Sunday, December 30, 2012


Well the New Year is just around the corner, and I really don't feel any different.  I still feel just as young as I did yesterday -- LOL!!  I have been so lazy this week, just like I am every year the week after Christmas.  Tomorrow it is all going to stop, and I'm going to have to get back on schedule.  The first thing I need to tackle is organizing my studio for all the new Stampin' Up product I just received a week ago.  And before I can do that, I have to pack away all the holiday product and the projects I created.  I am one of those kind of people who likes to get rid of all the Christmas decorations right after Christmas -- my house is really starting to look cluttered right now.  I have a feeling this project will take me all week to complete (in between my regular duties), as I have to label all the product before I find room for it somewhere.  More than likely I will end up having a big box to pass on to my daughter and BFF.

Tomorrow is also my husband's birthday -- yes, a New Year's Eve birthday boy!!  I always feel sorry for him because he has to share his birthday with millions of other partyers (like the whole world!!).  So today I spent some time making his birthday card.  I actually ended up making 3 cards, but I decided to give him this one:

I am ashamed to say that I used 23 Stampin' Up products to make this card (including inside).  I like to use only one stamp set and maybe a different one for a sentiment, but I just couldn't get the look I wanted without using all this product (which I loved). 
Leave me a comment to see if you can list at least 20 items I used to make this card (include inside of card in next picture).  If somebody guesses at least 20 items with no mistakes, I might have some great blog candy for you!!

Inside of the card.

This was the first card I made, but I didn't think it was as "personal" as the one above -- but I still LOVE, LOVE this card.  It was really fun making it and using the new product.  I love the new metal buttons because they are really thin and much better for mailing.
Okay, this is all I have for today.  I can't show you my other card because I am mailing it to somebody who visits my blog every once in a while -- and with my luck this would be the time!! 


Until next time,
"Let me know, O Lord, my end and what is the number of my days, that I may learn how frail I am."  -- Psalm 39:5

Monday, December 24, 2012


I don't know why, but I have been humming the "Santa Baby" song all day long.  Maybe it is because I finished all my prep work for Christmas and relaxed half of the day today.  Granted, I still have a little cooking to do when I get up this morning (yes, it is after midnight).  But very little (couple of pecan pies, corn casserole, and roasts on Christmas day).  A few years back, my daughters decided it was time for the next generation to take over the holidays so I am blessed with very relaxed holidays.  And it doesn't hurt that they are all awesome cooks (which they learned on their own).

Today (okay, technically yesterday), we took over all our gifts to my daughter's house (with a lot of help from our son-in-law).  This way we won't have to worry about carting it all in on Christmas day.  I am so proud of myself for getting everything done 2 days ahead of time.  I shopped for 16 family members; made Santa fabric bags for 12 (hubbies shared with wifes); and made stocking decorations for all the bags yesterday.  I hate to shop with a passion; but at Christmas time, I love shopping for the kids.  Always have, always will.  This year was extra special because I have my first great-grandchild -- who doesn't love to shop for babies!!!  I did get a little carried away probably, but they are only babies once (except if you have a daughter named Tricia).

Anyway, I want to show you my Santa fabric bags that I made to go totally "green" this year -- that's right, NO wrapping paper!!  And I can use them every year.  Everything is Stampin' Up but the fabric (as you can see, I didn't have enough SU fabric to make these bags):

It looks a little bare in front of my daughter's tree, but that is because she hasn't put any of her gifts under it yet.

I couldn't get all of the bags in one picture.

A little closer (if you want to see my Stocking Tags, right-click on the pictures and select "open in new tab" to enlarge).  The picture hanging on the wall was done by my grand-daughter, Holly, when she was in 9th grade (she is a Senior now).

Last two Santa Bags.  I can't remember what kind of fabric I purchased but it was like a soft blanket.

Close-up of one of the Stocking tags (gift card is behind the stocking).

Another close-up of Stocking tags (ran out of disk space on my camera so couldn't get pictures of the other stockings).  The red stocking with snowflakes was made out of fleece and all the stockings have chipboard backings that I ran through the Big Shot using the stocking die.
Wishing all of my blogging friends a very Merry Christmas!!

Until Next Time,
"For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord."
--  Luke 2:11

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I can't believe I just typed the word "SPRING."  Normally, I hate to rush into a new season when we are still celebrating winter, but I couldn't resist showing you some of the cards we made at Ronda Wade's Baggie Book Event featuring product from the Sale-A-Bration and Spring Mini.  As usual, we had an awesome time and the samples were gorgeous!!  (Ronda never lets us down at her RubberQueen events!)

However, I hope to post one more time before Christmas with pictures of a project I'm trying to get done before Christmas morning -- so don't even think for a moment that I am done with winter!!

Getting back to these cards, we had the option to make 20 card fronts to put in our baggie books (showing 4-5 different samples in each book, using one stamp set); or we could make 20 whole cards with envelopes (you could still put those in baggie books for displaying at work shops, classes, etc.).  I chose to make full cards because I was in dire need of cards for Project H.O.P.E.* (see below for more information).  So I swapped out the sentiments Ronda provided, when I could, to be appropriate for Project H.O.P.E. recipients.  Here are the first 5 cards (more to come after Christmas):

My very favorite!!

