Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Have I told you lately that my life is crazy!!!  I'm beginning to think I am turning into a "social butterfly."  My personal friends/family know that I hate to spend my day in a car, hate any kind of shopping, and hate to be tied to a schedule.  Well, I still feel the same way but obviously I've had to put my "big girl" panties on and just do it whether I like it or not.  I just booked up the rest of this week by saying "yes" again (of course I couldn't say "no" to my 15 yr. old grandson to stay with me the rest of the week).  At least he eats like a bottomless pit, so it will be fun cooking for him.

Today I am going to show you what I thought was the very best display at Convention.  You know I talked with the demonstrator who created this stunning dollhouse for quite a while, and forgot her name!!!  If it was you, or you know who created this, please let me know as she deserves tons of credit!!!  (Update:  Wahoo!!  Suzanne Johnson created this awesome dollhouse.  She is in the process of creating a blog, so I cannot post a link.  Thank you so much Suzanne for leaving a comment to let me know!!) There is so much into this dollhouse.  Every time I look at it I see something new to make this a truly real-life house.

Make sure to right-click on the picture to select "open in new window (or tab) to see the enlarged picture.  So many tiny pieces were made for this dollhouse.

The Stampin' Up Craft Room -- amazing!!

The bedroom -- loving the fabric!!

The living room, complete with stamped picture on wall!!

Better look at beautiful fireplace.

The "60s Kitchen."

Better shot of cups on wall, etc.

The sewing room -- look at all the boxes of fabric/patterns in the bookshelf!!

Outside left of house (vinyl siding???)

Outside left of house complete with fireplace bricks -- no detail is forgotten!!
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did and took the time to enlarge the pictures.  This lady is truly detailed-orientated!!  Let me know what you think!!

Until next time,

"And the Lord shall . . . satisfy thy soul in drought. . . .  -- Isaiah 58:11

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hello again!!  I know -- you just fell out of your chair because I am posting two days in a row.  Thought I better because I will be flying all day tomorrow and sleeping all day the next day!!  Convention was awesome today.  Great classes:  "I Am Having Fun," with Shannon West as the presenter, was all that and more.  We learned how to partner with our hostesses to maximize workshop possibilities and include the #1 ingredient -- fun!!!  We had so much fun learning these skills (we even got to dance!!).  Another great class was Carrie Cudney's "I Am Open For Business."  She gave us tons of tips on how to attract customers, and how to find new customers in innovative ways.  Then we had our final General Session, which was broadcast live on YouTube!!!  Here is the link.  If you are a demonstrator and haven't went to Convention yet -- mark your calendar for next year, July 18-20, 2013, so you can start saving and attend this awesome event.  You will not regret it, I promise!!!  And if the video doesn't entice you to go, look below at "SOME" of the goodies I received from Stampin' Up!!  And there is much, much more that I will show you after I get home.

Lynn Schulz and I had a wonderful time tonight at the Pioneer Day Concert, put on by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Orchestra at Temple Square.  We were surprised to find out the concert was featuring classical music artist Katherine Jenkins, a world reknown mezzo-soprano and the final runner-up on Dancing With the Stars last season.  Her voice is absolutely incredible, and the concert was really a highlight of my trip.  But enough of that, here are some of my goodies:

I know, it doesn't look like much in this picture - but remember there is lots more.

Close-up of my Convention bag (new SU Pen and Glue Stick inside); Dahlias Adornments, In-Color Ribbon, Jewels, and "Daydream Medallions" and "Affection Collection" Stamp Sets.

"Moving Forward" Stamp Set (Ronald McDonald 2012-13), Convention exclusive "I Am . . . " Stamp Set, and "You're Amazing" Stamp Set; a beautiful gift from Ronda Wade (leather box packed with hundreds of pastel colored Post-It Notes inside and calendar); and my Convention name badge.

Convention Notebook (with some neat die-cut tags inside), two Stampin' Dazzle Markers (Gold and Silver); and the "Mixed Medley" Stamp Set.  Oops, what is that I see in the background???  Well that must be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for tomorrow when I am flying home -- LOL!!
Okay, it is 2 a.m. Michigan time, and this girl has had another busy day -- so time to hit the sheets (well after I clean off my bed).  Can't wait to get home tomorrow night so I can sleep!!!

