Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hello All!!
Today was a beautiful day, we drove up from Prescott, Arizona to Jerome (about 35 miles).  Jerome city clings to the side of Cleopatra Hill, on the side of Mingus Mountain, with a population of under 400.  Prior to 1953 it had a population of about 15,000, then the copper mines closed, and it became a virtual ghost town.  Since then shops, galleries, museums, and studios (some housed in former brothels and saloons) have been established in the restored town.  It is known for its artists and very unique gift shops.  We only stopped for a minute so I could buy some wine for Thanksgiving, but will be going back tomorrow to spend the day -- such a unique town, with very narrow and winding roads as it literally sits on the side of a vertical mountain (houses on stilts of course).  Come back in my next post to see some pictures.

Today I am posting a few more page layouts created for my brother's heritage album (no it never stops) and pictures I took while at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.  These caverns are over 30 miles long (largest in the Western Hemisphere), and tours are geared for any age or physical strength (even for old people like us).  We took the Big Room tour because we didn't feel like taking ropes and ladders (with head light gear) down 830 feet.  All we had to do was jump into an elevator to go down 75 stories to the Big Room (my kind of rock climbing!!).  These caves really should be one of the 7 wonders of the world -- words and pictures do not describe the beauty, vastness, and majesty of these caverns.  My pictures aren't the best because there wasn't enough light, but better than no pictures. 

Here are a couple of two-page spreads I did for my brother's heritage album:

I used a discontinued die (I believe) to create the bird and branches -- this was one of my favorite pages.
Another discontinued SU die I bought last month when SU was having their clearance sales, paper flowers, and distressing kit (inks and files).  It is so hard to remember my product when I have had 3 weeks off from stamping -- so please forgive me.  Everything used is Stampin' Up product!!

My hubby at the beginning of our 1.4 mile walk in the Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns.

And here he is again, still with a smile on his face (that is because he had probably only walked one-tenth of a mile at this point).

And he's still walking -- tried to take picture looking into cavern so you could see some of the rooms.

Make sure you enlarge these pictures by double clicking on them -- wish you could have seen this in person!!

Back of my brother -- still walking!!

Isn't this beautiful -- enlarge it!!

This room is called the "Hall of Giants" because of the size of the stalagmites, with the largest being 83 feet tall.

Trying to get a picture that would depict the vastness, but failed!!
Sorry I was not able to get a picture of what my husband looked like after walking 1.4 miles; but the paramedics would not give me time to take a picture.  Just kidding, I was so proud of him because he made it -- he never walks!!  I couldn't get a picture because my camera battery died.  That gives you a clue how many pictures I took, as I had charged my battery before we left that morning!

As you can tell, we are having a blast.  We have seen a lot and experienced a lot, and God has blessed us with safe travels and wonderful experiences.  Come back soon for another day of our travels.

Blessings to all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving day!

"When will you ever have more time than you have now?"


  1. Thanks for posting. I had begun to think you had fallen off the face of the earth. I know your having a great time because there's no way you couldn't in Jerome and Sedona. Two of my favorite places to visit. The scrapbook pages are beautiful. And the caves look wonderful. Been to Mamouth caves but never Carlsbad. Maybe the next time I go West I can get there.

  2. Glad to hear from you I was wondering also. Great pictures love them. Always wanted to go there myself maybe will some day. Hope you have a swell Thanksgiving and really miss you hurry back home, miss our talks. Love you and give your husband and my brother my love also. Your number one sister, Kathleen
