Sunday, January 31, 2010


Good Morning!!
Now that I have had about 12 hours of sleep, I feel a little more refreashed!  I took a nap yesterday from about 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. (had to make sure I woke up in time for "48-Hours" that I usually always miss).   

Below are a couple of my swaps for the RubberQueens' meeting yesterday.  I'm showing more than one so you get the idea of how each of them turned out different -- there were no two alike out of the 20 that I did -- not even close!  Again, I did a Michelle Zindorf card -- I so love her style (but for those of you who follow my blog, I guess you know I have a lot of "styles" that I love -- basically anything different).  You can find the tuterial for this card here

You will notice below that my cards look NOTHING like Michelle's, except the use of the same stamp!  So technically I guess you can say Michelle provided the directions (I don't want you to think this even comes close to Michelle's work).  Sometimes I don't know why I keep trying, but someday that "practice make's perfect" theory might work -- so I keep trying.  The good news however is how much FUN it is trying, and how easy-peasy this card was to make. Oh, one more thing:  I still liked all of them because (1) I love the "Direct to Paper" technique; (2) none of them looked the same; and (3) the fun and ease of creating!!


And the winner of the card swap contest was CHRIS KOLLY!!

Congratulations Chris!!  She had some stiff competition this month, as there were many beautiful swaps, but  I wasn't surprised she won as this was one of my favorites also.  Everybody who attends gets to vote on their favorite card (even those who do not bring swaps), so it is really special when your peers vote your card as the "favorite."  I will post some of the other beautiful swaps in my upcoming posts.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!


  1. I love those cards! When I was in college about 1,000 years ago, there was this guy who called himself Ron Art. He would go around to college campuses and, using a couple of quick swipes of house paint and an artists' knife, he'd make water scenes that were gorgeous. -- sunsets, sunrises, birds and sea grass. Your cards really take me back!

  2. I Love your cards they are beautiful. I'm glad I'm not the only one that can't do Michelle's are just braver than me to post yours.

  3. Very pretty card. I like your choice of colors.

  4. Nice water scenes. I like how you highlighted the grass.

  5. I love your Zindorf style card! I haven't yet tried doing one myself but bought a brayer just for that reason. Maybe this will inspire me to try it. Love the highlighting too :)
