Sunday, January 31, 2010


Good Morning!!
Now that I have had about 12 hours of sleep, I feel a little more refreashed!  I took a nap yesterday from about 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. (had to make sure I woke up in time for "48-Hours" that I usually always miss).   

Below are a couple of my swaps for the RubberQueens' meeting yesterday.  I'm showing more than one so you get the idea of how each of them turned out different -- there were no two alike out of the 20 that I did -- not even close!  Again, I did a Michelle Zindorf card -- I so love her style (but for those of you who follow my blog, I guess you know I have a lot of "styles" that I love -- basically anything different).  You can find the tuterial for this card here

You will notice below that my cards look NOTHING like Michelle's, except the use of the same stamp!  So technically I guess you can say Michelle provided the directions (I don't want you to think this even comes close to Michelle's work).  Sometimes I don't know why I keep trying, but someday that "practice make's perfect" theory might work -- so I keep trying.  The good news however is how much FUN it is trying, and how easy-peasy this card was to make. Oh, one more thing:  I still liked all of them because (1) I love the "Direct to Paper" technique; (2) none of them looked the same; and (3) the fun and ease of creating!!


And the winner of the card swap contest was CHRIS KOLLY!!

Congratulations Chris!!  She had some stiff competition this month, as there were many beautiful swaps, but  I wasn't surprised she won as this was one of my favorites also.  Everybody who attends gets to vote on their favorite card (even those who do not bring swaps), so it is really special when your peers vote your card as the "favorite."  I will post some of the other beautiful swaps in my upcoming posts.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Here are the last of my samples from my card class last Saturday and pictures of my two-page album spread for my scrapbooking class.  We really had a lot of fun, even tho the class size was small.  I actually like it when there are less attending, as I can spend more quality time with my clients.  I am posting these a different way today, directly from Picasa -- so far, so good.  I hope it will bring in all my notes for each picture.  I'll let you know at the end of this post if I like doing it this way or not.

This was a new card layout for me, called a Flip-Flop card.  My inspiration for this card came from Rhonda Griffin, who was kind enough to direct me to different blogs to get the directions.  For some reason, I kept reading the directions wrong, missing the key sentence to create the heart.  Finally after many attempts, the lightbulb went off and I had my "DAH" moment.  It was so easy after that, and really a quick card for my class (the ladies loved it).

This is how the inside of the Flip-Flop card looked.  Supplies: I (Heart) Hearts, Holiday Best, & Tiny Tags stamp sets; Very Vintage Wheel; Scalloped Heart of Hearts Embosslits Die; Medium Jewelry Tag Punch; White Satin ribbon, Twine.

I just loved this little "Love Bugs" card.  Perfect for your significant other.  Supplies:  Love Bugs & I (Heart) Hearts stamp sets; SU Markers; Dimensional, Heart to Heart Punch; and Whisper White, Basic Black, and Real Red Cardstock.

Sorry, I had already added my pictures/Christmas Cards before I took these pictures for the scrapbooking class, but I think you can still see the layout.  I always add our hand-made cards we receive each year to my Christmas album -- there is no way I could ever throw them away.  I know the time and attention each of these cards took to create and they are all beautiful (I have lots more to add to additional pages -- these just fit on these pages the best).  This is Album Page 1 for Christmas 2009, with one of my Christmas Cards I did in the top left.  My sister, Kathleen's, card is in the bottom right.  Supplies:  Soft Suede & Real Red Cardstock; Christmas Cocoa Speciality Designer Paper; Go Go Boots Embossing Folders; Ornament Punch, and Gold Cord.

