Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello all!!
Today is another quick post because it is really to nice outdoors to be in front of this computer screen!!  We are having some beautiful 70-degree Fall weather here in Michigan.  And the trees are in full autumn color -- love this time of year, another reason I stay in Michigan!! 

I am posting pictures of my tissue-stamped decoupage vases today.  I totally loved doing these, and could have made tons more, but just not enough time.  The wonderful part about doing these is the fact you will never have any two look alike, so it feels like a whole new piece of art each time you are done.  I had so many demonstrators ask me how I made these at the Creative Convention, so I promised I would include this information when updating my blog.  I have to give Sharon Field a huge thank-you for posting a tutorial on her blog, HERE, with the directions on how to make these.  They are very easy, and very quick.  Another project that the young ones (and teens) would be able to tackle and never have mistakes.  My 16-year old granddaughter begged me to make one after she saw my first vase completed, and absolutely loved making hers (see picture of her finished jar below). 

Make sure you click, or double-click, on the pictures to enlarge as the details really don't show up in these pictures.  This is the first vase I made.  I used the Sunflower, Sweet Floral, Wonderfully Worn, and French Filigree Background Stamps on white tissue paper.  I think it turned out like a Claude Monet, who was a founder of French impressionist paintings.
This vase uses the Sweet Floral and Woodgrain Background Stamps.

My granddaughter made this glass urn, using the Sweet Floral and En Francais Background Stamps. She used SU's Markers to color the Sweet Floral.  Didn't she do a great job!! 

This was an old empty candle jar with a lid.  I used the new Hello Doily (embossed in White Embossing Powder) and the En Francais Background stamps, then brayed over the tissue paper in Baja Breeze, and then sponged on some Crumb Cake Classic Ink.

Just another picture showing the jar with the lid removed and how opaque the glass is when applying the tissue paper.

Hope you enjoyed these, and you really need to give it a try because you will love it (you don't need to use a background stamp, but make sure you use a solid stamp as lined stamps don't work as well).

I'll be back in a couple of days with more projects!

"Hear O Lord, and have pity upon me; O Lord, be my helper." -- Psalm 30:11
"Thank you, God, for the people who give me a helping hand.  And today, please help me to be a helping hand to someone else."  -- Linda Neukkug


  1. Wow oh WoW!!!! These are so great! I have my jar just waiting for some time to play and now you have challenged me. TFS These are spectacular.

  2. Wow Sandi! These are fabulous!! Love what you've done with my decoupage technique! Thanks for the linkback!
    Sharon Field

  3. These are just beautiful! I think I will be making a few for Christmas presents! Thanks for the idea and inspiration! So how did you make the flowers and greenery? :)
