Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Day After . . .

Oh my -- I almost didn't survive the weekend. My ladies had me in stitches from my card and scrapbooking classes. First, let me explain. I open my doors at 9 a.m. and they can stay until they drop (or in this case until I drop!). Saturday started out great with 3 of my card class ladies (2 brand new, never-before stamping ladies) all showing up within 2 minutes apart right at 9 a.m. So that was great because I could spend individual time with them to teach the ins and outs of stamping (well, to the best of my ability anyway). My scrapbookers started rolling in just about the time that I got all my card makers really rolling on their cards (again, perfect timing) so I could give them instructions on their pages they were doing (again, I had 2 brand new people in this group who had never scrapped before). All was going well (if I must say so myself) and everybody loved their projects -- and then Tricia showed up!! Well, the party really got going then. My last lady to leave (who is in these pictures) was suppose to be home by 5 p.m.; but didn't leave until close to 10 p.m. I kicked Tricia out at 11 p.m. One of my first-time scrappers -- who is 75 wonderful years old -- ended up staying until 8 or 9 p.m. (by then I had laughed so much I lost track of the time). We all had an awesome time. I didn't think about getting pictures until just before my last customer left -- and the reason why is obvious by this first picture -- which I had to take because we were laughing so hard.

The story behind this picture WHICH IS TOTALLY FAKE -- TRICIA IS NOT DRINKING: Tricia was digging in the back of the cabinet under the bar and came out with this bottle of gin screaming "Oh my gosh, Mom, I know you are a pack rat, but I can't believe you still have this bottle of gin." By that she meant -- IT IS 26 YEARS OLD MOM!! Yes, I have to admit -- it has been there since our open-house party when the house was built. I am so pathetic. But I thought it was still good. As most of you know, I don't drink and have no knowledge about liquor (yes, I used to know first hand in my middle twenties, but gave it up after my first and last White Russian in my 30's). I always thought liquor was better after it was aged -- so that's my story as to why I still have it and I'm sticking to it!!! So anyway, this is Tricia pretending she is drinking it (actually she always looks this way). She probably felt she needed it after I spilled a half cup of coffee all over her pictures she had laid out for her poster board she is making for her daughter's graduation open house (yes, I just about died when it happened).

The other pictures are with Amy -- the lady who was suppose to be home by 5 p.m., but kept calling her husband every hour and said it would be just a "little" longer. And then there is Holly, Tricia's youngest daughter, who came over later to have dinner with the group (those that stay to scrap bring food and drink -- and I provided baked spaghetti this time). Holly thought we were all crazy for sure!! I told one of my customer's that came over today (she wasn't in town yesterday but wanted to scrap) that she missed one of the best classes we have ever had. It's just like I always tell my ladies: You don't have to go to a bar or drink to have a great time -- we make our own great times just by being together.

Long story short: they all left asking me when my next day was going to be for classes! And that, my folks, is why I do this -- I love seeing their smiles and their enjoyment when they create a beautiful card or page for their album. That's what it is all about! Thank you for taking a look at my crazy pictures and I'll be back in a couple of days -- as I plan on being outdoors working my you-know-what off getting ready for the big open house party! Hugs to all, Sandi


  1. WOW, your stamping space is amazing!

  2. Sounds like you have a wonderful time in your classes. Can I come??? Wait where do you live??? Maybe if I start now, I can make it in time for the next one! :D

    Anyway, love the cards you did for the class.
