Sunday, November 7, 2010


Good evening everybody!

A real quick post again tonight.  Don't know why, but I am having a really hard time keeping my eyes open.  Made it to my brother's place in New Mexico today, so thought I would share a couple of pictures.  It got up to 80 degrees today -- perfect temperature for me.  We got here about noon, and took the rest of the day bringing in our luggage, getting a tour of his house and property, and chatting.  He bought this house last year to do a "Flip."  I'm going to assume you all know what it means to "flip" a house because I'm too tired to explain.  Anyway, he has only been here for 3 weeks himself (has homes in Ohio and Texas also), but has done quite a lot already.

We really had a very nice trip down here, which is unusual for us, so hope it continues as we plan to do a lot of traveling yet.  Okay, here are some pictures -- but remember this house needs a lot of  TLC before it is finished the way he wants.

Coming into town (Columbus, New Mexico)

The next few pictures are the scenery by house.

Gate to front of house.

Driveway adobe wall and plants.

Closer picture of front walk.

Side of house and driveway.

Back entrance to house.

Guest House in back of main house.

And here are the guys doing the typical "guy" thing on Sunday:  watching football!!
Okay, I was going to through in a scrapbook page but this is way more pictures than I should have for a post,  So I will leave the page until another post.  Until then, I'm enjoying the weather and the sights!!

"The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. -- Psalm 18:2.


  1. Great pictures Sandi. I love the last one. Took me from being a tourist to reality. I wonder what game they were watching? By the way, did you listen to the Spartan's game. Wow, (-1 record) only 2 more to go. Catch you later.

  2. oops ment to type 9-1 record...LOL

  3. Hi Sandi,
    WOW 80 degrees I can't wait to be out there in that warmth! Have a wonderful time! thanks for sharing the pictures it got me in the mood to start my countdown till I will be seeing mountains, sunshine and cactus's Love Tamie

  4. Love the pictures. Keep them coming. Kind of a mini vacation for me.

  5. I guess I have to leave a comment since I just talked to you and you told me I had to stop sleeping and look at your pictures. What can I say other than I am envious of your trip and wish that I was with you in your nice comfortable weather. We seen that nasty four letter word white stuff this past weekend and I am glad it was just a flutter blowing in the wind. Tell Richard his house is looking good and he has done a good job cleaning it up. Love the livingroom picture the best!!!! The two guys reclining on the furniture add to the decore. Sending you my love and hurry back
