Thursday, January 7, 2010

Beautiful Gifts

Hello All!!

Decided I better give you a quick update on how I am doing on my "TO DO" list.  Yes, I have been working on it -- but you know me, slow motion in everything I do.  I got all of my labels on my stamps I have bought since before the Holiday Mini came out.  I know there was over 30 before I found more in my boxes I have for ungoing projects.  Have no idea what the final total was, but that's probably good because sometimes it's better if you don't know.  I packaged all my Christmas stamps up that I have gotten in the last 5 1/2 years in one SU big box, after I made sure the whole set was there and found the corresponding picture from the catalogs to insert in the stamp box (that way I know what I paid for them in case I ever sell, plus there is usually a sample using the set).  I counted approx. 48 sets.  So that averages 8 sets every Christmas the last 6 years.  Hmmm, I guess some would say I couldn't make up my mind which set to use, but no, I like to think of it as "they were so cute or beautiful that I couldn't resist."

Anywho, I am in the middle of cutting up all my old Stampin' Up Catalogs (including minis) to put pictures in all the rest of my stamp boxes now, so my studio looks like a hurricane came through and hovered about 5 minutes over my space.  That's one good thing about having classes -- the studio and the rest of the house gets cleaned at least once a month.  I think that is why my dear husband got so upset when I told him I was thinking of not having classes this year.

And the really good news is that I got my building supplies to add a nice shelf for all my Big Shot dies, etc., and a new wall for my punches.  I still have to paint it and put some type of decoration on it, but the scary part is over (buying the materials).  I'm telling yah, I have made new friends at Home Depot (HD).  Did you know that they will cut your lumber for you!!!  My husband said they wouldn't, but I asked anyway -- so glad I did.  I will probably make a trip down to IKEA to get my utensil and/or towal racks for the punches because I really didn't like what they had at HD.  Anyway, it's a start and I'm really excited to get it finished.  My goal is to get it finished before my next scrapbooking class this month on the 23rd.  Yes, I also crossed that off my list -- card class and scrapbooking class scheduled for January 23rd!!  Yippee, and I'm going to be using all new stamps and accessories.  If you want to join us, give me a call or e-mail me.

For something a little different, I wanted to show you a couple of hand-made gifts that I received from some very special people. 

This first one, below, is from the one and only JerriKay (as she is known on SCS).  Jerri is one of the sweetest and most thoughtful ladies you will ever meet.  She sent me one of her hand-designed Christmas Prayer Cards and card-holder ornament.  These pictures don't even come close to showing the beauty and glitz, glitter, and tinsel used on these two projects.  If you would like to see her detailed instructions please stop by her blog, "A Touch of Grace," and then take a moment to comment -- Jerri would truly love to see comments.  The link above takes you directly to the directions for the Prayer Card, but she has provided tutorials for her entire Christmas ensemble (which is gorgeous!!).  Thank you so much Jerri!! 

Prayer Card and Ornament Card Holder

Prayer Card Close Up

Prayer Card Opened

And my second gift is from the Godmother of my girls, and my best friend Eva, who lives in Arizonia.  I have shown you some of her artwork before, but had to show this beautiful wall-hanging she made.  Actually, I am not sure if the ribbon goes above or below, so I am showing you a picture of both.  I kind of like it below, but for right now have it displayed in my studio with the ribbon above.  Eva doesn't have a blog, so I can't direct you to any details -- but I'm going to really put the pressure on her to get busy on creating one.  Again, these pictures really don't give justice to the beautiful antique inks she used and the glitter in the ribbon.

One with ribbon up

Ribbon Hanging Down

As an added note, nothing today has anything to do with Stampin' Up; but I love showing other works created by artists -- especially when they are both very close to my heart and truly gifted in their own styles.  And the added bonus is that I love trying to duplicate their designs using my fabulous Stampin' Up products (okay, I'm not that good -- but it does get my creative juices flowing).

Hope you are working on your goals and are inspired by these projects!!


  1. These are both very beaautiful. The wall hanging that Eva made, I like the ribbon down better-adds a touch of class. IMO I read your blog after this one first so it was kinda funny reading about the "rods" you were going to get. LOL

  2. Thank you Sandi, I'm thrilled you like your gift. Wishing you all of His Blessings! Hugs girl!!!!!
