Monday, November 29, 2010


Actually, this is VINTAGE #8, in my series of posts showing my brother's heritage album pages I made for him.  But who's counting!!  By now you are probably saying to yourself:  "Is she ever going to run out of these vintage pages?!?!"  Well, if I had my way I would keep on doing them forever -- I have boxes of pictures of my ancestors, and it is really hard trying to decide which ones to use for my own album.  But alas, I still have to create my personal Christmas cards that nobody has seen; so this is on the top of my list of things to do when I get home.

No, I'm still not home -- but left Jerome, Arizona yesterday morning and heading home.  We have actually had warmer weather since we left (outside of the blizzard we went through in Flagstaff).  Yesterday and today it got to almost 70 degrees -- a heat wave!!!  Still gets very cold at night.  God willing, I will be sitting in my own home tomorrow night thinking about getting a month's worth of mail the next day to open.  I will get to look at the new Occasions and Sale-A-Bration mini catalogs -- WooHoo!!  I downloaded a PDF of both mini catalogs, but it is not the same as holding it in my hands and deciding what I HAVE TO HAVE, what I WANT TO HAVE, and what I WON'T GET.  My first glance at the PDF indicated I might have 2 things I won't get (and that is going to be hard), and all the other things fall into the "have to" and "want to" have categories (typical).  I am so excited Sale-A-Bration is coming as it means lots of free stuff, and who can resist that???  I can't tell you what is in the Occasions Mini, but I can tell you it is loaded with awesome new products.

Okay, let's get down to business.  Here are a couple more page layouts (I'm thinking these might be the last):

Another of my favorite double-page spreads, using a lot of Big Shot dies.  You can click on all of my pictures to enlarge.
Close-up of right-side page.
Close-up of left-side page.
This is the last page spread in my brother's album.

The following pictures were taken of our trip to Jerome, Arizona.  We had a condo for the week about 10 miles from Jerome (nine of those miles were going up to the top of the mountain).

On the way to Jerome, Arizona -- fantastic views.
This picture is not in order, but it is a view from side of road going DOWN the mountain.
Yes, we are pretty far up!!
A little history and background on Jerome, Arizona

And here is Jerome!!  The big building up towards top, in middle, is the Grand Hotel.  Note the initial "J" on the side of the mountain.
I was trying to get the beautiful colors of the mountains when we were leaving Jerome as it was late afternoon when the sun was setting.  It didn't show up in picture but the colors were beautiful (try enlarging picture).

Another picture from Jerome.

Some of the stores in Jerome.
Goodbye Jerome -- but I will be back for sure!!

You will be pleased to know that I am running out of pictures from my trip (well, I might have a few good shots of our trip to Sedona -- LOL.)  So stay tuned for my next post, as I'm sure it will be interesting because I don't even know what it will be.

Until next time,
"Blessed are you who hunger now,  for you shall be filled.  Blessed are you who weep now,  for you shall laugh." -- Luke 6:21


  1. I love your heritage albumn. I might have to try copying some of your ideas. And the pictures of Jerome are awesome. It's a place that I love but then again there's so much of Arizona that is beautiful. Can't wait to see your pictures of Sedona. Are you going to the shoebox swap on the 7th. Maybe I'll see you then.

  2. Your album is beautiful. Love all the old photos and the layouts are great.

  3. You did a great job with your Album! The trip looks wonderful. We enjoyed Sedona! Tim's brother lives in Phoenix. Safe travels to you!

    Tim and Sue

  4. Sandi, am so glad you are on your way home. I am continually amazed by the pages in Richard's album. And those photos of Jerome....I clicked on each photo and then click again to make it even larger and WOW! Great job. Keep safe and hope Gary is feeling better. Just getting over my bout of Yuk, just coughing every now and then. See you soon.
