Monday, October 31, 2011


Wow, I survived another great weekend!!!  Twice a year I get to attend Creative Retreat and be pampered, and I love every minute.  However, you can't play without paying.  Attending Retreat means no "sleep."  I mean my gosh, there are priorities when you go to Retreat -- and sleeping is not one of them.  I think I had a total of 6 hours while I was there, and that was a lot more than most of the ladies attending.  I bet Ronda Wade and Melissa Roberts (our hosts) had no more than 4 hours of sleep, and that is being generous.  They prepared awesome make'n takes and the classes were the same.  Great food, games, Halloween costumes, and people attending; along with many other surprises.

However, I know you are stopping by to see what I have created lately, so here are some more of my cards I made for Creative Convention (I promise, only one more post and I will be done showing you these cards).  Today I am featuring the Hello, Doily and Parlor Prints.

If you enlarge this picture by using the "right-click" on your mouse and select "open in new tab," you will see that I have embossed the Hello, Doily Background Stamp with the new Pewter Stampin' Emboss Powder.  I love this new embossing color and hope SU will have it in our new 2012-2013 Idea Book and Catalog next July.  I also used the Delicate Doilies Stamp Set, Brushed Gold Cardstock, and Victoria Ribbon (using Basic Black Ink Refill to dye).
This card was inspired by a sample in the 2011-2012 IB&C (page 201), with a few things changed.  You can barely see the Window Pane used, but it is gorgeous in person.

I had a piece of stamped tissue paper left over from my glass votive candle and couldn't bear to throw it away so this is what I did with it.  Hello, Doiley was embossed on the tissue paper with White Embossing Powder.
I love the Parlor Prints Background Stamp!!  It screams "vintage" at me.  I have paired it with the Always Grateful Stamp Set.
Again, another use of the Parlor Prints Background Stamp Set paired with the Studio Scetches Stamp Set.
Well I guess it is time for me to get some real work done around here, so until next time enjoy this Fall weather while you can!!

Thanks for stopping by,

". . . If he [your neighbor] cries out to me, I will hear him, for I am compassionate." -- Exodus 22:26
"Heavenly Father, give me the grace to know when listening is the best thing I can do for a troubled friend." -- Oscar Greene


  1. Really nice cards!! Love the antique looks on the doily cards!!

  2. On the first card I really like the background embossing on your flower petels, the second card I like how you did the tag for you, on the third card I like the multiple strings on the ribbon bow, and the last card I like the oval embosed die action on the card. Nice bling to your cards this time

  3. OMG, I just love the 2nd card!
    The other cards are pretty too, but the 2nd one is definately my favorite!!!
