Saturday, May 30, 2009

What a Big Shot!!

Oooh, am I in big trouble. I know I promised "some" new cards -- but you will just have to settle for "one" today. Hey, at least it is one of my own creations this time -- no mojoe juice/inspiration from anybody. Do you know how hard that is -- TO START FROM SCRATCH!! Unheard of, spectacular, out of the box for me. Okay, my arm is in a sling from all that patting on my back. The sad part is, I can't use it for my granddaughter's birthday card -- too old of a card for her (she's only 18 for gosh sakes). Besides, she was watching me make it the whole time, as she came over with her mother to make a graduation card for an open house she was attending today.
Back to basics: I was just fooling around with some of my new Big Shot stuff, and this is what I came up with. Mellow Moss base (5 1/2" 5 1/2" square card) with Apricot Appeal layer (texturz plate used and direct to paper inked with Apricot Appeal). Butterfly die smudged in VersaMark and Heat & Stick Powder applied/heated to adhere Light Pink Chunky Sprinkles Stampin' Glitter (picture does not do it justice, believe me); with Mellow Moss 1/4" grosgrain ribbon and awesome jumbo brad (so love these) attached. Daisy Flowers done in Cameo Coral and Lavender Lace (another jumbo brad) and the Little Leaves sizzlit die done in Mellow Moss. "From the Heart" sentiment stamped on Mellow Moss cardstock, cut with Lots of Tags sizzlit (4-pack die). Is this a Big Shot or what!!

Have a great day!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The new dock is done!

Got home from shopping and had a great surprise that I wanted to share -- the new dock was done for the pond!! It's not big, but it will serve its purpose. (Click on the picture for a larger view.) Now I HAVE TO get that shed painted so the kids will have their dressing room. Yah, we need to plant new grass, but it will be looking even better next year at our next open house (grandson this time!).

I promise I will take some time tomorrow for MYSELF and use some of my new SU stuff that I got a couple of weeks ago so I can post some new pics of what this blog was meant for: STAMPING (haven't even had time to take it out of the box -- so you know I've been busy). Actually Tricia will be coming over to finish her poster boards in the studio, so I will use that time to get my birthday, graduation, and thank you cards done for my customers. Hoorah!! (did I spell that right????)

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tassel Time . . .

I know, I know -- over a week and nothing new on my blog! I did get to stamp once however. Sorry, but I had to use a retired stamp set: Tassel Time. It was the only one I had that gave me everything I wanted to make my grand-daughter's graduation card box. Also, it has always been one of my favorites. I even had to use retired classic ink (remember back in 2003? when SU changed a few of the standard 48 colors). Emily's school colors are Burgundy and white, so used the Bravo Burgundy (I think anyway -- kept testing all my different shades to find the right match). Even my Burgundy ribbon is retired!! Burgundy is not one of my favorite colors -- but it is done. You can't see it really well (maybe if you click on the picture to enlarge) but I did add some Pretties (hat pin with beads/pearls and half pearl in daisy flower). Emily thought it looked really nice -- but it isn't something I would write home to brag about, if you know what I mean.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Day After . . .

Oh my -- I almost didn't survive the weekend. My ladies had me in stitches from my card and scrapbooking classes. First, let me explain. I open my doors at 9 a.m. and they can stay until they drop (or in this case until I drop!). Saturday started out great with 3 of my card class ladies (2 brand new, never-before stamping ladies) all showing up within 2 minutes apart right at 9 a.m. So that was great because I could spend individual time with them to teach the ins and outs of stamping (well, to the best of my ability anyway). My scrapbookers started rolling in just about the time that I got all my card makers really rolling on their cards (again, perfect timing) so I could give them instructions on their pages they were doing (again, I had 2 brand new people in this group who had never scrapped before). All was going well (if I must say so myself) and everybody loved their projects -- and then Tricia showed up!! Well, the party really got going then. My last lady to leave (who is in these pictures) was suppose to be home by 5 p.m.; but didn't leave until close to 10 p.m. I kicked Tricia out at 11 p.m. One of my first-time scrappers -- who is 75 wonderful years old -- ended up staying until 8 or 9 p.m. (by then I had laughed so much I lost track of the time). We all had an awesome time. I didn't think about getting pictures until just before my last customer left -- and the reason why is obvious by this first picture -- which I had to take because we were laughing so hard.

