Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hello All!!

What a beautiful day in MICHIGAN!!!  Why am I inside instead of outdoors pulling weeds???  Well probably because I had to get in my studio this morning and stamp some waaaaay overdue cards to get in the mail and hand out tonight.  I spent the day yesterday (in-between the normal wify duties) with my grand-daughter showing her how to make a rag purse.  Of course, being the artist she is, she had to have just the "right" accessories for her purse.  So picking these items out took forever.  Then she was having a hard time cutting material with my sewing scissors (Ronda -- please get the scissor sharpener guy to come to a meeting, I need him).  Anyway, she got almost all her 135 pieces of her material cut using the Big Shot Square Scallop Bigz Die and will be back another day to do her sewing. 

I loved my day with her as it has been a long time since any of my grand kids have been here for the entire day.  We had time to sit and talk for an hour or so about life (she is 15.5 years old, and has many things on her mind about being a teenager).  So after begging me to make my famous grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch (her words, not mine), we enjoyed discussing all the pitfalls of being a teenager.  Then of course her mom invited herself for dinner and we all got to spend some more special time together. 

The satellite repairman arrived before noon to install coax (sp?) wiring between basement TVs and when he came in, I introduced him to my grand-daughter.  The first thing that came out of his mouth was, "Oh, you are building memories."  I swear that is exactly what he said -- and he wasn't more than 25 years old!!  It floored me because those are the exact same words I always use when I am with my kids, grand kids.  It was so refreshing to here this from a young man.  He also went on and on about all of my cards and wanted to know if he and his girlfriend could come to classes (my grand-daughter lost a beat when he said "girlfriend" I think, because I could tell she noticed how handsome he was -- you know that little sparkle in the eyes, etc.).  Anyway in honor of the men and boys in our life, here are a couple of cards I made.

This is a CASE of a beautiful card I received from Sharon Field.  Go HERE to see her card.  I changed it a tiny bit to make it a birthday card for my grandson.  You have to right-click and open in a new tab to see all the great detail in the water.  I loved doing this because I love the sponging technique.

This is also a CASE, but from Stampin' Up!!  Yes, this is a discontinued stamp set that I bought specifically for my husband -- AND NEVER USED!!  So for our anniversary this month I pulled it out, and stamped away.  I loved this very simple card because of the different layout.  He thought I took the whole day to make it (shhh, don't tell him it only took about 10 minutes and most of that time was looking for the supplies).  So even tho the set is discontinued, I will be using this layout again with a current stamp set.

I hope you enjoyed seeing some masculine cards today -- so different for me, as I am a flower person.  Enjoy the beautiful weather and thanks for stopping by.  Sandi


  1. Once again two great cards. The surfer is amazing!!! The colours are so vivid and the water looks real. WOW!!

  2. Beautiful cards Sandi!! Wasn't the surfer card fun to make? Thanks for the link and credit!!
    Hugs, Sharon!

  3. Two really cool cards like them both. The water wave catches your eye right away on the sufer going to have to get that stamp for sure. I have the other stamp and going to have to use your idea of the rope at the top, like the added touch.

  4. Great man cards Sandi :) I wish I had both stamp sets to case them!

    xo Jacki

  5. I love both of these cards. You did a great job on them both. I too love using my stamping sponge.
