Monday, February 28, 2011


Here it is Week #4 already of the Try Stampin' On Tuesday Challenges.  Boy has that went fast.  As one of the Design Team Members, I was very excited to do this challenge because I have wanted to use the "Nature Walk Stamp Set" every since my good friend Tamie Ackerson posted all of her samples using this stamp set.  I cannot believe I was able to wait this long, but wanted to wait until I had the right design so I could showcase the Watercolor Technique with "Stampin' Ups Watercolor Wonder Crayons.";  (Page 194, of the IBC).  I so love working with their crayons, even tho I find it a challenge, I think they are easier to work with for coloring then the pencils.  Plus, how awesome is it that you can coordinate your colors with all of SU's color collection (card stock, designer paper, ribbon, brads, etc.).  I have yet to find any other company that has this capability.  Yes, I am a total Stampin' Up geek, but I love their quality products and how everything coordinates.

Week 4 Challenge Design:

My take on a Mountain Bluebird from the Rocky Mountains Region.  Supplies Included:  "Nature Walk Stamp Set"; Marina Mist and River Walk Card Stock"; "Watercolor Paper";"Botanical Gazette Designer Series Paper"; "Marina Mist and River Walk Classic Ink"; "Navy and Tea Stain Ink"; "Marina Mist 1/8" Taffeta Ribbon"; "Stampin' Dimensionals"; "Watercolor Wonder Crayons"; "Aqua Painter"; "Distressing Essentials"; and "Cutter Kit Distressing Tool."
Please click on the picture to enlarge, as it is a little busy looking in this small picture (well it might be a little busy looking for some of you even if it is enlarged, but I love it!!).  And you will notice I couldn't go more than a week without doing another vintage.  Design-wise, I feel you have so many more options when doing vintage projects, what do you think?

You know the routine by now, check out CherylAnn's blog (HERE), to get more information on the challenge and to see the rest of the design team's samples.  We had an awesome group for the challenge last week, but let's top that this week. 

Good Luck!
"Consider this:  whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." -- 2 Corinthians 9:6

Friday, February 25, 2011


I just got done looking at all the comments from my last post again to see who correctly guessed the product that I failed to list when creating my Try Stampin' On Tuesday challenge card.  First, thank you all for taking time to comment.  As most of you know (who have a blog), it is always a great joy to hear from those that stop by and look at your art.  It not only validates your existence in the blog world, but really makes you feel good.  Some would say they don't need validation or someone else to make them feel good, which would be nice if we did feel that way.  But I have to be honest and admit it does make a difference.  I especially like comments because I always go check out the person's blog to see where they live, what type of art they create, and just get a "feel" for that person.  Basically, that is why I blog -- because I love to socialize (ask any RubberQueen!) and because I "really do" love showing others what they can do with Stampin' Up products (which I also "love").   I also loved reading all the guesses for the missing product -- some made me chuckle, some made me think "where did that come from --LOL," and some were very close or right.  So the first person that provided the correct product name was Linda Tarolli, she said:
Linda Tarolli said...

Another great card, Sandi. I think you forgot to mention the shimmer -- either shimmer paint/alcohol or the Smooch Spritz vanilla.

February 23, 2011 4:37 AM
Yes Linda, it was the Shimmer Paint/Alcohol mixture (Frost White) on the main image.  I know I said this was just a "challenge," as I don't do blog candy, but I am going to mail you the card and a small surprise just because it's Friday.  However, I feel like we were all winners because it was a lot of fun and you all sure did try hard to figure it out.

Now, how about me showing you my cards from my last card class?  Okay, I like that idea too!  All of these cards were CASEd (with a few changes/additions).  The ladies truly loved these cards and so did I.

This is a CASE of Patsy Waggoner's card I received in a swap.  It features the "Blossom Party Originals Die" and the "Word Play" stamp set ("Vintage Vogue" stamp on the envelope).
For the inside of the card I decided to use the "Something to Celebrate" Level II Hostess Set from the "Occasions Mini Catalog."  Now it is ready to add a note for a graduation, new home, new job, or anything you want to congratulate someone special in your life.
This was CASEd from another RubberQueen (thank you to Susan Wohlfert), I believe from our Shoebox Swap.  I changed it to a belated birthday card because I never remember to do these.  It features our circle punches with the "On Your Birthday Stamp Set," "Elegant Soiree Designer Series Paper" and "Beautiful Wings Embosslits Die." 
Isn't that owl just the cutest!!  This was CASEd from Ronda Wade's Baggie Book class featuring "Sale-A-Bration" stamp sets.  I used the "So Happy For You and Punch Bunch Stamp Sets," "Elegant Soiree Designer Series Paper" and "Baja Breeze 1/2" Seam Binding Ribbon." 
And finally, I call this my "Happy Card" -- so much fun and happiness in this card, which was another CASE from Ronda's Baggie Book class.  This features the same two stamp sets as above:  "So Happy For You and Punch Bunch."  You will notice that my envelop has designer paper on it -- that wasn't put there because I planned it.  Yep, it is to cover up my boo boo made when I was trying to stamp.  I was lucky enough to have the "Hostess Level I Designer Series Paper Pack - In Color" that went perfect with Peach Parfait circles.
Well that's it for today.  I hope you liked these as much as I did, and thanks for stopping by.

"Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools." -- Ecclesiastes 7:9

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Yes, it is Tuesday and time for another challenge!!  And boy, it was really a challenge for me this week.  But, as you know, I love challenges and do not quit 99.9% of the time.  I was bound and determined that I was not going to do another vintage.  I wanted to get out of my box.  And you know that "anything" can happen when I decide to "get out of the box."  Even with CherylAnn's design, I just couldn't figure out what I was going to do. I kept seeing visions dancing through my mind of the new "Newsprint Edition Speciality Designer Series Paper," "Nature Walk Stamp Set," "Baja Breeze Seam Binding," "Springtime Vintage Designer Fabric," etc.  Wow, was that hard -- it was like having a box of chocolate clusters in front of me and telling myself, "No, Sandi you cannot have ANY of that luscious chocolate and nuts."  Does this mean I have to stop buying my vintage product, just like I don't buy chocolate anymore????  I don't think so -- think again!!  What it means is that I have to learn how to do something different, or do a lot more CASEing.  One would think it would be easy-peasy.  After all, I have the best-of-the-best showing me how to make easy-peasy WOW cards at our monthly meetings (Ronda Wade, Tamie Ackerson, and Melissa Roberts to name only a few).  You will see what I mean when I show you (next post) what we did in our card class last Saturday -- all WOW cards CASEd from them!!

Okay, okay.  Yes, I am stalling as I know you are expecting something "WOW."  But it just isn't happening this time around -- however, it was the best I could do, and I like it.  (And yes, it took me all day to figure out what I was going to do -- oh my gosh, I could write a novel on how that went!)  First you need to see CherylAnn's Challenge #3 design:

Challenge #3: I know, I know.  How much easier can it get? (Simple for you to say.)

And here it is (click on picture to enlarge).  I call this "Espresso Majic," because I used the Black Majic Technique on "Early Expresso Card Stock."  Products used:  "Peach Parfait," "Daffodil Delight," and "Early Expresso Card Stock"; "Greenhouse Gala Designer Series Paper"; "Blessed Mother Stamp Set"; "Early Expresso and Peach Parfait Classic Ink"; "Whisper White Craft Ink"; "Stampin' Pastels"; "Petals A Plenty Textured Embossing Folder"; "Rosettes"; "Peach Parfait 1/2" Stiched-Poly Ribbon"; and the "Corner Rounder and Dotted Scallop Ribbon Boarder Punches." 
Whew, that was a lot of product.  However you might have noticed, I left one tiny product off the list.  And because I love challenges and want to see how many of you made it to the bottom of this post (LOL), let's see who can be the first person to post a comment with the "correct" product left off my list above. 

Okay, it's time for you to play with us, so get out your stamps and start inking away.  Check out CherylAnn's blog to see the rest of the samples from the design team and to post your sample before next Monday, at 9 P.M.  I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

"Bear one another's burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ." -- Galatians 6:2

Friday, February 18, 2011


Today is my "cleaning" day (ugh!), but I am taking a break and thought I would share my swap card I did for this month's RubberQueen meeting.  I am so mad because I forgot to take my camera to take pictures and really don't have time to do it now, as I need to get my cleaning done.  This is a typical day-before class chore.  If it wasn't for my classes, my house would never get a thorough cleaning.  Sometimes I think that is the only reason I keep on having them -- but that really isn't true as I would miss seeing my friends and the fun we have.  I must say, I do have a really fun group, and I always think of it as a girls' get together.  The first half-hour we don't get much done as it is catch up time on what is going on in their life, then we get busy and try to stay focused (which is really hard for all of us).

Anyway here is my swap card -- truly nothing fancy.  My goal was to create a card that didn't require "accessories," but at the last moment; I had to add a little shimmer with my new Baja Breeze Glass Glitter.  It really doesn't show up much in this picture, but it is there.