This is Album Page 2 for Christmas 2009 with my sister Lois's Christmas card top right, & another of Kathleen's Cards bottom left.  I did a little experimenting with the stencils (after I did this page) and came to the conclusion that it was much easier to apply the red acrylic paint with the sponge attachment on my brayer (the sponge is no longer sold by SU, so I am so glad I got mine before they discontinued selling).  My clients really enjoyed trying this new technique, and I learned a lot for future layouts or applying to my walls.  Supplies:  Soft Suede & Real Red Cardstock; Christmas Cocoa Speciality Designer Paper; Go Go Boots Embossing Folders; Vintage Ornaments I Decor Stencils, Christmas Greetings & Tree Trimmings Stamp Sets; and Two Tags Bigz Die.
Well, I didn't figure out how to import my notes from Picasa (so did a copy and paste).  I will have to experiment a little more -- or maybe somebody out there will take mercy on me and post directions in my comments?!?
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!  It's back to our freezing weather again -- drats!
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Friday, January 22, 2010


Hello All,
Here are a couple of samples for my card class tomorrow.  I can only show you two of them because I have to re-take the other pictures as my camera has a mind of its own lately. 

This card uses the new I (Heart) Hearts stamp set from the Occasions Mini Catalog.  I so love this set, and I am not usually a fan of just plain holiday images.  However, there are just so many different things you can make with this set (wedding cards, anniversary, birthday, etc.).  I also used the new Pinking Hearts Boarder Punch and a Pretty in Pink Epoxy Brad (so beautiful in real life).

I had a request for a generic birthday card, so decided to pull out this old personal favorite of mine, the Viola stamp set.  Pair this with Stampin' Up Markers and you are good to go!!

Both of these cards are super easy and quick, just what my customers like.  However, next time I post, I will show you another card that is even easier, and a Valentine's card using a new card layout.  I am really getting to like these easy cards, but I still like to show my customers some new technique or card layout at each class so they have something new to try when they go home. 

Until next time, and thanks for looking.!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Well have you missed me???  Please, somebody say "yes."  I told you I had to reorganize my studio because I ran out of room to store my punches.  I have also told anybody that would listen, "I will never put punches on my wall!"  The first statement is true, and the second statement I have to retract -- yep, I had to do it.  Stampin' Up keeps coming out with these beautiful new punches, and I ran out of room in my file drawers.  An even bigger reason for doing this was because my clients always have such a hard time finding the right punch, as I had them stored in 4 drawers (but very neatly - LOL).  Now they can go get what they want, and I think they will use them more.  Before I had it completed, a customer put in an order when she stopped by and noticed some punches she wanted. 

So a new wall went up on top of an old wall (didn't want a million holes in my wall from nails/screws).  After painting it white (thank you hubby for both!!), I decided it looked to blah.  Then came the bright idea to paint a mural of some sort.  Well, it is "some sort" for sure.  Okay, I'm not an artist -- everybody knows this!!  But you have to admit it adds color and I really felt like a kid again -- coloring on the wall.  I used so many stamp sets, Big Shot Dies, new colored SU vinyl, acrylic paints on stamps, and my fingers to finish this "thing."  I wanted Spring -- so at least I had a theme.  It was fun, and I'm glad I did it -- even tho it makes my studio look "junky."  This was very cheap to do, as I decided not to drive all the way to the Canton IKEA store and instead, recycled my old curtain rods from my patio doors, and the rest of the stuff I had just hanging out in my cabinets waiting for the right "moment."  Yes, I am a "green" person.

Without further ado, here are the pics of the new wall and a couple of the rest of the studio.

My new punch wall, with cutting & Big Shot stations below, and Big Shot dies/accessories on shelf above (also new).

Close-ups of my attempt to be artistic.

I used SU's vinyl for the house (I know, it's a little crude, but I plan on doing an addition to the house later).

I think Sally and Wallie got locked out of the house by her big brother, Stanley.

Don't you dare say a word about my tree!!

The long view of the samll room.  On the left is my antique desk I bought from my mom when I was 18 (huge and heavy oak), and on the right is my cutting and Big Shot stations.

This is my desk where I do all my stamping.  Everything I need is right in this area.  All my current stamp sets are in front of me labeled, inks, accessories, etc.  My 8 1/2" x 11" inch cardstock are in the IKEA file drawers next to my desk, sorted by color group, in separate hanging files for each color.

Work stations on left and right of the room.

Picture of room from the back patio looking in.

This is my "mini" kitchen/bar area -- small refrigerator behind bar and plates, napkins, cups, punch bowl, plastic silverware, coffee makings, etc., in cabinets on wall and under bar.

