Friday, August 19, 2011


Hello Everybody!

Having a great day today!  We finally have all of the house and outdoor electrical problems fixed from the lightening that struck on August 3 -- what a relief!!  I could have actually stayed in my PJs today, as I was pretty sure I was not going to have any visitors (aka:  repairmen).  But I didn't, so guess it will be next Thursday before I might have a chance to stamp in my PJs all day.

I have been in mourning since Wednesday.  I am grieving the loss of our two 30+ year-old Blue Spruce trees in our front yard that grew on both sides of the walk up to our front door.  My husband planted these trees before we finished building our house, so they have really been "part of the family."  I normally always go out and sit on the front porch when I first get up in the morning and have my first cup of coffee (my 2nd cup is when I am surfing blogs).  I always watch the birds flying into their nests, the pigeons making a mess (yuk), and say my morning prayers every morning from that spot.  Now I go out there and there is NOTHING!!!  Its just me and the hummingbirds now -- all the other birds got mad and left.  So yesterday I decided it would make me feel better if I made a sympathy card for myself and that is what I did.  Plus, I wanted to get my "Remember When" cards out for this month and decided this would work for those cards also.  The first thing that came to my mind was a card I had seen on Michelle Zindorf's blog almost a year ago -- I loved it the instant I saw it.  (Who doesn't love all her cards!!).  So I did a "total" CASE of her card (well somewhat -- I will never be a Michelle Zindorf).  And here is my sympathy card to myself:

Please excuse the picture -- the colors are much brighter in person.  Darn camera is not working!!  Supplies used:  Have A Seat and Thoughts and Prayers Stamp Sets; River Rock, Basic Black, and Whisper White Card Stock; River Rock, Sahara Sand, Basic Black, and Early Espresso Classic Ink; Sahara Sand and Crumb Cake Markers; Sponges; and Post-It Notes (Masking Technique).
I just changed the sentiment (using Elements in Style Stamp) on this version to send out as part of my "Remember When" project.
Thank you Michelle for letting me CASE your card.  I thought it was perfect for my loss of 2 magnificant trees.  In case you don't "get it" -- the empty 2-seat chair represents my two trees and the "starkness" of the room represents the emptyness left.  I hope you like.

I will create a two-page album sample using the above card for my next blog update, as part of my  "Remember When Card Versatility" project (go to my July post if you missed the information).  I also started creating projects for a presentation at Ronda Wade's Creative Convention coming up next month (yes Tami, it takes me 2-months to prepare projects -- and I don't want to hear one giggle from you!).  I can't show any of these until after the Convention, but I got the best compliment in the whole world the other day from my dear husband on the first project I completed.  He told me it was the best piece of art he has ever seen of mine.  Now I know, that statement can have a double meaning (think about it) -- but I decided it was a compliment and a big one because my husband doesn't throw them out very often.  So really, am I not the "Queen for the Day"???  Don't worry, I'm not going to spoil my glory by telling you which one it is when I finally post my pictures, as beauty is after all in the eye of the beholder.  Also, I don't want to hear any "what was he thinking" from anybody -- LOL. 

Until next time, thanks for stopping by and have a great day!! Sandi

"A word of encouragement does wonders!" -- Proverbs 12:25
"In the hustle and bustle of daily living, it's so easy, Lord, to take one another for granted.  Help me to remember that appreciation and words of encouragement do indeed work wonders, especially to my children."  -- Fay Angus


  1. Wonderful card. Sympathy cards are difficult to make so it's great to have a supply on hand. And why not make one for yourself is you are feeling low.

  2. It's a beautiful card and I'm sorry for your loss. My parents recently had to cut down a tree that I remember planting as a teen and I think I was just as upset as they were!

  3. Hi Sandi,
    I absolutely love your card! You are such an artist. Have a great weekend!

  4. You did a great job on this card!! Guess this is the one you told me about :-)
    Love your card!!

  5. Glad to hear that things are getting back to normal. Why did you have to cut the trees? I had one by my back door and it just got way to big. So it's gone. I need to remember to plant them a little further away. Are you going to Ronda's tomorrow night? Lynn

  6. Sandi - so sorry about the trees! I too would be in mourning. You are too cute to make yourself a sympathy card though lol! I LOVE your cards though and am certain Michelle Zindorf would be very proud of you :-) I might have to case them myself. I love that stamp set so much too. Can't wait to see your projects!

  7. Sorry Sandi, I missed leaving a comment on this. Of course now that I have the real thing, I can give a better comment (LOL) I like the card on your blog but I LOVE THE CARD I GOT FROM US MAIL!!! It is so 3 dimensional-when you look at it on your blog you would think you used 3 different sheets of paper/or cut a sheet of designed paper. However when you see IRL you can feel that it is one sheet, which you explained how you got that affect. I love you Remember When series so far. Now have to get my pages done (LOL)