Until next time,

"I will carry you!"  -- Isaiah 46:4
Our work is to cast care, God's work is to take care!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Wow just about sums it all up folks!!!  Sorry it has taken me so long to post from Convention, but trust me, I have been on the go since the plane touched down Tuesday.  Nobody can say I haven't gotten my money's worth that is for sure.  I have had some awesome classes, great company with all my Stampin' Up friends, awesome displays, and even squeezed in some shopping at the new Salt Lake City Creek Mall.  It is very late right now (12:30 a.m. Michigan time) and 6 a.m. will come sooner than I'm ready, so I am just posting a few pictures.  Something "exciting" is going to happen tomorrow at Convention, so maybe I will post again.  It will be hard finding time to post again before we leave, because after Convention is over tomorrow, Lynn got tickets for us to go listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  So really excited about that for sure!!

Picture of the stage and our Stampin' Up theme for Convention:  "I am."

Bonnie Thurber's presentation using the above product -- the box and card are beautiful in person!!

Another card done by Bonnie Thurber in her presentation (a little blurry, sorry)

On Display -- sorry I didn't get name.

Guess where we went for dinner tonight????  Yum, yum!  I was so mad because I was way too full to get any cheesecake for dessert!

City Creek Mall -- just opened and so beautiful, but lots of serious walking (this was my 3rd trip).

Another picture of City Creek Mall.  That is a brook that runs down the middle of the walkway -- with real fish in it!!
Okay, I'm falling asleep on my keyboard -- time to get in shower and bed!!

Until next time,
"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak."  -- James 1:19
"Listening may be the most loving thing you do today." 

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Two days and counting!!!  That's what Stampin' Up Demonstrator's love to do:  count the days until Convention.  I missed going last year, so will be making up for it this year.  I'm right on schedule with all my "must do" list of things, so that is kind of scary because that means I must have forgotten something.  I will go over my list one more time, then complete my list of things to do before leaving for the airport (yep, I have lots of lists going right now).

Anyway, thought I would post a card before I left because the only pictures you will see for the next week will be from Convention.  I needed a couple of "new" thank you cards, so this is what I came up with:

Stampin' Up product used:  Lacy & Lovely Stamp Set, Whisper White Card Stock, Rasberry Ripple and Primrose Petals Classic Ink, Dahlia Adornment, Fancy Fan Embossing Folder, Labels Collection Framelits, and Large Delicate Doilies Sizzlits' Die.

This is a picture of my Prickly Pears -- the only plant that I can grow!!! 

Actually these grow without any work from me -- I don't even have to water them!! 

I love going to Patty Bennett's blog because she has the most beautiful flowers.  And then there are mine -- oh well!!
Come back next week for Convention pictures!!

Until Then,

"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst."  -- John 4:14
Only Jesus, the Living Water, can satisfy the thirsty soul.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


I think all stampers can relate to me when I say, "I work best under pressure."  Why is it that I always procrastinate until the last moment?  Maybe it is because I know I have no other option but to stay focused and get my work done.  This does not apply just to my stamping -- but everything I've done since I have been retired.  When I worked and was raising my children, I had to stay on top of everything or check myself into a mental hospital.  Now, I think I can wait because nobody is pressuring me.  Well I now have every day packed with things to do on my check list before I can step foot on the plane to Stampin' Up Convention!!  This just doesn't work well for a Type A person!!

So I am so very happy to say I have my swap cards done.  After I get done with this post, I will run over to my daughter's to water her garden, clean the kitty litter, play with the cats, and sweep up their messes.  I have been house sitting all week and this is my last day.  Wahoo!!  Two things off my check-list.  Still have lots more to do today, but those are 2 biggies!!  Okay, now for my swaps:

As you can see, they are all the same -- but different.  (Hmm, that sentence must have a grammatical error in it somewhere.)  My goal was to create swaps that were easy to duplicate in a Stampin' Up Workshop or card class.  So these cards were way out of the box for me, and the best I could do as WOW cards are very difficult for me.  Product used:  Stippled Blossoms, Flowering Flourishes, Blooming With Kindness, and Forever With You Stamp Sets; Fan Fair and Comfort Cafe Designer Series Paper; Very Vanilla and Soft Suede Card Stock; Midnight Muse, Rasberry Ripple, Summer Starfruit, and Soft Suede Classic Ink; Rasberry Ripple, Midnight Muse, and Summer Starfruit 3/8th-Inch Satin Stitched Ribbon; Bigz Clear Oval Accent Big Shot Die; Basic Pearls; and Dimensionals. 

Until next time,

"I am God, and there is none like Me."  -- Isaiah 46:9
"To fully understand God is impossible; to worship Him is imperative." -- Author Unknown