The story behind this picture WHICH IS TOTALLY FAKE -- TRICIA IS NOT DRINKING: Tricia was digging in the back of the cabinet under the bar and came out with this bottle of gin screaming "Oh my gosh, Mom, I know you are a pack rat, but I can't believe you still have this bottle of gin." By that she meant -- IT IS 26 YEARS OLD MOM!! Yes, I have to admit -- it has been there since our open-house party when the house was built. I am so pathetic. But I thought it was still good. As most of you know, I don't drink and have no knowledge about liquor (yes, I used to know first hand in my middle twenties, but gave it up after my first and last White Russian in my 30's). I always thought liquor was better after it was aged -- so that's my story as to why I still have it and I'm sticking to it!!! So anyway, this is Tricia pretending she is drinking it (actually she always looks this way). She probably felt she needed it after I spilled a half cup of coffee all over her pictures she had laid out for her poster board she is making for her daughter's graduation open house (yes, I just about died when it happened).

The other pictures are with Amy -- the lady who was suppose to be home by 5 p.m., but kept calling her husband every hour and said it would be just a "little" longer. And then there is Holly, Tricia's youngest daughter, who came over later to have dinner with the group (those that stay to scrap bring food and drink -- and I provided baked spaghetti this time). Holly thought we were all crazy for sure!! I told one of my customer's that came over today (she wasn't in town yesterday but wanted to scrap) that she missed one of the best classes we have ever had. It's just like I always tell my ladies: You don't have to go to a bar or drink to have a great time -- we make our own great times just by being together.

Long story short: they all left asking me when my next day was going to be for classes! And that, my folks, is why I do this -- I love seeing their smiles and their enjoyment when they create a beautiful card or page for their album. That's what it is all about! Thank you for taking a look at my crazy pictures and I'll be back in a couple of days -- as I plan on being outdoors working my you-know-what off getting ready for the big open house party! Hugs to all, Sandi

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 16th Card Class

Well here they are folks! Finished my last card this morning for tomorrow's class. I have to thank Kari Mason for the punched flower pot idea. I used the Stem Silhouettes stamp set with So Saffron and Certainly Celery cardstock (Bella Rose DSP). I also used the Stem Silhouettes stamp set for my Thank you card on Kraft cardstock, with Certainly Celery ribbon and cardstock and again Bella Rose DSP. My inspiration for the Baha Breeze thank you card, using Walk in the Park DSP, came from the Occasions Mini Catalog scrapbook layout on page 6 (just changed a little -- using the Great Friend and Oval All stamp sets. I have to give credit to my sideline who demonstrated this brayer technique at out last RubberQueen demonstrator meeting for my final card done this morning (I am ashamed to say I forgot her name -- maybe somebody will leave a comment to let me know so I can give her credit). I used Basic Gray cardstock with Urban Oasis DSP and the Manhattan Flower textured Impressions Die on Glossy White cardstock and then brayed with three inks (which doesn't show up well in this picture, but is gorgeous in real life).
One of my customers coming to this class had requested all thank you cards so she could send them to her husband's clients. So keeping that in mind, I tried to keep the cards from looking too girly (hey, I said I "tried"). I also made 2 samples of each -- one for thank you's and the other for birthdays giving my other customers the option of switching the sentiments as I had told them we would be doing birthday and thank you cards for this class. I really liked all of these cards this time -- which is rare for me. Hope you like.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May Scrap Class

Well, here it is Wednesday and I am just getting around to starting my samples for Scrap and Card classes on Saturday. This is not like me at all -- I usually have everything done the week before (did somebody say, "Nervous Nelly"?). Now I know why I don't usually have classes in the Spring and Summer -- it's to nice to be indoors! Plus, they started on enlarging our pond yesterday and I love to watch them with all the big equipment.

Here are pictures of the album pages we will be doing on Saturday. My theme was "Spring Showers" bring "May Flowers" (using Go Go Boots Sizzlit alphabet set dies). SU Basic Gray card stock is used for the base, with 4" x 12" piece of the Walk in the Park Designer Series Paper.

A half circle was cut for each page out of Pink Pirouette card stock, and then stamped with one of my favorite sets: Scene in a Garden from the Occasions Mini catalog. Images were colored with SU watercolor crayons (haven't used these in a while). I just had to add a flower in a pot to my May page, using the Dear Friend flower stamp. My pot is punched in Cameo Coral with the Designer Label and attached with a Dimensional.

A little piece of Baha Breeze striped grosgrain ribbon attached with a small white grommet finishes each page. However, knowing me, I will change this whole design before Saturday!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to All

Just a quick update today -- hey, it's Mother's Day and I'm not going to spend it on my PC. I just had to post a picture of my granddaughter Holly's group picture from her dance recital last night (3+ hours long). Holly is 3rd from the left in the back row. They danced to "Krazy - Pitbull" choreographed by Ms. KateBenacquisto-LaPorte, of Bethany's Studio of Dance in Okemos. Let me tell you, the girls were awesome and would have gotten all 10's on Dancing with the Stars. They had their shaking down pat (couldn't believe my "little" granddaughter was doing that stuff on stage -- but I'm not that old that I didn't like it). The other picture is her "posing" -- no, she doesn't look like this normally.

