Sunday, January 30, 2011


Happy Sunday!!

I am so excited today because I can finally show you some of my projects I did for Ronda Wade's Sale-A-Bration and Occasions Mini Event. If you are one of Ronda's RubberQueens than you already know how awesome these events are and why they are so popular. Yesterday was no exception, as a matter of fact (and I know I always say this), it was absolutely OVER-THE-TOP!! Ronda's make'n takes were absolutely fabulous, the inspiration stations were all WOWs (so much talent, my jaw was dropping), we had one of the best lunches (all homemade, and sooooo good), great prizes, and Ronda presented how to conduct a workshop with all of her tips (priceless). I am still flying high today from everything I learned and saw yesterday.

My assignment was to do an inspiration table using the "Build A Blossom," stamp set and "Blossoms Petal Punch" from the new "Occasions Mini" catalog. And of course, I just had to throw in the brand new "Fun Blowers Bigz-L" Big Shot Die (I mean, come on, you really can't have the stamp set and punch without the coordinating Big Shot Die now can you). I hope you like some of my projects, but I have to admit my style is the kind of style that you either like (hopefully a lot) or you "would never dream of doing" style. But that is okay, because that is what I love about crafting -- so many different styles and techniques that there is something for everyone. The inspiration tables yesterday were a perfect example of this, as I would have never thought to buy some of those products (as I couldn't see me using them), until I saw what beautiful creations the other ladies prepared (cha-ching!!). I will be showing you these in the next couple of weeks, so be prepared -- these ladies are so talented!!

For Christmas my BFF, in Arizona, gave me these metal Victorian feet for a cabinet and challenged me to make one. Well, I can never resist a challenge, so for one of my event projects, I did a little vintage Victorian cabinet, and here it is:

My cabinet is made out of an old wooden orange crate that has been sitting around for years.  My husband added a shelf for me and painted with some left-over paint we had -- so far so good -- no cost!!  I decided to use up some of my Stampin' Up "Definitely Decorative Decor Elements" vinyl sheets (Night of Navy and Old Olive) to cut out my flowers and swirls using the new "Fun Flowers Bigz-L" and "Decorative Accents #2" Big Shot dies, and stamped with the "Build A Blossom" stamp set before applying to the cabinet.  I lined the walls and shelves with the beautiful new "Springtime Vintage" Designer Series Paper and trimmed with "Night of Navy" cardstock.  I also "aged" the whole cabinet using the Navy stain from the "Distressing Essentials" kit.

Close-up of the left side of the cabinet.

Close-up of right side using the new "Springtime Vintage Big Designer Buttons."  (Yes, that is the beautiful new "Rose Red 1/2" Seam Binding Ribbon" on the crochet miniature hat.)

Close-up of the drawers (yes they open and have little treasures in them!).  I used the "Matchbox Bigz XL Big Shot Die" and the "Antique Brads."

My buttons jar using the new "Fun Flowers" die for back layer and stamp and punch for the other petals.

This card was a direct CASE from the front of the Occasions Mini, using the "Build a Blossom" stamp set.

I used the new "Fun Flowers Bigz-L Big Shot Die" to cut my flower petals out of coffee filters (yes, coffee filters).  I then used the re-inker technique to drop 2 different shades of reinker directly on the flower petals with the Aqua Painter and misted with water before scrunching all the petals, layer, and add brad to center to hold together.  I really liked this card a lot because I made a miniature card to sit on the table with my sentiment -- isn't that just the cutest!!

One of the four gift note cards (3" x 3") using the stamp set and punch -- very quick and fast.
And there you have it for today -- but I have tons more to show you!!  Please leave me a comment to let me know what you think of my projects (the good, bad, and ugly -- I just like hearing from those that stop by).
I want to share with you a quote from Michelle Zindorf's blog update today that I really liked (author unknown):
The tears happen:
Endure, grieve, and move on.
The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves.
LIVE while you are alive.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Yes, it has been another week since I last posted.  I don't know how my friends manage to post just about every day (and one in particular that posts EVERY day).  First of all, I don't stamp every day, with the exception of the last couple of weeks prepping for a RubberQueen event, but I can't share those right now.  I am in my studio every single day but not always stamping, a girl has to get organized in between stamping, which is usually a monthly thing for me.  But then, I love to organize.  I always find product that I haven't used, find missing tools (like my ruler again!!), and/or see some beautiful swap cards that I decide to use for a class.  That is what I did for all of my cards at this month's card class.  Every single one of my cards were CASEd (copied and shared everywhere) to some degree.  Bottom line, they were all beautiful, and I appreciate and thank all of the ladies who created the original cards.  I'm sure some of their cards were also CASEd from someone else, but that is just another reason I love Stampin' Up and stampers in general.  We all love to have our cards/projects CASEd. 

