Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I know, I know!!  I've been slacking off.  I seem to go in streaks, either I post every other day or once a week.  But that's what I love about my life.  I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING I DON'T WANT TO ANYMORE.  Yep, that is one of the advantages to being a senior citizen.  People expect you to be flakey, slow, forgetful, and feeble.  Sometimes it is really hard for me to live up to their standards.  Especially when my daughters started taking my arm last Winter to walk me across street.  Geez, I did draw the line there and let them know I wasn't officially a senior citizen yet.  But God Bless them, they think I can't lift 10 lbs. or walk in a straight line (okay, sometimes I can't). And yah, I have had some doozy falls.  But I've been like that since I was a teenager.  Even got some old videos with me taking my falls during family reunions.  Boy, I could sit around a campfire and tell some real good stories about my many falls.

Oops, there I go again (another thing I will blame on being a smart senior -- yah, I left out a word there).  Got away from the subject:  you want to see something extra-ordinare!!  Well, go to some other blog then (seniors get sassy too).  You will just get a fast, simple card here at my blog -- something you can use for a workshop or class.  Today I am showing you one of my cards that we will be doing this Saturday at my Christmas Card Stack.  This is a card I cased from Ronda Wade's Christmas Card Stack class (yes, I let her do all the hard work).  I did change it a tiny bit as  didn't have all her stamps and wanted a bow knot in front, also used silver Encore ink instead of Whisper White.

Christmas Punch Hostess Stamp Set (Level II)
Many Merry Messages Stamp Set
Ink:  Silver Encore, Real Red, Soft Suede
Cardstock:  Kraft, Real Red, Whisper White
Accessories:  3/4" Polka-Dot Real Red Ribbon, Tag Corner Punch, & Dimensionals

Until next time.  Thanks for stopping by and hope you had a wonderful Labor Day Holiday!!


  1. You crack me, Sandi. Now that I have stopped laughing after reading your little forward. I think your card is great, love the snowflakes and the little stamp.

  2. Nice care. Suggestion, I seen on stampin up to try using multi color embossing on the snowflakes to give it that WOW. Seen the vidio and it looks super. They used silver and gold. But that would take it from simple to more detailed maybe too much for your group since you are in the SENIOR side of things now :) Can still tease for two more years, love ya sis.

  3. Great cards again Sandi! Saw your swap card on Ronda's blog---great job!

  4. I can't wait to see Ronda...she is such an inspiration. I'm meetin my convention buddies from Michigan also on Saturday. I think they are from the south-west side of MI.

  5. Too funny! Well, at least they still want to be with you. :) Just because we're getting older, doesn't mean we're old!
    Beautiful pocket card!
