Saturday, June 16, 2012


So much to do, so little time!  Yep, my life has been one big party for the last 3+ months!!  So sorry that my blog has been suffering because of this, but I made a vow to myself that I would be spending more time with my family and less on the PC!!  Let me tell you folks, this is "not" easy (at least the "PC" part -- but loving every minute of the family time).  Every week there has been a birthday party, holiday celebration, or a family cook-out.  It has been so much fun, and I have been trying some new recipes that are yum-yum!!  And Monday I get my big order of "new stuff"!!  And yes, I have been such a good girl that I am going to take a few days to just play with all of it!!  I mean, what choice do I have -- Stampin' Up Convention is just around the corner and I haven't even started my swap cards!

In the meantime, I did get my fingers inky once this week (just for a few minutes) as I wanted to do a challenge I saw on Patty Bennett's blog (you can see it here).  The challenge was to create a card using the Reverse Masking Technique.  Here is what I came up with using the Reverse Masking, Direct to Paper, and Embossing and Sponging Techniques:

Stampin' Up Supplies used:  Papaya Collage and My Friend Stamp Sets; Black Embossing Powder; Basic Black and Glossy White Card Stock; Always Artichoke, Wild Wasabi, Old Olive, Baja Breeze, Marina Mist, and Black Classic Inks; Square Lattice Textured Impressions Folder, and Basic Pearls.

This was my first try at doing this card and didn't like it so threw it away.  Then I decided to pull it back out (because if you know me, you know how much I hate to throw anything away!!).  It actually looks better in person, but still not the greatest either -- LOL.  What I love about both of these cards is how it looks like there are layers (so much dimension) when in reality you only have one layer.
Take a few minutes to drop by Patty's blog, watch her video, and enter the challenge!!  Let me know what you think of my attempt.

Until next time,
"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst."  --  John 4:14
"Only Jesus, the Living Water, can satisfy the thirsty soul."


  1. I like the dimentional look on the first one. You really have to look to see that there are now layers on it. Great job Sandi, leaving in the morning (Sunday, real early). Catch you later.

  2. Hey, you mean to say that your're not done with your convention swaps. I'm lucky that I have some done for next Sat. I've been thinking about convention but that's as far as it goes. These cards are beautiful. As always.

  3. They are both great cards but I think the black and white is my favorite :) Don't feel alone, my swaps are still in my head for convention and I just got the stuff I need for next Saturday's projects on Friday. Good thing I work well under pressure :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The first one pops! LOVE it. The second just needs some defining lines for the ground and around the label with light and dark. Then, it too will pop. Thanks for encouraging us to try this sure mastered it!
