Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I bet you all thought I had left for vacation already (or worse yet, maybe nobody missed me????).  Well, if you didn't miss me, that is okay because "I missed me."  What have I been doing, basically fooling around.  I really have been having a lot of fun (fooling around is fun!!). 

Let's see, since I last posted I had my Christmas Stamp-A-Stack.  This is always my very favorite class of the whole year.  And this year especially, because of all the absolutely gorgeous SU stamp sets.  I mean, who can resist not buying them all.  Plus, I mainly CASEd all my cards this year because between Ronda and all my Christmas swaps from fellow RubberQueens this year, I REALLY had a very hard time picking what cards to CASE.  And for any of you RubberQueens reading this, if your card was not picked, it is probably because I decided to use it for my "personal" cards this year.

I have also been preparing for Ronda Wade's Holiday Extravaganza Event this Sunday.  I get to do my favorite thing:  Vintage!!  Yahoo!!  So I have had my thinking cap on since last week with visions of lace, ribbon, buttons, prints, and anything to do with paper (you know that is about all they had back 100 years ago).  And mix all that with SU's fabulous vintage stamps -- wow, what a vision.  So you just know what my next posts will feature.  Lucky for me that I only had one day of jury duty this week, so now I can do a few more projects.  And if I get really lucky, maybe I will need 2 tables to display projects (well, don't worry, that isn't going to happen).

Okay, I need to get back to creating, so here are pictures of 4 of the Christmas cards from class.  I did alter a tiny bit some of those CASEd, but don't we all!

This was inspired by a swap from Carol Payne, but after looking at her card I guess I changed the whole thing but the colors.

This is a total CASE of Tamie Ackerson's swap card, except I used lace ribbon instead of embossing folder.

 This is what the inside of the card looks like -- I really liked this design layout.

 And another CASE from Tamie Ackerson.

This was CASEd from one of Ronda Wade's cards we did for the "Punches" Baggie Book.  I did move the snowflakes from the bottom of the card to the top.  I love this little snowman!!

My last card for the class was one I designed for a swap card shown in a previous post.  I loved all of these cards and I hope you enjoy them half as much as I did.

Okay, I really need to get back and create at least "ONE" new thing today, or I won't even be able to fill up half a table with projects at Ronda's event.

"[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, [and] endures all things."
 1 Corinthians 13-7

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Wow, did this week every fly by fast!!  I really, really meant to update my blog in the middle of the week.  Well, I guess that is where the saying, "Coulda - shoulda" came from.  Actually when I wasn't prepping for my Christmas Stamp-A-Stack, I was surfing blogs looking at pictures of all the fun the top 100 Stampin' Up Demonstrators for the year were having at Founders Circle.  I'm sure most of you were doing the same and drooling over how much they were pampered by the SU Home Office (Shelli Gardner, the Cofounder and CEO of SU in particular).  Just imagine being a SU Demonstrator, and winning a free, all-expense paid, trip to Utah and being treated like a queen (and yes they are!!).  This could be you (along with many other trips), as a SU demonstrator.  Contact me if you would like to hear more about all the perks of being a demonstrator -- remember, there are only a couple of weeks left to sign up this month to get that beautiful tote (see side-bar).

As I promised in my last two posts, I have some awesome pictures of some of the WOW table displays from the last RubberQueens meeting.  Today, I am featuring a beautiful set of cards made by Dianne Emery, using the Deck the Halls Designer Series Paper.  I am totally in love with this gorgeous paper -- absolutely, hands-down, one of the very best Christmas designer papers.  I love vintage, and this fits right into that category.  Without further ado, here is Dianne's set of cards:

My two favorites!!

A little ribbon and a layer on the designer paper is all you need!! 

Punches, brad, and stamped greeting added to designer paper!

More punches and greeting layered on SU's awesome Taffeta ribbon.

Punches, greeting, and ribbon again (including new Cherry Cobbler Seam Binding).

Ribbon added again to the designer paper is all you need for this beauty.

Isn't it amazing how beautiful these are just using the designer paper and an accessory or two.  Now these are my kind of cards (especially with this gorgeous paper)!!  Thank you for stopping by, and a special thanks to all of you who take the time to write a comment.  It really makes my day and is "almost" like getting a letter in the mail (does anybody remember when they last received a real hand-written letter in the mail???).

Until next time,
He possessed all the world had to give him,
He had reached every coveted goal;
But, alas, his life was a failure,
For he had forgotten his soul.  -- Denison

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Happy Wet Day!!

Yep, it's pouring cats and dogs, and my husband has the heat on inside (giving our age away by needing heat already).  Today has been a day of getting orders together and delivering.  So last night I finally got around to making my Fall-colored cards of appreciation.  How many of you have your own "personalized" stamp from Stampin' Up?  Well if you don't have one, you really should because I love getting one "just for me" every year.  There are many different options to choose from on pages 144-145 of the 2010-2011 Idea Book and Catalog.  The one I used on the card below is a "Text-Only Stamp."  You can choose from one to up to four lines, with up to 32 characters on each line!!  Well, as you can see, I didn't use 32 characters on each line, but I have been wanting to get one made with this text for ages and just kept saying "next time."  So I was doing a little dance when I finally got it yesterday.  Do you want to see what I did with it?  Okay, you don't have to SCREAM, I hear you saying, "Get on with it Sandi!"