Got my new flower bed and all my other plants/flowers done Friday, thanks to Tricia who did all the heavy work (digging huge holes in clay). I will try to remember to take a picture and post sometime this week.

I still need to paint our shed that we use as a dressing room down by the pond, wash all the windows in the house (ugh!), get my carpet cleaned, . . . . You get the picture, lots of stuff yet before my Spring cleaning is done.

Today is also my grandson Zac's 17th birthday -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACHARY!! I need to throw in a picture of him also -- well, I guess 2 pictures (LOL). The other one is Grandpa Gary with Zac and Nicholas goofing off (Nick is his brother/my grandson and will be 12 in a month).

Okay, I'm off to relax and do nothing the rest of the day (well maybe I might start preparations for my class on Saturday).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I have been so blessed today . . .

Yes, I have had many blessings today. One of them was to get home late tonight from a RubberQueen meeting (awesome make'n takes!!) and get an e-mail from my niece by marriage, Jen, with a new header drawing for my blog. Look up, isn't it gorgeous. I so love it. I was so surprised -- first because Jen is very busy teaching during the day and still getting her new home the way she wants it on the weekends. And second, because I wasn't expecting it (even tho I left a big hint on her blog because it is gorgeous). Oh, and did I tell you she is a scrapbooker also, AND on top of that, she is an awesome photographer who would love to do this on the side (and has for weddings). The only down-side is that she and my nephew moved from Michigan to North Carolina so I hardly ever get to see them anymore. Jen if you see this -- a big hug and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I owe you big time. Maybe you should start a business creating blog headers???

And I may as well post my blessing for tomorrow now:
Happy Anniversay to ME!! Yep, my husband and I are celebrating 26 years of marriage in a couple of hours. I know, I can't believe it either (and I'm sure he can't either). It may not seem like a long time for many, but I can't believe he has lasted this long with me and some of the crazy things I have done. Did I every tell you about the time I poured a 50 lb. bag of bird seed in the water softner, thinking it was a bag of salt?? Well I did, with the help of my daughter to lift the bag (even after I was told by him that we did not have any salt). The only reason we stopped pouring after a while was because I couldn't figure out why there was all this dust in the air (didn't think salt should do that). My daughter and I laughed so hard we had to cover our mouths so he wouldn't hear us upstairs. Bless his heart -- he never said a word (I think he was used to me by then). I hope you enjoyed my story (I only put this on because the Queen of the Rubberqueens said tonight she now likes to read all the stories in the blogs). I have many more stories (some worse) but I will save them, as I know you are waiting to see what card I made for him (why else would you be here reading all this crap). Well here it is:

Very simple, but hopefully it says it all -- you know men, they like simple. This is the first time I have used the new "Sense of Time" stamp set from SU's Occasions Mini Catalog. I love it. And of course I HAD TO have it because it will look beautiful in my heritage album. I stamped the image with Craft Very Vanilla ink on Basic Gray card stock and then used Clear imbossing powder to make it pop and then matted it on Going Gray card stock. Used the Urban Oasis Designer Series Paper (DSP) and Sage Shadow card stock for the card base. Two clear buttons with words stamped on Sage Shadow and punched with 1" circle punch, with a thin strip from a piece of twill ribbon to thread through the button. A little more twill ribbon to wrap around the DSP and a small black Grommet to hold it down for the finishing touches. What do you think? Does it look masculine enough? Well I hope so because I already sealed the envelope. Have a wonderful day -- I know I will!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Envelope Album

I'm so happy because I can finally post pictures of my two birthday gift albums. I made one for each of my sisters for their birthday. I so loved this project. I got my inspiration for this from Lynn Schultz (another of my RubberQueen side-lines). She saw it at the Stampin' Up London Regionals (Canada). I loved her sample immediately when I saw it at our last meeting, so figured out the measurements and created my own versions. My sisters really loved theirs, especially their antique pictures (my childhood pictures aren't antique yet -- LOL). I'm sure I will be getting some flack about that statement!.

These are made using three #10 envelopes inside for the pockets and covering them with SU Designer Series Paper (DSP). Seal your envelopes and cut one at 8 1/2", one at 7 1/2", and the last one at 6 1/2". One 8 1/2" x 11" piece of SU cardstock is use for the base (wrap). Cut 3 pieces of 2 1/2" x 4 1/4" card stock to fold in half (I scalloped both edges) and glue to adhere the largest pocket to base and the bottoms of the other two pockets on top of that to hold them together. Finally, I used a 2 1/2" x 12" piece of DSP for the belly band to hold the album closed. Another tip: if you choose to scallop punch the tops of the pockets, do so before you glue your DSP on as it is a little too thick for the punch if you try to punch both the envelope and DSP together (ask me how I know). Decorate as you please. Isn't that the easiest thing to make.

