Saturday, August 27, 2011


Well here it is, another week since I have posted!  Seems like this is becoming a habit no matter how hard I try to update more frequently.  I have worked in my studio every day this week (including this morning), and it seems like I am getting nowhere.  I only have a week left and my granddaughter Holly, who is my official paid assistant now, will be going back to school.  So I have been working her rear off this week.  At first she refused to get paid for it, but after I explained that I would just have to pay somebody else and told her how much work she would be doing she finally relented.  Thank goodness because I was feeling a little guilty after she helped me mount around 20 stamp sets one day last week.  She has found out that she will never, ever make another flower again.  She said there were just too many steps (and you know how picky and detailed I can get -- LOL).  But she has learned tons of things, is very opinionated (like me), and has an attitude like me so we get along just fine.  She did tell me to make sure I didn't tell her mom (Tricia) that she has fun every day she comes over here, as her mom thinks it is like a punishment and/or chaperon for her.  She is old enough at 16 to watch herself, but doesn't always make good choices when she is left on her own.  So she gets to do her favorite things when she is here:  swimming; learning to stamp, sew, and cook; and go antique hunting with me.  We have been having a blast this summer!!  (Another reason I haven't been stamping as much.)

Now on the other hand, I have been working non-stop this whole week on "one" WOW project for Ronda Wade's upcoming Creative Convention (along with Holly's help).  I did take a break for a couple of hours on Tuesday to make something for Ronda's Appreciation Event WOW table.  I wanted to make these as soon as I saw it on Patty Bennett's blog.  It was an Origami birdhouse, made by Myra Shaw, for Patty's Luv2Stamp Group.  I thought it looked hard to make when I saw Myra's video (check it out HERE).  But after making my first one, I couldn't believe how easy it was and helped Holly make two more.  Here is what I ended up with:

Isn't it just the cutest!!!  I used the Beau Chateau Designer Series Paper for this, along with the Bird Punch.

Holly made this one and the next one, using the Berry Blossoms Designer Series Paper.

Didn't she do a great job!!!

While Holly was making her 2 birdhouses, I made the inside cards for the sentiment.  It just tucks right inside the birdhouse!!

This beautiful card was sent to me from my friend Linda Tarolli so I took it with me for the WOW table.  Everybody loved how she popped up the punched flowers.
And finally, here is a card Holly made (in her free time -- LOL).  She picked out her own stamps and did her own design so I didn't see it until she was done.  Yes, it is a discontinued stamp but the sentiment is a sneak peek from the new Holiday Mini Catalog.  I wish there wasn't an age limit on recruiting as I would be signing up Holly as a demonstrator today if I could!!! 

Okay, it is back to work for me.  No rest today as I have a couple things left on my "to do" list yet!!

Enjoy your weekend -- it is beautiful here!!

"And He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in his paths. . . ."  --  Micah 4:2
"How foolish I am, Lord, to think I know the way.  Thank you for finding me whenever I'm lost.  Amen."  -- Phyllis Hobe


  1. Your birdhouse cards turned out absolutely adorable! Thanks so much for giving my video tutorial a try & for posting a link to it. Much appreciated! Take care. Myra =)

  2. Sandy the birdhouse cards are just adorable. I have already checked out the video and cannot wait to have time to make one of these. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Love your birdhouses, I'll have to try these.

  4. Sandi, these are real cute. I will have to take the time and check out that website.
