday Mini. She asked if she could use my Décor Elements on her table (I felt so honored because she is such an awesome stamper).  Sorry about my picture cutting off part of the elements, but you get the gist of it.

Here is a picture of Tami's entire table of projects (you need to right-click to enlarge as she has some beautiful projects).  My projects using the Décor Elements are for a workshop I am having this week.  The Hostess is going to love getting these for her front porch.  In an upcoming post I will show you pictures of the Christmas projects for the workshop.

And of course, I need to have a Fall card!!  Here is my card I did for Ronda's Leadership Meeting on Friday.  We had a shoebox swap -- very first one for me and let me tell you, I learned a lot!!  I won't even go into details about all the things I did wrong -- I just hope I get invited again!!  This card uses the new "French Foliage" stamp set, which was just crying out to me to do a vintage design (yah, just about anything I buy has the same cry).  I used all 6 stamps in the set on this card stamped on Glossy White cardstock (that had been brayed with River Rock ink), the new "Tasteful Trim" Bigz XL Die to cut the new "Deck the Halls" Designer Fabric (inked in Cajun Craze), the "Leaves #2" die stamped with the "Elegant Thank You" single stamp set.  Yes, that was one of the things I did wrong -- I used way too much product!!  I do have a problem with getting carried away with my cards, but trust me I'm still working on that issue.

All in all, I had a great weekend!!  My next post will feature the cards from my card class yesterday.  We had an awesome "ladies day," and they all created some fantastic cards.  I so love seeing what they create because everybody adds their own style to each card.  It's a win-win situation for all of us because they learn new things and they teach me new things.

Until next time, happy stamping, and "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another." -- Romans 12:10


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Convention Make'N Takes

Good Evening All!

I decided to take a short break and get these long-overdue pictures posted on my blog.  I have been keeping very busy the last couple of weeks getting ready for workshops, card classes, shoebox swap, out-of-state visitors coming in (yah, that means Spring cleaning again!), etc.  My grand-daughter has been here just about every day, so I decided this week to turn her into a Stampin' Up! demonstrator.  Wait until you see her projects she completed for an upcoming Definitely Decorative Workshop I have scheduled next week.  We worked on a few projects together, but then I told her today she was on her own with my leftover supplies.  She was in 7th heaven playing with the materials I gave her.  Anyway, more on that in my next post.

Today, I wanted to show you my Make'N Takes from Convention.  I know, there have been tons of pictures out there probably -- but these are mine, with my interpretations and boo-boos.  And you just know, all boo-boos end up being an "inspiration."  There are no "mistakes" when we stamp, just challenges to alter a CASE. 

This is a card that holds "mini cards," and uses the "Just Believe" stamp set.  It is so darn cute in person.

Here it is again, opened and showing the small cellophane bag with mini note cards (another stamp in the "Just Believe" set).  What a great little gift to give to someone.

And of course, here is my favorite using the "Just Believe" set again (so much you can do with this versatile stamp set).  We will be doing a version of this card at my card class Saturday.

This Thank You card uses the heart from the "Paisley Prints" stamp set and sentiment from "So Many Thanks" single stamp set (see below).

A cute little set of Thank You cards, using the "So Many Thanks" single stamp again.  The cards and envelopes fit in the envelope holder to give as a gift to someone special.

And finally, some more 3" x 3" note cards using the "Just Believe" stamps again.  This was also a favorite of mine from the Convention Make'N Takes.

Okay, it's time for me to go back to work.  I have to get my Studio cleaned so I can party tomorrow night at Ronda's Leadership Night event and be ready bright and early Saturday morning for my card class.  I can't wait for tomorrow night because this is the very first time I have ever participated in a Shoebox Swap.  I hope they like my Shoebox Swap card, because I know these ladies will have some gorgeous swap cards.

Happy stamping to everybody, and thank you all so much for leaving me comments when you visit.  I love hearing from all of you.


Monday, August 9, 2010


Happy Rainy Day Everybody!

I can't believe I am saying this, but isn't it great that we are finally getting some rain!  Actually, I would love to have one rainy day every week.  Why?  Because I can stay in my pj's all day, of course!!  Today I had a surprise however.  One of my customers was at my front door even before I got out of bed -- yikes!!  Yes, I slept in until 8:30 a.m. this morning.  So here I am answering my phone and coming around the corner to the living room as she is saying, "Hi, I'm at your front door."  And yep, my awesome husband had left to go get the newspaper and didn't close the storm door, so my customer got to see me in my boxer shorts and T-shirt!!  Tell me I didn't jump about 6 feet off the floor.  So the moral of the story is to get your husband trained to close the door when he leaves (and don't wait until he is 70, like mine, because you will never get him trained!).

I've had a great couple of days since I posted last Wednesday.  My family took me out for my birthday dinner, and pampered me like the princess that I am (yes, I do have a little vain streak in me along with my huge attitude streak).  Then yesterday my daughter had a birthday party for her boyfriend, making her awesome lasagna with a yummy fruit salad (which included watermelon, my favorite); and of course cake and ice cream.  Prior to going over for dinner, my grand-daughter came over with her friend to scrapbook and make our birthday cards for the birthday dinner.  And the topper for the week (kinda like dessert for me), was that I read my new James Patterson book I got for my birthday on Thursday (yep, didn't do anything else but fix dinner that day).  So how about that for one awesome week!