Sorry about all the pics, and for the quality -- I forgot to turn the lights on and too tired to take them over.  Tomorrow I get to start stamping with all my new Occasions product and I can't wait.  Classes are this Saturday, so I better be glued to the studio working.

Thanks for stopping buy and I hope you have a better idea of what my little area is like when I am working.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Beautiful Gifts

Hello All!!

Decided I better give you a quick update on how I am doing on my "TO DO" list.  Yes, I have been working on it -- but you know me, slow motion in everything I do.  I got all of my labels on my stamps I have bought since before the Holiday Mini came out.  I know there was over 30 before I found more in my boxes I have for ungoing projects.  Have no idea what the final total was, but that's probably good because sometimes it's better if you don't know.  I packaged all my Christmas stamps up that I have gotten in the last 5 1/2 years in one SU big box, after I made sure the whole set was there and found the corresponding picture from the catalogs to insert in the stamp box (that way I know what I paid for them in case I ever sell, plus there is usually a sample using the set).  I counted approx. 48 sets.  So that averages 8 sets every Christmas the last 6 years.  Hmmm, I guess some would say I couldn't make up my mind which set to use, but no, I like to think of it as "they were so cute or beautiful that I couldn't resist."

Anywho, I am in the middle of cutting up all my old Stampin' Up Catalogs (including minis) to put pictures in all the rest of my stamp boxes now, so my studio looks like a hurricane came through and hovered about 5 minutes over my space.  That's one good thing about having classes -- the studio and the rest of the house gets cleaned at least once a month.  I think that is why my dear husband got so upset when I told him I was thinking of not having classes this year.

And the really good news is that I got my building supplies to add a nice shelf for all my Big Shot dies, etc., and a new wall for my punches.  I still have to paint it and put some type of decoration on it, but the scary part is over (buying the materials).  I'm telling yah, I have made new friends at Home Depot (HD).  Did you know that they will cut your lumber for you!!!  My husband said they wouldn't, but I asked anyway -- so glad I did.  I will probably make a trip down to IKEA to get my utensil and/or towal racks for the punches because I really didn't like what they had at HD.  Anyway, it's a start and I'm really excited to get it finished.  My goal is to get it finished before my next scrapbooking class this month on the 23rd.  Yes, I also crossed that off my list -- card class and scrapbooking class scheduled for January 23rd!!  Yippee, and I'm going to be using all new stamps and accessories.  If you want to join us, give me a call or e-mail me.

For something a little different, I wanted to show you a couple of hand-made gifts that I received from some very special people. 

This first one, below, is from the one and only JerriKay (as she is known on SCS).  Jerri is one of the sweetest and most thoughtful ladies you will ever meet.  She sent me one of her hand-designed Christmas Prayer Cards and card-holder ornament.  These pictures don't even come close to showing the beauty and glitz, glitter, and tinsel used on these two projects.  If you would like to see her detailed instructions please stop by her blog, "A Touch of Grace," and then take a moment to comment -- Jerri would truly love to see comments.  The link above takes you directly to the directions for the Prayer Card, but she has provided tutorials for her entire Christmas ensemble (which is gorgeous!!).  Thank you so much Jerri!! 

Prayer Card and Ornament Card Holder

Prayer Card Close Up

Prayer Card Opened

And my second gift is from the Godmother of my girls, and my best friend Eva, who lives in Arizonia.  I have shown you some of her artwork before, but had to show this beautiful wall-hanging she made.  Actually, I am not sure if the ribbon goes above or below, so I am showing you a picture of both.  I kind of like it below, but for right now have it displayed in my studio with the ribbon above.  Eva doesn't have a blog, so I can't direct you to any details -- but I'm going to really put the pressure on her to get busy on creating one.  Again, these pictures really don't give justice to the beautiful antique inks she used and the glitter in the ribbon.

One with ribbon up

Ribbon Hanging Down

As an added note, nothing today has anything to do with Stampin' Up; but I love showing other works created by artists -- especially when they are both very close to my heart and truly gifted in their own styles.  And the added bonus is that I love trying to duplicate their designs using my fabulous Stampin' Up products (okay, I'm not that good -- but it does get my creative juices flowing).

Hope you are working on your goals and are inspired by these projects!!