Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Good Morning America!!
Actually it is kinda late now, but I have been up for a couple of hours.  No chatting today from this lady -- places to go, things to do.  We will get right to the point -- PICTURES!!!

Here are a few more pictures from Ronda Wade's weekend retreat.

These are our pillow treats made by Ronda and Melissa (and my name tag).  You can't see what is in the one Top Note pocket, but it had SU's beautiful paper flowers, which I used on one of my album pages.  I absolutely loved the cloth Top Note, made by Melissa Roberts, with SU's new material -- looks plain, but beautiful texture IRL.

I took the tag class on Sunday morning just before the event was over.  I'm so glad I did, as we made 40 Christmas tags and a holder to hold all of them!!  These were my two favorites.

Click on the pictures to see the detail in each of these.

We each got a bolt of the new Tinsel to use on our tags -- don't you just love Santa!!

Here is the inside of the holder for the tags.  I couldn't believe I got all 40 in there.

And here is the tag holder closed -- isn't it beautiful (if I do say so myself).
As I sit here typing this post, I'm looking out my window and cannot believe the beautiful sunrise this morning.  Frost and leaves on the ground; the woods are silhouetted in the multi-colored sky; and the pinks, gray, and blue of the sunrise have me mesmerized.  Life is good, God is good, and he has blessed me mightily.  So on that thought, I leave you today (of course there will be another thought for you to ponder in my signature line). 

"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck."  -- Emma Goldman


  1. I am glad you took some pictures of the pillow gifts and the Tag class. I didn't have any so now I can just use yours. Thanks. Great job on your display. TFS

  2. Love the pictures of the tags. I'm having a tag class later this month and now I've got a bunch of new ideas. Thanks so much.

  3. Love the tags. Great stuff as usual, Sandi. TFS
