Thursday, April 21, 2011


I know you won't believe this, but it has been so long since I have posted that I can't think of anything bright and intelligent to pass on and make it worthwhile for you stopping by my blog.  Normally I'm so intelligent with all this great information and exciting things that happen in my life that I could write a book.  My only excuse is that I have been in "birthday" mode for the last two weeks.  And probably will be until the first week in June.  However, I will promise (in writing) right now, that I will do something fantastic to share by this time next week.  I know I will be stamping a lot because I have many more cards to make and am working on finishing an album tonight. 

I did throw an awesome double birthday party for my two youngest daughters on Monday (it was suppose to be Sunday, but all of the family members took part in the 5K Race for Cure breast cancer fundraiser).  Absolutely too cold for me, plus I was cooking all day.  My girls put in their birthday dinner orders and this is what I made:
  1. A pork roast and 2 beef roasts (they all wanted leftovers to take home).
  2. Homemade egg noodles in gravy (just thinking about this makes me bloat up!!).
  3. Homemade biscuits.
  4. Mashed potatoes (about 5+ pounds).
  5. Fresh steamed broccoli.
  6. Fancy salad with stuff in it that I don't like (green onions and Feta cheese).
  7. Light hors d'oeuvres of fresh pineapple and cantaloupe (which they devoured so they couldn't take any home).
  8. Two homemade (that's from "scratch" folks) cakes (one for each birthday girl) -- this request is on all my kids/grandkids list this year.  You would think they never get homemade food, when I know for a fact both my daughters make everything from scratch and a lot healthier food than I make.
  9. And of course ice cream (no it was not homemade, as grandpa wasn't in the mood to make it -- has to be hot outside he said).
They all stuffed themselves and gave me all kinds of kudos (they know they better by now or it won't happen again).  And after talking about all that food, I have to tell you what my daughter (Trisha of course) brought over for cake decorations.  She hands me this sack and said it was for the top of the cake.  So I open it up and inside is this baggie and I look at it closely, then screamed and threw it in her face.  It was so very disgusting -- you will never in a million years guess what was in the bag.  As a matter of fact, it is so disgusting I am going to let you guess.  Another one of those posts to check to see if you have read this far -- LOL.

Huh, for somebody that didn't have anything to say, I still managed to write a chapter in a book!!  I'm sorry I don't have a card to show you, but I can show you some birthday party pictures and a picture of "one" of my Big Shot flowers I made for table favors (another thing the girls have been bugging me to make for them).  I made four identical flowers that can serve as either a hair decoration or pin (I put a barette and pin on the backs).  I found four vintage buttons that belonged to my grandmother that matched perfectly. 

Here is my granddaughter, Holly, with her flower.  I made them in the same colors as one I did for Holly last month for a gift for a friend of hers and she had told me then that she wanted another one just like it for her.

Here is Holly's older sister, Emily, with her flower.  Must have been steamy in the room as my camera lens had moisture on it.
Here is a close-up of Holly.

My daughter Tricia, in the middle of her daughters.
My middle daughter, Deborah, with her youngest son/my grandson, Nicholas.  You probably can't tell in this picture but his cousin Holly got the same eye glasses as he did.
Birthday girls with their cakes -- the table looks so bare after removing all the food.  You will note that Deborah (on right) has tissue in her ears because Tricia gets so excited and loud on her birthday (wonder where she gets that from).
And of course, we have Holly again who takes right after her mother and great-grandmother (notice I skipped a generation).  She loves to take pictures of herself just like her mom.  I couldn't figure out why she was spending so much time in my bathroom.  Of course I found out the next day on Facebook when I saw all these pictures.
Okay, there you have it -- a day in my life with my family doing what I love to do the most -- celebrating!!  Don't forget to guess what was in the bag my daughter brought over to put on the cake.  I will give you one other hint (besides the fact that I screamed).  The contents were pink.

Until next time,
"And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. . . ." -- Luke 22:44
"Jesus, lead me to pray passionately in the midst of anguish, knowing that in prayer I grasp the hand that pulls me up to You."  -- Carol Knapp


  1. Thank you for brightening my day Sandi. Reading your blog is such a hoot. What gorgeous girls and grandies you have

  2. soooo what was it!! In the bag! I was going to guess cat poop, but then your hint was was pink!! hmmm somthing pink and gross and coming from Tricia...that could be ANYTHING! LOL Do i get a prize if it guess right! Hahah. Well, it looks like you had a great time! Love the pics! Should have gotten together today to scrap...have the day off for Good Friday and kids are 1/2 of school...home making card! Well, hope to see you soon! Scrapping buddy~Amy

  3. Sandi I love reading about you & your family. I don't even mind not seeing one of your beautiful cards! Your daughters & grandkids are all so good looking :) And for the life of me I can not think of anything pink that would cause you to scream! You have to let inquiring minds know!

  4. Well, I also can't think of anything pink except body parts!! LOL OMG was it some pink panties of Grandma Stucks so you could make a flower?? FOFLMAO... Great pictures and now I know why you thought I read this before-regarding the roast beef and pork dinner. See you soon.

  5. Sandi, Wow! The birthday dinner for the girls sounds awesome! I gained weight just reading it! :) The pictures are wonderful and the inside of your house reminds me of our childhood home in Lewiston, MI on Snyder Lake. The lake was named after my grandfather. Okay, before I get too nostalgic, you better get crafting and show us some inspiration! Hope you had a wonderful Easter! If you get too much rain, please send some to me in SW Texas!


  6. Oh darn it! I forgot to mention how much I love the flowers you made for the girls! They are gorgeous!

