Saturday, February 6, 2010


Happy Saturday!
For me, every day is a Saturday, although it hasn't been that long for me to remember what it was like to have a work-week.  But then "work" is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?  I have always defined it as, "work I have been given to do" vs. "work I choose to do."  Sometimes it makes all the difference in the world when you feel like you have chosen to work your hiney off.  That is probably where the saying, "Life is about choices" came from originally.  Another reason why I always look at a half-glass of water as "half-full" vs. "half-empty."  I even tried to keep this in mind a couple of weeks ago when Wallie (my teenage Yorkie), chewed up my new eyeglasses and then the next day he chewed up my "backup" pair of eyeglasses.  Yes, the poor guy was bored and still has one baby tooth left.  The bright side of it was that I was able to find the missing lense about five hours later in his mouth, so I had all the missing pieces, and I finally made my appointment for a checkup, which was overdue.  Aaah yes, God does work in mysterious ways!  And on top of that, I can finally answer in a positive manner when the doctor asks me:  "Do you ever see spots in front of you?"

Anywho, you didn't stop buy to read my theories on work, you want to see some new creations.  I have been working in my studio, but forgot to take pictures of a lot of my new stuff before I gave it away (but hope to get back, as they were samples for a customer to choose from).  I did remember to take a couple of quick pictures before giving my grand-daughter Holly her birthday card and hair clip.  Of course I used my new Tote-Ally Tess, which I so love because it looks so chic and modern.  This time however, it is a birthday card for a female.  Nothing fantastic, just simple and very fast 10 minutes or less project (same for the clip), using the Viola cake stamp with Tess and Extreme Elements "Splat" stamp.

Doesn't she look gorgeous with her suede slacks!

Holly is still into the "black & white" gothic look (starting to transition into a lady now) so I thought this hair clip would be perfect for her in the black lace and antique white, with some tulle. Every since she started kindegarden, her teachers have always commented on Holly's attire; she has to add 1 personal touch of her own to make her "different" than the others (bold scarf around her neck, in her hair, or hanging out a pocket of  her jeans was a favorite).  Funy how the teachers loved it when she was in elementary school, but in high school they think of you as "different" in a negative way.  Reminds me of her mom when she was about 14 years old and we all went to a nice restaurant.  When the waitress came to take Tricia's order, Tricia pulled her hands up with the menu and what did she have on??  A lacy glove with the fingers cut out (notice, I said "a"; meaning one hand only).  I wanted to crawl under the table, especially when I noticed she had my rosary around her neck when she took her coat off.  Yes, Madonna was "hot" then.  So, I don't sweat the small stuff now when Holly is eccentric -- I just know "that too will pass."  There are so many more important things to worry about, and I love it because they have "personalities."  I just don't know "where" they get it from????

And here is the birthday girl (in the middle), with her mom and sister, at her birthday dinner.

Happy 15th Birthday Holly!!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!


  1. A fabulous card Sandi, a precious picture of your daughter and two grandchildren!

  2. What a cute card. I lack the ability to see the options. When I look at this set I only see that she's a Stampin Up! demo. I never thought of using it any different way. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. How they blossum sooooo quickly! Holly and Stacey are so much alike they should get togehter. I love your suede pants good job and love the color, great idea with the splater behind never would of though of that. Also like the new punch on the side cannot wait to get my new punches and try them out. Really like your card need to keep this one on my short list to copy.

  4. Love Tess, the pants look fab and the splat is a great idea. Wonderful as usual. Cute photo of the family!!
