Saturday, July 9, 2011


Wow, I cannot believe it has been 2 weeks since I last posted.  Talk about setting a record!!!  The last two weeks have flown by -- busy, busy, busy.  I did manage to get in a Scrapbook event the last week of June, put in some orders, and finally get a chance to stamp for myself a couple of times this week (very short times). 

This last week has been a "week in a dust bowl."  Usually every Spring we have something major done to our house to either update or just repair.  Well early in March we contracted with a company in Wisconsin to come and restore our log house.  Specifically to remove all the layers of paint to restore it back to its original log finish.  No problem right?  They come in, do their job, and it is done.  Ha, ha the joke was on us; or me, specifically.  My husband failed to mention to me that they would be "corn blasting" -- notice I did not say "water blasting" -- to remove the paint.  And you know me -- the ditsy blond that I'm not -- I just figured that was a term they used in Wisconsin for water blasting.  The 1st day I pulled my drapes so they couldn't spy in and didn't notice much, only that it was really noisy and seemed like it was foggy in the house (of course my husband said it was in my head).  The 2nd day I decided to go downstairs to my studio to get away from the noise so I closed the patio doors to our 4-season porch because they were blasting the back of the house.  Well I came up when my husband got home and opened the patio doors to go out on the porch and about had a heart attack.  The entire room, going the length of our house was covered in a thick layer of corn dust!!  I mean EVERYTHING!!!  What is in the room:  bookshelves loaded with books, DVDs, family videos, my sewing machine that was open, another antique sewing machine, TV, satellite dish, DVD player, speakers, tons of toys for little kids, 2 couches, table and chairs, popcorn maker, 5 quilts (it gets cold out there and the kids like to snuggle when watching TV), and lots of do-dads.  I wanted to just close the door and hope the whole porch would fall in.  That is when I found out 2 major things:  "corn blasting" means fine-ground corn is used with the water blaster; and more important, "four-season room" means it is not well-insulated!!!  Four hours later we had most of the top layer done but I will still have to take everything out again when they are done (hopefully in another week).  The other rooms just need a good sweeping and waxing; along with washing all the bedding, curtains, etc.  Now you know why I have not been around -- shouldn't even be here tonight, but a girl has to take a break.  Plus the workers left to go home to their families until Monday, then they will be back.  They really needed a break because they were here every morning at 7:30 or before and worked 12 hours every day with only a couple of 15 minute breaks. 

MORAL OF THE STORY:  "Corn Blasting" means exactly like it sounds!!

See what happens when I don't blog for 2 weeks -- you get a novel!!  But I do have a couple of samples to show you.  I completed my first set of cards to send out for my "Remember When" series.  I talked about this in my June 12 blog.  I used a card kit from Stampin' Up when they were offering their "grab bags."  Some of the product is discontinued but I added current product to finish the card and album pages.  The last pictures are my album pages I made with my card as an embellishment when scrapbooking (Card Versatility).

The cards feature the Summer Fun and Word Play Stamp Sets.
Same card kid just different design.

Card Versatility:  My album pages (12 x 12) using one of the cards for an embellishment and the new Just Add Cake Designer Series Paper.  I also used some discontinued Vintage Letters Rub-Ons.  (Click on the picture to enlarge).

Close-up of left page.
Close up of right page.

I have one spot left to receive my Remember When cards, so leave me a comment and tell me why you would like to receive them, and I will pick a winner.  (You might want to make sure your go back and read the first post so you have an idea of what I hope individuals will do with the cards.) 

Until Next Time,

"The birds of the air nest by the waters; they sing among the branches." -- Psalm 104:12
"Thank you, God for teachers who open our eyes to the beauty at our feet and the glory in the skies."  --  Fred Bauer


  1. Sandi, you've perfectly paired the sentiment with the beach stamp set and made some great cards and scrapbook pages. Glad to see 1984 is still "current" for some of us.

    Sorry to hear your house travails. Be assured there's no corn involved when we paint our house in a month or so.

  2. Oh My Gosh, Sandi!!! Note to self...never have corn blasting done! Hope things are back in order, but I bet your house looks gorgeous! I love, love, love your projects. That is such a cute stamp set. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  3. Sandi, sorry to hear about your corn blasting!! I can relate to that as this past two weeks we have been dealing with a dust storm at the campground. The day we left (yesterday)the crew was putting down "roto mill" (crushed up blacktop) on all the roads on the South Shore. Back to your creations, I love the colors and design with the circles. TFS P.S. home until week from today (Monday). (Lois)

  4. Hello Dear Friend!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I still have difficulty in the layout and how to make everything work, but I will get there the more I play with it.
    I hope your house is back to normal soon. I bet your log home is absolutely beautiful.
    Hope your surviving the heat.
    And yes, I will take you up on your challenge in posting to my blog at least once per week. I hope I don't let you or any of my followers down.

  5. Your scrapbook pages and your cards are AWESOME!! I LOVE that Sunny Fun stamp set. I was able to play with it once (I borrowed it from a friend) and I thought it was just super cute!!

    Thank you for the comment on my blog! I'm so tickled you'd like to CASE my Doily card!! Please let me know if you do so I can head on over here and take a peek!! :o)

  6. Sandi, another of your beautiful cards for my collection. I promise to try to incorporate it into a scrapbook. It's a great idea. Thanks so much!
