Friday, November 5, 2010


Good Evening Everybody!

Tonight I am writing from Clinton, Oklahoma (about 45 miles west of Oklahoma City on Route 40).  We had a wonderful day driving, beautiful sunshine all day.  Got up at 7 a.m. (yes, I got to sleep in) had breakfast and was on the road by 8 a.m., from St. Clair, Missouri.  This is the first time we have taken this route going southwest, and I really like it.  I was surprised at the hills and beautiful scenery in Oklahoma.  I actually only took about 2 short catnaps today.  Usually as soon as the engine starts, I drift off to sleep like a baby.  I did have my pillow and blanket in the seat with me, but mostly used it as a soft table for my laptop.  Oh yah, that's another reason I didn't sleep -- I was on my laptop for hours checking out blogs which is so much fun.  So we are having a great time doing NOTHING!!!  And I don't have to do any cooking or cleaning -- what more can you ask for!!

For my posts this month I will be showing you my finished 12" x 12" album pages that I completed for my brother's heritage album.  I had previously completed 30 pages for his album when he was visiting me in September.  He helped me insert his pictures and journal the pages.  He loved it, and I bet if we lived closer he would be one of my best customers for scrapbooking classes! 

 After he went back home, I ended up finding his original postcards of our ancestors taken in the late 1800's and early 1900's.  It was so much fun reading them -- I really felt like I got to know all of my ancestors in a personal way.  Anyway, that required I make additional pages for his album; and hence, the pages I will be posting this month.  I hope you like vintage (like I do) because all of the pages were designed for this.   Thank goodness my mom loved keeping photo albums and collecting/preserving our ancestors' photos or we wouldn't have these precious pictures and information.  Thank you mother!!

I decided to do a "mini" family tree for this section, but still need to get information on my paternal grandmother and her ancestors, who was a Native-American (Indian).  This will be fun to research and plan on getting started when I get back from vacation.
These are picture postcards of my grandmother and her sister taken about 1915 (95 years ago!!)

A close-up of right page (click to enlarge).

Closeup of paper flower made with Newspaper Designer Series Paper with large brad in center.

Right page:  uses SU's Build-A-Brads and another flower using SU's Paper Flowers and smaller brad (used marker to color the white paper flower). 
Well, I just found out something that I forgot to pack -- my SU Idea Book and Catalog!!!  I cannot believe I didn't bring one with me -- how am I going to post and tell you what I used to create?????  Maybe somebody can overnight one to me???  How am I going to survive -- I know, I'm suppose to be on vacation but this is a "vacation" kind of book to me.  Oh well, I am just going to punt and try my best.

Until the next update, Sandi
"Search for what is good, and not what is bad . . ."  -- Amos 5:14


  1. Beautiful pages. Maybe I should be taking classes from you. You do know that the IBC is online. But you probably don't want to download it. And did you see that the Sale-a-bration and Occasions mini are online? They're beautiful.

  2. Hi Sandi, RIchard and his family will be so proud of this album. You did a super great job on it. You can tell a lot of love went into it. Hope your trip is going smoothly.