So let's get on with sharing:

This is a total CASE of a card we did at a shoebox swap (except a different sentiment).  Tamie Ackerson created this beautiful card (thank you for letting me know Lynn!!).  It was so easy to make (notice the new "Framed Tulip Textured Impressions Embossing Folder," from the Occasions Mini Catalog.

This design was CASEd from a beautiful thank you card I received from Andrea Walford.  All I had to do was update it with current Stampin' Up products.  Product used from the new Occasions Mini Catalog:  the "Build a Blossom Stamp Set" and "Blossoms Petal Punch" for the leaves and "Fun Flowers Bigz L Die" for the large flower.
This card is CASEd from one of our make'n takes we did at a RubberQueen meeting (Ronda Wade's) quite a long time ago, but my clients had wanted to make it so I just updated the cardstock and designer paper colors.
And for the life of me, I cannot remember/find who I CASEd this card from.  I am going to say I received it from a card swap.  So if this is your card, please let me know so I can give you credit.  The only thing I changed (as it was so gorgeous) was the sentiment.
Okay, it is way past my nap time (which I have not had many of in the last month) so I am out of here.  Have a wonderful week and see you soon.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." -- Matthew 7:7

Monday, January 10, 2011


Yesterday I had an awesome surprise in my e-mail.  I received my VERY FIRST AWARD presented to me by the talented Regina Andari. To accept this award, I have to tell you eight things about myself that you might not know, and then I get to present (pay it forward) the award to eight other blogs that I enjoy. First, I will tell you a few things about myself:

  1. In February, I will have been an independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator for 6 years.
  2. I never had a stamp in my hand until the night I signed up as a demonstrator.  (They call that "love on first sight.)
  3. I started working when I was 13, cleaning houses; as my mom was a single, divorced mom with 8 children she raised on her own.  In those days, if you wanted "extras" (more than food on the table and a roof on your head) you had to WORK for it.
  4. Everybody thinks I dye my hair -- I don't!!
  5. My grandmother was a Native American Indian, making it almost impossible for me to trace her ancestors!
  6. People don't believe this, but I am a very shy person (e.g. when I got married I didn't ask for any time off work because I was too embarrassed to ask).  Being a demonstrator has helped getting over this issue, as most of my sidelines will tell you (especially when you have a leader who pushes you to give presentations).
  7. I started working for the State of Michigan, Department of Civil Service, when I was 18 years old, taking fingerprints of every new hire to the state and checking their police records.  (There are lots of stories I could tell you about this!!)
  8. And finally the most important thing, if you are still reading this long post; I have truly been blessed with awesome people in my life.  No matter if it has been in my professional or personal life, all of my friends are truly intelligent, willing to share their knowledge with me, very patient with me, are filled with charity for others, and last (but not least) accept me just the way I am. 
And now . . . to "pay it forward" and present this award to eight other bloggers.  This was really hard for me because I visit a lot of awesome blogs.  So to narrow it down, I decided to pick those people who have been most instrumental in teaching me and sharing what they love, along with being consistent in updating their blogs (unlike me).  So I apologize right now if you are not on the list, because I was only allowed to post eight.  I choose:  
The Queen of the RubberQueens, Ronda Wade.
Ronda's Partner in Crime, Tamie Ackerson.
My Partner in Crime, Lynn Schulz.
Leader of the Pack, Janet Wakeland.
Fabulous Artwork, Ann Fitton.
Lots of Tips and beautiful work, Sage Kimble.
Awesome vintage and more, Carole'Ann Sluchinski.
Always gets my "mojo" going, CherylAnn Robinson.
Take a few minutes and visit their blogs (if you don't already) and leave a comment.  I promise you will not be disappointed!!

Now, because you have lasted this long reading all of this (and hopefully visited and left comments on the above), I whipped up a card real quick to show you one of the new stamp sets from the Occasions Mini Catalog just released. 
Not one of my best cards, but I had fun playing with the new "Baby Blossoms" stamp set.  I promise I will do more with this set, as I can see it is going to be a fun one to play with.
I also completed 10 new cards this last week, but I can't show you because they are for my presentation the end of the month (that's why I haven't posted in over a week).  I will be doing a couple of 3-D items also that I hope turn out.  So stay tuned as they are totally awesome!!
"Contentment is realizing that God has already given me everything I need."  -- Our Daily Bread