Here are my two finished envelope albums. On the first one, I used Raspberry Tart DSP & the Dream a Little hostess stamp set. I used the Stained Glass technique for the flower image on front. I didn't upload all the envelope pockets or any of the pictures inside the pockets. (I forgot to take pictures before I mailed!!) You can see I have used many SU accessories. Some include: Big Shot Lots of Tags Sizzlits and Embosslits Dies; Very Vanilla Taffeta Ribbon; Kiwi Kiss Striped Grosgrain Ribbon, Vanilla Hodgepodge Hardware (with DSP covered with Crystal Effects and heat embossed in retired Pretty in Pink embossing powder with Pretties pearls & beads threaded through retired SU wire); all the envelope pockets use Many Happy Returns stamp sentiment punched out with word punch & adhered to the tag die; and also eyelets, brads, rub-ons, and our new Fleurettes. It took me longer to figure out/find my accessories than making the album. I love using my accessories!!

For my second envelope album (much easier now that I had my measurements/layouts down pat), I used the Bella Rose DSP and the Echoes of Kindness Hostess set for the stained glass front panel image. I tried to keep the layout the same, using a different version of most of the same accessories. For example, on the last page of the album I used the circle holder Hodgepodge Hardware and added the Pretties pearls, spacer, & beads to the bottom hole as I couldn't cut this off and still keep the oval look. I wish SU still sold their wire as I loved using this with my Pretties pearls (first time for me using the wire that I bought over 2 years ago). I wish the picture was a little better because I like how I was able to loop the end piece around and put it back through the whole in the bead.

You can barely see the wire and Pretties in this picture, so I blew up the picture. Too much light in this (yah, I need to learn how to use my camera -- along with all the other electronic gadgets I own!).

Hope you enjoyed this new project as much as I did, it is now one of my very favorites for a mini album.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What a Beautiful Day . . . .

Yes, these are the kind of days I am so glad I am retired. Although, like everybody that is retired, I have to say I work harder and have less time then when I was working outside 40+ hours a week. But hey, it's too beautiful to be thinking of that stuff. So let me tell you, I got a lot accomplished today. Went shopping and spent $200 (and that only took 2 hours) on knick-knacks (dirt, flower pots, bunch of stuff from hardware department, etc.). All stuff needed to spruce up the house a little. Getting ready for my granddaughter's Graduation Open House that she begged to have at our house (she said she has lots of memories from Grandma's -- so how could I refuse after she said that). Came home and did "some" of the yard work -- tons to do yet. Supervised our carpenters -- ha, ha!! That's what I tell them, but actually I am adding more to their list. Told them that I am doing my part in getting the economy going by making sure they will have a job most of the summer. I love doing remodeling, and it makes me happy that I only hire local people that really need the work. So I am getting double for my money.

Enough of that, now on to what you really came to see -- some more creations. I want to post my last 2 projects so bad as I so loved them, but can't because they were gifts and I'm afraid they might peek on my blog and see them. So make sure you check back latter in the week. However, here are two of my cards I made recently for our RubberQueen meeting.

Both of these cards use a new stamping technique. Ronda, Queen of the RubberQueens, came up with the name: "Stamp Sanding." The technique originated from Patti (gosh, I don't know her last name). Yep, it's just like it sounds. You take your stamp, face-up, lay your designer paper on top, and use an Emery Board to lightly rub the paper and get your image. You can't use SU card stock because the color goes all the way through (no white in middle). You want to sand until the stamp image is white (I like to leave a little of the DSP mixed in to give it that rough look).

The first one uses SU's new Petal Pizzazz stamp set. I love this set for when you want a really large image; plus you have lots of small flowers in the same set. I used all of them but 2 on this one card. Do you think it is a bit much?? I also used the Shadow technique behind the sanding and sponged around the DSP layered square.

The second card uses the beautiful "Great Friend" stamp set from SU's Occasions Mini Catalog. You can't see it very well in my picture but I used the Big Shot Texturz Plate (SU Back-grounds I -- Polka Dots) on the base of the card in white. I also used Dazzling Diamonds Embossing Powder on the second butterfly. Both of these cards use the Bella Birds Designer Series Paper (DSP).

I liked this technique because I don't have to cut out images to put on my DSP and this is just more my style. Even tho I love crisp and clean cards; it seems I tend to go back to this style by the time I am done. Hope you had a great day, and let's hope tomorrow is just as beautiful (personally I would love a week like this.)