Wow, what happened to my colors???  The card base is Very Vanilla card stock with a layer of Baja Breeze, then a layer of Rose Red card stock that was embossed with the "Vintage Wallpaper" folder that I inked with Crumb Cake on the debossed side.  I stamped my image on Very Vanilla card stock and cut with the new "Clearlits Scallop Rectangle" die.  For the life of me, I cannot remember what mini I bought that from, but I love it because you can see through the glass to position your image.
Okay, I need to get going so I can get the studio cleaned and set up for card class tomorrow.  I have some awesome cards for them, ALL OF THEM CASEd from the RubberQueens!!  Stop back so you can see what you miss by not attending meetings and events.  Have a wonderful weekend!!
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?  The Lord is my life's refuge; of whom should I be afraid?" -- Psalm 27:1

Monday, February 14, 2011


Welcome back for Week #2 of the "Try Stampin' On Tuesday" challenges.  We had some awesome cards submitted last week for Challenge #1 and hope you will join us this week.  Check out CherylAnn's blog here (or click on the button in my right margin) to see the other projects from the design group and to enter your project for a chance to win.

The sketch challenge this week is (click on the pictures to enlarge):

Week #2 Sketch Challenge

I used the sketch challenge to create my grand-daughter's birthday card (she just turned 16, but loves vintage).  Product Used:  "Easter Blossom," "Baby Blossoms," and "Elements of Style" stamp sets; "Springtime Vintage Designer Series Paper and Fabric"; "Scallop Circle and 31/2" Circle Big Shot Dies"; "Scallop Trim Border Punch"; "Square Lattice Textured Impressions Embossing Folder"; "Frost White Shimmer Paint"; and "Soft Suede, Baja Breeze, and Very Vanilla Card Stock."

Inside of the card.

I never realized until I was doing this post that I used the same designer paper and embossing folder as I did for last week's challenge.  Do you think maybe that's because I love both!!  Yes, but honestly, I did not even realize I was using the same product.  My grand-daughter, Holly, loved it.  She is an "old soul" and has been her entire 16 years.  She loves, loves to come over and look at my ancestor's pictures, books, and everything I have (which is lots) from my ancestors.  Every once in a while, I will give her something that means a lot to me and it just melts my heart because she gets all teary and sentimental with happiness.  Sunday when we took her out for her birthday dinner, all her jewelry was family vintage, and she also asked me to make her and her friends more vintage fabric flower hair clips (they all want one now because she has started a trend at school).  Here is a picture of her:

She thinks she studies better with her fake glasses on!
I have been so very blessed to have such kind and caring children and grandchildren.  They may not live their everyday life the way I would, but they have to find their own paths.  All I can do is be there, show by example, and pray.  So far, all my prayers have been heard, but not necessarily answered in the way or time I would have thought they should.  God does work in mysterious ways!

Thank you so much for stopping by, please take a minute to leave a comment.  I love hearing from all of you.

"But the plan of the Lord stands forever, the design of his heart, through all generations."  -- Psalm 33:11

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hello Everybody!

Boy did I ever get Spring fever today!!  I mean, can you believe that sunshine and clear sky all day long.  And here I was stuck in the house all day cleaning!!  Well somebody has to do it.  I don't have a Tamie, and my husband doesn't do laundry (thank goodness!) or cook dinner (another thank goodness), so that leaves only one person in the house that has "hands."  I haven't yet taught my ex-boys how to clean yet, all they do is drag their toys around the house all day and eat my shoes!  Notice I said "ex-boys."  I guess you would call them "its" now -- they both had major surgury 2 weeks ago next Monday so they are "its" now.  I've already noticed that their voices have changed, but that is about it (well, there is that "other thing" that is not there any longer, or is that "things" -- I really don't know???).  I feel sorry for them because it wasn't like we asked them their opinion, and it just doesn't seem natural not to have the ability to have fun any longer.  I guess maybe that is why they at up another pair of my shoes this week -- payback???

Okay, I just looked at the clock and Bones is going to be on in a few minutes so I am going to make this short and just show you the last of my cards from Ronda's event featuring product from the Occasions Mini Catalog.  And here they are:

Yes, it has been a couple of years since I used my "Kindness" Jumbo Wheel and the matching "Simply Said" stamp set.  Isn't it gorgeous with the "Build A Blossom" stamp set and coordinating "Blossom Petals Punch."  I used the "Scallop Trim Corner Punch" for the trim. 
Very simple card using one of the petals from the "Build A Blossom" stamp set and the punch for the candle flame and "Presto Patterns Specialty Designer Series Paper" for the candle.

