Sunday, June 27, 2010


Happy Sunday Everyone!!

Yes, I know it has been raining off and on all day, but this will make all the guys happy because they can go out and mow their lawns tomorrow!  The rain also didn't stop the kids, grandkids, and their friends from coming over to go swimming.  You just learn to make the best of it or the Summer will pass you by.

For me, I have been stuck in my Studio for two weeks trying to coordinate the updating of the new Excel Automated Workshop Forms.  What a job!  I finally uploaded the file to Splitcoast last night, so it is ready for all those July 1 Stampin' Up orders.  I am so spoiled using this automated form, I hate having to get out my adding machine when this spreadsheet figures everything for me.  Plus, all I have to type in is the Item Number and it populates the Workshop/Demonstrator Form with the description, price, etc., just like OEX.  Great tool for my workshops, as I can take my new laptop with me and enter in orders then send a copy to my customer.

I have also been cleaning/organizing my studio to purge the discontinued product, make new files for the new Color Collection, and decide what I am going to sell.  Another huge job!!  I'm not even half-way done, but have to stop tomorrow and start making swap cards and cards for my next class. 

Anyway, here are my cards from last week's card class.  I loved these cards because I got to use some of my stamps, colors, etc. that will be discontinued next week.  So have a looky and see what you think.

This is suppose to be a baby card, but I didn't have any "girlie" baby stamps, so used a new one from the Summer Mini.  You can't see here, but her wings have dazzling diamonds so she really sparkles.

This is my "boy" baby card using the soon to be discontinued Nursery Necessities stamp (boat).  The sentiments for this and the above card came from the Everything Nice set which I just love and it will still be around for at least one more year!!

Everybody just loved this card.  I can't believe this is the first time I have used this stamp set (Things I Love).  This set is also in the new catalog -- Yippee!!

This is a case of one of my cards that I think I made at an upline meeting (Ronda Wade's).  I took it out about a month ago and put it on my card tree and all of my customer's keep telling me how much they like it so decided now was the time to use in my card class.  Especially because this set (Happy Everything) will be gone next week!!

And finally, another set retiring that I had never used, Spring Song.  I really, really liked this set but just got it this last month.  I will be keeping this one for my "personal" use because it is a real keeper (love the hummingbird with flower stamp that comes in the set).

Well, that's it for today.  I guess it is back to work for me.  Have a wonderful week everybody and don't forget to leave a comment to let me know you stopped by.

Happy Stamping Hugs,


  1. Hey, cute cards. Have you decided what your doing for Ronda's Color Crazy Days? How are you doing on your convention swap cards?

  2. Great cards Sandi. Love the fairy she is so cute.

  3. Sandi, all the cards are pretty. I have to say it is hard to pick a favorite but I will... DRUMROLL PLEASE..."Things I LOVE". great job on all. Back home for 2 wks.

  4. Nice variety in your cards. Like the last one with the bird. Like all the play on the circle theme and how you incorporated different comcepts. Then the ribbon going down the side just gave it that added WOW. The blue with the simplness of the bird was just the right color, good job really like this one.
