Thursday, October 14, 2010


Happy Thursday Everyone!!

Yes, I love my Thursday -- always have and always will.  It used to be because it was the "day before" my last work day.  Most would say Friday is their favorite day -- but not me (you just know I have to be "different").  I always start celebrating on Thursday because Friday is just a hop-skip away, and when I was working, it was nice to have 2 Fridays (good days).  Now that I am retired, Thursday is still my very best day because I don't usually get dressed on Thursdays as I am in my studio all day.  So it was just me and my BFF in our flannel PJs stamping away today -- how fun.  Got all my cards done and prep work for card class and feeling mighty spiffy right now.

It was also a very sad week for me.  The loss of 3 of my grandson's very close friends over the weekend was just devastating.  Those kids have all been over here and practically lived at my daughter's house.  Sarena was like an adopted daughter.  And the really scary part was that my grandson was suppose to have been in the car with them that day, but at the last moment decided to take his own car to Ann Arbor so he would have some time with his girlfriend who was in from college in Chicago for the weekend.  I've been praying a lot this week for guidance/understanding as to why this had to happen to these kids who would have made a real difference in this world when they got older.  Let me tell you, when my younger grandson comes over to spend the night this weekend -- he is going to get hugged every 5 minutes and so many kisses he will be hiding from me by Saturday night!!

So let's get on to what you really came here for -- oh yah, MORE VINTAGE!!!  Sorry, I just know you are getting sick of it but it's all I have to show you right now.  These are pictures of some of the vintage cards.  And because my show is about to start on TV, all you are going to get are the pictures -- no narratives!!  I might come back later and add some -- we will see.  Here they are:

Enlarge this one to see the shimmer paint sparkle.  This was my very first mum flower (from picture in our Stampin' Success -- but used different Big Shot Die and punches).

Colored with our new Stampin' Pastels and used distressing ink.

Used the "Navy" distressing ink around edges and Tea Stain on this one.

This was quite by accident picking this card last to download, but how fitting!

I hope you liked at least a few of them.  And don't worry -- I'm almost to the end of my Vintage!!  Until next time, Sandi

"[God] comforts us . . . that we may be able to comfort [others] wth the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." -- 2 Corinthians 1:4


  1. I am so envious...these are all beautiful. My favorites are the old truck and Peace on Earth. Hope to start playing tomorrow. Oops, forgot I will be getting a package tomorrow filled with lots of goodies. YIPPEE!!!TFS

  2. I love all your cards and projects. Vintage is my favorite for this year. I love the mum card. Keep on doing vintage! You are very talented!

  3. Sandi, I love all your cards. Can you share how you made the Mum? It is so beautiful!

  4. I REALLY, REALLY, like the one with the pickup, it reminds me of summers at my grandparents farm.

  5. Hey Sandi - love the Elements of Style card - like I told you today - Vintage is my style and I love anything you just keep on making them and sharing them because I will keep on looking! I just noticed your "number" and I use to work in Jackson..hahaha Not sure extactly where you are, but I miss being up there around my friends...and all my stamping buddies... Thanks again for sharing all your wonderful work! Hugs, Donna

  6. usual, simply beautiful. I love,love your vintage Christmas cards....Just getting a chance to catch up on checking my favorite blogs. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Love them all Sandi of course. But the first one with the chair and bird the best because it is so different and the one with the truck. And of course both of them I do not have the stamps so will just have to be envious of yours.