The layout for this card is based on a card I received at Convention from Megan Wheeler.  I wanted Fall colors, as I will be using this card for friends at least for the next month.  Colors:  Cajun Craze & Tangerine Tango with "Elizabeth" image stamped on Very Vanilla cardstock and Very Vanilla Craft on the embossing (using direct to paper technique).  You will have to enlarge the photo (right-click & open in new tab) to see the half-pearls and embossing on the butterflies (Beautiful Wings Embosslit Die).

This was one of the cards done at my last card class -- do you get it???  This is a total CASE from another card I received at Convention, made by Sherri Woolsey.  It was the favorite card of the class; basically because it is non-generic (but probably better suited for the over-twenty crowd). 

Another card from my last card class -- and another CASE!!  And I am in deep do-do here because I don't have the name of the person who I CASEd it from, but believe it was from another RubberQueen (please let me know, as I want to give you credit).  Update:  CASEd from Sandy Haynes (thank you Jill!).

I know I promised to post more pictures from Ronda's September RubberQueens' meeting, and I haven't forgotten -- they will be coming on the next post for sure.  I just wanted to put these cards away to clean up a little around here (never-ending job!)

Until next time, I'll leave you with this: 
"Hatred stirs up disputes, but love covers all offenses." -- Proverbs 10:12


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Good Morning America!!

Been a while since I have been able to say that!!  It is a beautiful Fall morning here in Michigan, and yesterday was even better.  Fall is my most favorite time of the year -- love all the color!!  Today is a really short post because as usual I have tons of things I want to get done.  Hopefully (now that I have my house chores done) it will be mostly playing with my stamps!!

Ronda Wade put on another awesome meeting last night for the RubberQueens.  We all got to make another baggie book.  This time the theme was "Punches."  I have a few cards that I want to tweek a bit before I will be posting pictures, so I am just going to show you what I brought to the meeting.  I had so much fun yesterday making this gift box with stamped candles inside.  It is the very first time I have ever tried stamping candles -- and let me tell you, it was so easy and sooooooo much fun.  I want to do an entire class on just making these.  Let me know ladies if you are interested.  I CASEd this entire project from Carla Brasher, TheSouthernStamper.  However, I have to admit I made my box without following her directions because I thought her box (by the looks of the picture) was going to be to big.  Well, ended up I was pretty close to her same measurements -- so I could have saved myself a lot of time by just trying hers first (yah, another dah moment).  Anyway here are pictures of the gift and my swap card for the night.

Isn't this box just the cutest!!  I used Cherry Cobbler cardstock, Medium Weight Window Sheet, Deck the Halls Designer Series Paper and Designer Fabric, and Winter Post Stamp Set.

Oops, forgot to line up the candles -- but this gives you a closer shot.

My coordinating swap card for the night.

I have tons more pictures of the fabulous cards and WOW projects done by the other RubberQueens, so make sure you stop back to take a look.  I'm telling yah, you won't be disappointed.  The ladies really have awesome displays; let alone some of the very best swap cards I have seen!!

Until then, I'll leave you with this thought:  "Bless the Lord, ... who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies -- Psalm 103:1, 4"


Friday, September 3, 2010


FREE Greenhouse Gala Tote when you join Stampin' UP!

Free Craft Tote with Starter Kit beginning September 1st.

September 1 through October 18, receive a FREE craft tote—a $39.95 value—when you join Stampin' Up!® as a demonstrator!  Read on for the details of this tote and how to JOIN and WHY to join!

Inspired by the new Greenhouse Gala Designer Series Paper featured in the new 2010-2011 Idea Book & Catalog (p. 173), this tote is a must-have! Here are a few of its many features:
  • This tote fits 12″ x 12″ products as well as 12″ x 12″ Craft Keepers, and it even holds your Paper Cutter!
  • A back-zipper pocket holds seven Classic Stampin' Pads.
  • Open outside pockets hold our Extra-Large punches.
  • A detachable shoulder strap makes it easy to carry your tote.
  • Value is $39.95 (and includes FREE SHIPPING!!!!)
  • Perfect for carrying your crafting supplies to crops, classes, hostess events or just organizing your crafting space.  
I would love to help you join Stampin' UP! and my team. Joining is simple and carries no obligation, just lots of opportunities. To join now – click HERE -- enter "6388bentley" as my recruit ID when prompted.
Why join:
  1. Customize your kit – select awesome products from our big Idea book and catalog OR the Holiday MINI to customize the kit to your needs and liking. 
  2. Stampin' Connection website – approaching 100,000 samples all in one community that also includes hundreds of videos, discussions, thousands of demonstrators.  
  3. Access to Stampin' UP! Website. 
  4. Full color monthly newsletter in the mail from Stampin' UP! – Creative business people to inspire you.
  5. Become one of my personal directs – I offer my direct downlines support as needed and asked for, challenges, and incentives. 
  6. Be your own hostess and receive commission as well as the Hostess Perks! 
Need to know more – click HERE for career plan information. There has never been a better time to save money on product you love and earn extra income for holiday shopping, the family budget or other financial needs.

Crafting Joy and Carrying it in a cute tote!

Imagine sharing your love of Stampin' Up! with this stylish and practical tote, patterned after our Greenhouse Gala Designer Series Paper and large enough to carry 12" x 12" card stock and a Paper Cutter, as well as punches, ink pads, and accessories. And with two Starter Kits to choose from—Standard and Digital+—at a brand-new lower kit price, there's never been a better time to join the Stampin' Up! family.