Everybody loved my little fishies made with two of the stamps from "Build A Blossom" stamp set.  I got the idea for doing the fishes from Jackie Topia, but added shimmer paint to mine directly to the stamp after inking.  I can't believe it turned out of my very first try.
And here is my last one, using the stamp set and "Fun Flowers bigz L Die" for my flower and "Priceless" stamp set.

Okay, I have to run so I can make my salad and get settled in for "Bones."  Looking forward to my scrapbooking night tomorrow, it has been a long time.

Until next time,
"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." -- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Monday, February 7, 2011


Good Morning America (been a long time since I have been able to say that!!)

Guess what?  I have been asked to serve on the "Try Stampin' On Tuesday" Design Team (click here for website)!!  I am very excited and feel very honored to be asked.  The team coordinator is CherylAnn Robinson, a fellow Stampin' Up Demonstrator.  The other two Stampin' Up Demonstrators and design team members are Kristen Conant (Rubber Hugs by Kristen) and Tracey Old (A Stampers Touch).  Please check out their fabulous blogs, I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Our sketch challenge for this week (using a Valentine theme):
Here is the sketch!!

And here is what I came up with using the above sketch.
I had no intention of putting the card in a frame when I started, but because of all the vintage going on, I decided to put it in this frame that is over 100 years old. (There is a story that goes with this as to how I happen to have this frame, but cannot share with you on my blog, nor do I want anybody else to share it with you -- meaning you, Kathleen, or all of goodies on my list for you will be removed.)  When I get tired of it in the frame, I can take it out and send it on as a card.  I used two different techniques in this card:  Iris Folding and Cracked Glass and here are the supplies I used:
  • Stamps:  "Grateful Greetings"
  • Card Stock:  Always Artichoke, Pear Pizzazz, Rose Red, and Very Vanilla
  • Ink:  Rose Red, Crumb Cake, and VersaMark
  • Accessories"Springtime Vintage Designer Series Paper," "Square Lattice Textured Impressions Embossing Folder," "Frost White Shimmer Paint," "Victoria 5/8" Crochet Trim," "Rose Red Ink Refill," "Heart-to-Heart Extra-Large Punch," "Vanilla Hodgepodge Hardware," "Antique Brads," "Vanilla Rosettes," "Rose Red Marker," and "Glassy Glaze Enamel." 
I hope you liked my design for the challenge.  For a chance to win a prize make sure you join in on the fun challenges each week (they begin each Tuesday and run for the week --check out CherylAnn's blog for more information).  Make sure you stop by the other Design Team's blogs and then create your card to submit!!  Can't wait to see what everybody comes up with.

"Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days." -- Psalm 90:14

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Wow, the sun is shining today!!  Do you think maybe it is a sign that we will go for a whole day without snow?  Wouldn't that be lovely.  I have to get busy today and do some "organizational" work in my studio, so I decided to procrastinate (as usual) by updating my blog.  I only had about 2 hours sleep last night (that always happens to me when I don't get a nap during the day), so I have to keep moving to stay awake.  Right this moment the only thing that is keeping me awake, as I usually fall asleep when I am on the computer, is the fact that my feet are freezing.  I don't think I have been warm for at least 6 weeks.  So very unlike me.

Okay, I hear you, so I'm going to get right down to business.  Here are some more pictures of my projects I created for Ronda Wade's SAB and Occasions Mini Event last Saturday (remember you can click on the pictures to enlarge for a better view):

I have had this wood frame for quite a while to make a clock, so what better time then to showcase the gorgeous Stampin' Up "Build A Blossom" and "Sense of Time" stamp sets.  Along with the stamp set I used the new "Blossom Petals Extra Large Punch;" "Botanical Gazette" and "Love Letters" Designer Series Papers; "Victoria 5/8" Crochet Trim" ribbon; and a "Trinket Key."
Very fast and simple card featuring besides the stamp set and punch, the new "Vintage Flower" as an adornment.

Punched the stamped flowers and applied them to Stampin' Ups "White Vellum" card stock that was embossed with the "Vintage Wallpaper" textured impressions embossing folder.

I used the faux silk technique on this card (featured in January's "Stampin' Success" magazine available to demonstrators only).
I hope you enjoyed my projects as much as I did creating them.  I still have lots more to show you, so stop back again.  I also want to add a big thank you to all those that stopped by earlier this week and then took the time to leave me such encouraging comments.  It really means a lot to me.

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain you." -- Psalm 55:22