Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I finished my make'n takes finally last night from Ronda Wade's RubberQueen meeting this month.  These are all simple cards, but as always Ronda came up with some WOW designs.  She designed these cards without any sentiments so we could use them in an event where the attendees could add whatever sentiment they wished.  You will notice I have added my own choice of sentiments in my version of her cards (and, yes, there were a few other minor changes only because I didn't remember what Ronda's looked like).  But, as stampers, we all know when we CASE (copy and share everything) some things get changed in the shuffle.  Here is what I came up with:

Couldn't leave without showing you the ice blocks that fell from the house roof yesterday.  You can't tell by this picture but these are humongous -- close to 2 feet in thickness!! 

I am so glad the dogs were not out doing their jobs when these fell.  In the 30+ years we have been here, I do believe this is the worst winter we have ever had.  And yes, I did a lot of shoveling ice yesterday to get them moved from the patio!!
Until next time,

"Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name."  --  Psalm 29:2


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I followed the link in the comment you left on my blog. I'm glad I did. These cards are so cute! I'm looking forward to exploring your blog. The ice in your pictures caught my attention and then I saw from your phone # that you're in MI. I'm originally from Carson City (MI). You've had a heck of a winter! I don't miss those winters at all!