Oh, I almost forgot -- I also got my Paisley Prints Baggie Book cards done AND my Convention Make'N takes!!  So my cards today feature the Paisley Prints stamp set, with the designs all created by our awesome leader of the RubberQueens, Ronda Wade.  I did have to alter a few based on the fact I didn't have some of her stamps, and just because we all have to tweak something to make it "our" card.  I guess in my case, you could say my tweaks are because of my boo boos!  Ronda's designs are always awesome so I normally do them exactly like hers (or as close as I can with my limited talents), but I had some "dah" moments necessitating some tweaking -- LOL.  So here they are:

I can't wait until tomorrow when I get the new Snowflake Embossing Folder, isn't it gorgeous!

I loved how Ronda shaded her Paisley Pumpkin stamp with the Expresso Marker (at least I think she did, because that is what I did on this card).

This featured the new Paisley Party Wheel and Antique Brads (to die for!).  I misted the punched flower with water, scrunched it up a lot, unscrunched and used my distressing file to split the cardstock and peel up the petals.  Then I misted with shimmer paint (enlarge picture to see how gorgeous this is).

This is my favorite card of the group.  I loved that Ronda used the faux layering technique and then added the shimmer paint to the whole card (another one that needs to be enlarged -- so pretty in person).

Okay, I was having a "dah" moment on this one.  A perfect example of the rule, "Quit while you are ahead," which I still haven't learned yet (okay, I can see you all out there shaking your head yes - stop it!).  Well I thought (it doesn't pay for me to think) that I would add my touch to this by using the Pinking Hearts corner punch.  Yep, it looked ugly!  So being the cheap person that I am, I just glued the punched part back on my card.  Honest, you can't really tell!!

And finally, here are all of the packaged Baggie Books I have done so far at Ronda's events.  I just love these because they are so handy to take with me and show customer's the beautiful cards you can create with just one stamp set.

Thank you so much Ronda for these terrific card layouts.  Only "YOU" could take this stamp set and really make it shine!!  

Until my next post, remember:  "If you keep in tune with Christ, you can sing even in the dark." 


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Good morning everybody!

Wow, I can't believe I have not updated my post since Convention!  So much to do when I got home and things still haven't really settled down.  August is already booked up for me with appointments, visitors, parties!!  The good thing about this is that it keeps you young -- I can still go up and down my stairs at a pretty good pace, LOL.  Well, I guess going down the stairs is getting a bit slower -- the steps are all starting to melt together for me (that's the best way to explain it -- one big blob of a step that just doesn't have the same measurements when I step on it, so after falling on my face a couple of times I decided to take it a little slower and hold on to the hand-rail).  I refuse to admit to myself it is a sign of getting older (which I just got another year older while at Convention this year!).  However, I like to think it is a sign that I probably need new glasses -- because I'M NOT GETTING OLDER!! 

Last night was another awesome night with fellow RubberQueens at Ronda's August meeting.  For our make'n takes she did another Baggie Book using the new Paisley Prints stamp set and wheel.  Now I have to tell you (even tho most people know this already), paisley has never, ever been on my "wish" list -- even back in the 70s when it was in style (and is again).  I don't know how Ronda does it, but she made the cutest cards using this set.  She really has been on a roll with these Baggie Books -- the place was packed with RubberQueens!  I liked all of her cards, but didn't get a chance to do mine at the meeting because I had to leave to pick my daughter up.  So as soon as I get them put together, I will post pictures on my blog -- you will love them.

So today I am posting some pictures of the awesome swaps.  The theme for the swap was Christmas cards, but we had a mixture of other cards swapped too.  I did not know who created these cards below until just now when I was looking for names to post.  I was not surprised however when I found out who created them.  All of the swaps were beautiful, but these are ones that really stood out, and I had material to CASE.  I hope you like them as much as I did.

Isn't this just gorgeous!!  This was done by Tamie Ackerson.  See this and more cards on Tamie's blog HERE.  I will be doing this one for my Christmas card stack class in September for sure. 

Another gorgeous card, done by Lynn Schulz.  You have to enlarge to see all the shimmer.  You can see a better picture on Lynn's blog HERE.

This beauty won the swap contest.  UPDATE:  I finally found out who created this:  Heidi Wilkins!!  Now I know why I didn't recognize her, she is one of Ronda's new recruits.  Sorry it took me so long to find out, but was waiting for Ronda to update her blog with pictures from the meeting.  Thank you Ronda for giving me the name!! You can't see it well, but she used the Lattice Embossing Folder.

This is my swap card, using the product everybody at Convention Closing Session won from the Holiday Mini:  Deck The Halls Designer Series Paper and the Hostess Level 2 Peaceful Season stamp set.  I stamped the holly and ornaments on this piece of the designer paper.

Another of my swaps (just different piece of designer paper that I added ornament stamp).  I used the new Tea Stain Ink from the "Distressing Essentials."  I just love this product.  It is so easy to use to get that Vintage look (my favorite style).

And one last picture of one of my swaps -- isn't this designer paper gorgeous!!  I didn't stamp anything extra on this piece of the designer paper (just added Tea Stain) -- no need as it is beautiful as is.  I also used the Bigz Two-Tag Big Shot Die with Crumb Cake cardstock and the new 1/8th-inch Taffeta Very Vanilla Ribbon.

One last picture!!  I wanted to show you this beautiful tin I won from Monica Weaver.  She makes awesome projects (including cards) using tin with the Embossing Folders and other mediums.  This is so beautiful in real life, and if you enlarge you can see the detail better.  Visit Monica's blog HERE to see more awesome creations.

I hope you loved all of these samples as much as I did.  If you think you would like to join my team and be part of the RubberQueens, this is just a very small sample of what you get as a perk.  Just imagine being able to go to Ronda's events every month to share in the friendship, presentations, and fun we have.  This alone is so worth being a demonstrator; let alone the discounts, convention, regionals, cruise!!  Let me know if you would like to join me as a guest to attend one of Ronda's events and you can see for yourself!!

Happy Stamping!