*Project H.O.P.E is designed to help people in need and distress to experience God's love through prayers and cards. Would you like to be a prayer warrior or card warrior?  It's very easy, just click on this link to sign up.

Until next time,
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you. . . .
      -- John 14:27

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Wow, it has been a long day today!  So much to do and so little time -- yes, I sound like a broken record.  Trust me, the only reason I am updating my blog right now (as I should be doing "real work") is because I'm watching my Wednesday night show at the same time.  Wednesday is my night to watch TV -- so all work stops.  At least by updating my blog I don't feel like I'm wasting time. 

Yesterday I made my version of a really cute snowman I saw on Scrapbook Expo.  But mine uses all Stampin' Up product.  It was pretty easy, especially because I had tons of practice making boxes for my last class.  Here is what I ended up with:

These will be my Frosty Treats Boxes.  I plan on putting treats in all the boxes.  Trust me, these boxes will hold a lot of treats.  Aren't my ornaments cute!!  Got those at SU Convention this year.  Do you recognize them?  Yep, they are No Peeking Ornaments.  I could not resist these one-of-a-kind cuties.

I didn't have any 12" x 12" Crumb Cake card stock, so I improvised by using the white cardboard that Stampin' Up puts in their Designer Series Paper.  I actually am glad I used this because the boxes are really sturdy (to hold all that candy -- LOL).  Here are the sizes of my boxes (you can use any size you want) and all the Stampin' Up product used to create this cute, cute centerpiece for my table.

Head:  10 1/2" x 10 1/2" scored 3.5" on all 4 sides.  On the top and bottom corners score at 1.5" and 9" down to center fold.  Cut you 4 corner tabs and cut off the small 1.5" rectangle corners (do not cut into center row).  Fold your corners in and adhere with SU Sticky Tape for bottom of your box. 
Box Top:  Score 5.5" x 5.5" white cardboard at 1" on all 4 sides; cut tabs, fold in, and adhere sides.

Stomach (Middle):  Score 12" x 12" white cardboard at 4" on all 4 sides; cut tabs and fold in to adhere sides.
Box Top:  Score 6" x 6" white cardboard at 1" on all 4 sides; cut tabs, fold in, and adhere sides.

Bottom Box:  Score 12" x 12" white cardboard at 3.5" on all 4 sides.  On the top and bottom corners score at 1.5" and 10.5" down to center row.  Cut the 1.5" score lines to remove these pieces and then cut your corner tabs and fold in to adhere sides.
Box Top:  Score 7" x 7" white cardboard at 1" on all 4 sides; cut tabs, fold in and adhere sides.

The Hat:  You will make a "doughnut" using Basic Black card stock, cut 3 1/4" diameter circle (do not throw away, this will be the top of your hat) and without removing your circle cutter, cut a 5 1/2" circle around the 3 1/4" circle.  You will now have a "doughnut" for the brim of your hat.  Cut a 12" x 4" strip of Basic Black card stock and score on both long sides 1/2" in.  Mist all of your pieces of Black card stock and scrunch it up.  After it is dry (I used my heat tool to dry faster), crease your 12" x 4" at the 1/2" score lines (one facing in and the other facing out).  Cut a "V" notch all along both of scored lines about every half-inch.  Roll the strip around the 3 1/4" circle, gluing the notches to the 3 1/4" circle for the top of your hat -- make sure you do this first before you attach the bottom notches to the brim (notches will be glued under the brim).  Here is a picture of my pieces before I put the notches in the sides of the long strip (sorry, I got interrupted and forgot to take picture before I glued it together):

You can barely see the score lines down the 2 sides of the long 12" x 4" inch piece.  This is where you will make your "V" notches so you can roll the strip for the top hat.

Stampin' Up Product Used:

Card stock:  Basic Black, Cherry Cobbler, and Pumpkin Pie
Ink:  Crumb Cake, Sahara Sand, Early Espresso, Cherry Cobbler
Big Shot:  Typeset Alphabet Bigz Die (used #6 centers for eyes) and Go Go Boots Sixxox Die (retired).
Punches:  3/4" Circle (buttons), Bird Builder (leaf for the mouth), and Petite Pennants Builder (trimmed for the carrot nose).
Miscellaneous:  Dazzling Details, Mica Flakes (retired), Deck the Halls Designer Fabric (on Clearance Sale), SU Stitched Felt Winter Wishes (retired), and Sponges.

I'm sure I probably forgot something that I used, but you get the idea.  Sorry about the poor instructions, but this gives you the basics, and you can always call me so we can set up a one-on-one class.  This is so much more adorable in person than this picture.  Okay, my shows are over and it is time to do some cleaning.

Until next time,

"Judge not, that you be not judged."  -- Matthew 7:1
Be slow to judge others, but quick to judge yourself.