Monday, October 31, 2011


Wow, I survived another great weekend!!!  Twice a year I get to attend Creative Retreat and be pampered, and I love every minute.  However, you can't play without paying.  Attending Retreat means no "sleep."  I mean my gosh, there are priorities when you go to Retreat -- and sleeping is not one of them.  I think I had a total of 6 hours while I was there, and that was a lot more than most of the ladies attending.  I bet Ronda Wade and Melissa Roberts (our hosts) had no more than 4 hours of sleep, and that is being generous.  They prepared awesome make'n takes and the classes were the same.  Great food, games, Halloween costumes, and people attending; along with many other surprises.

However, I know you are stopping by to see what I have created lately, so here are some more of my cards I made for Creative Convention (I promise, only one more post and I will be done showing you these cards).  Today I am featuring the Hello, Doily and Parlor Prints.

If you enlarge this picture by using the "right-click" on your mouse and select "open in new tab," you will see that I have embossed the Hello, Doily Background Stamp with the new Pewter Stampin' Emboss Powder.  I love this new embossing color and hope SU will have it in our new 2012-2013 Idea Book and Catalog next July.  I also used the Delicate Doilies Stamp Set, Brushed Gold Cardstock, and Victoria Ribbon (using Basic Black Ink Refill to dye).
This card was inspired by a sample in the 2011-2012 IB&C (page 201), with a few things changed.  You can barely see the Window Pane used, but it is gorgeous in person.

I had a piece of stamped tissue paper left over from my glass votive candle and couldn't bear to throw it away so this is what I did with it.  Hello, Doiley was embossed on the tissue paper with White Embossing Powder.
I love the Parlor Prints Background Stamp!!  It screams "vintage" at me.  I have paired it with the Always Grateful Stamp Set.
Again, another use of the Parlor Prints Background Stamp Set paired with the Studio Scetches Stamp Set.
Well I guess it is time for me to get some real work done around here, so until next time enjoy this Fall weather while you can!!

Thanks for stopping by,

". . . If he [your neighbor] cries out to me, I will hear him, for I am compassionate." -- Exodus 22:26
"Heavenly Father, give me the grace to know when listening is the best thing I can do for a troubled friend." -- Oscar Greene

Monday, October 24, 2011


Yikes, I guess I am a little behind on updating my blog!!  Sorry about that, but things just kept getting in the way.  I had an awesome weekend of stamping with all my friends in my stamping class.  Did my first Christmas Stack class for the year (yeah, yeah -- I know I started a little late this year).  But that seems to be my middle name lately, "late."  Sorry I'm not showing pictures of the cards today because I still have pictures from my Creative Convention presentation on "Background Stamps."  Today I have a few using the awesome new Sunflower Background Stamp and my shoebox swap. 

I paired the Sunflower Background with the Alway Grateful Stamp Set here. Accesories:  Cajun Craze 1 1/4" Striped Grosgrain Ribbon and Vintage Eyelets.
The Sunflower Background Stamp was paired with the En Francais Background Stamp.  The Sunflower was stamped on tissue paper in Not Quite Navy Classic Ink and sponged with Soft Suede Classic Ink.  Accessories:  Lucky Limeade Ruffled Ribbon, Linen Tread, Jewelry Tag Punch, and Anywhere Glue Stick.
I don't think you can get anything more simplier than this card -- it is literally a 1-minute card including cutting!  The Sunflower Background Stamp is stamped directly on Well Worn Designer Series Paper, in Cajun Craze Classic Ink and the sentiment (from Pursuit of Happiness Stamp Set) is stamped in Early Expresso Classic Ink.

I decided to do a bookmark for the Creative Convention Shoebox Swap as I had a lot of the plastic inserts left from a purchase I made a couple of years ago.  Supplies:  Always Grateful Stamp Set; Pizzazz and Confetti White Cardstock; Spice Cake Designer Series Pape; So Saffron, Marina Mist, and Wild Wasabi Markers; and Pear Pizzazz Classic Ink swipped direct to paper using blank rubber stamp. 
I hope you like!  Probably only two more posts and I will be done showing you my projects from Creative Convention presentation -- so bear with me.

Until next time,
"Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."  -- Matthew 28:20
"Lord, thank You for the ways You reveal Yourself to me, even when I'm not paying attention." -- Gail Thorell Schilling

Sunday, October 16, 2011


LOL, how do you like that title?  Of course I am still showing you pictures of my projects using background stamps for the Creative Convention.  So technically, it is correct -- just had to throw that little "pun" in my title.  I am just going to plop in some pictures with this update because my show is on in 2 minutes (shows you where my priorities are, doesn't it).  So without any more to-do, here are my album pages using background stamps: 
My inspiration for this layout (on left) came from Page 16 of the Holiday Mini Catalog.  Tami Ackerson had shown me a card she made using this weaving technique, and I loved it so much that I knew I was going to do a page for my heritage album using the weaving.  I incorporated the sample on page 150, of the IB&C, also on this page and the one on the right.

Supplies Used:  Parlor Prints, Sweet Floral, and Wonderfully Worn Background Stamps; Well Worn and Paisley Prints Designer Series Paper; Gently Falling and Letter It Stamp Sets; River Rock, Wild Wasabi, Early Espresso, and Not Quite Navy Card Stock (and some more, but can't remember); and Lace Ribbon Border, Scallop Corner, and Corner Rounder Punches.
I used the Cracked Glass Technique on the Sweet Floral panel (embossed in White Embossing Powder).  Supplies:  Same as page on left, plus Heat and Stick Powder, Holly Berry Bouquet Wild Wasabi Button, and Linen Thread.

 As always, click on the pictures to enlarge so you can see the details.  I love to scrapbook, just wish I did it more often!!

Thanks for stopping by, and would love your comments/suggestions.

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord . . .."  --  Psalm 92:1
Thank you, Lord, for reminding me of the importance of expressing my gratitude for small favors.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I hope you aren't tired of seeing some more of my projects I made for the Creative Convention.  I told you I had a lot, and I still have enough to show for the rest of my posts this month.  Today I am featuring the Spice Cake Product Suite, along with another background stamp.  The weather and colors of this past week make it the perfect product to showcase.  I just can't get into showing Christmas samples until at least the month before Christmas or there is some snow on the ground.  I think too many of us skip over those beautiful Fall days with all the colors (can you tell it is my favorite time of the year).  I have had these projects done for almost two months, so I am totally excited that I can finally show them on my blog.

This circular box was CASEd from the Holiday Mini Catalog, page 19.  I have never made a circular box from scratch before so it was a challenge for me to do the math.  But got lucky on the first try!!  I used Wild Wasabi Card Stock for the base of the box, stamped with the new Parlor Prints Background Stamp in Not Quite Navy Classic Ink.  Accessories included:  Petite Pennants Builder Punch, 3/8" Twill Tape, On Board Merry Medley Chipboard, Antique Brads,  Brass Eyelets (oops, I thought these were still current), Always Thankful Stamp Set, and Paisley Petals Designer Series Paper.

And here are my fabric pumpkins and card box.  I got the pattern for the pumpkins from Martha Stewart'sWEB SITE (actually have had it for over a year, just didn't get done last year).  These were easy peasy to make.  I used the Spice Cake Designer Fabric, Chocolate Chip Baker's Twine to make the veins on the pumpkins, and some Pear Pizzazz 1/2" Stitched-Poly Ribbon.  See below for box supplies.

The box was made using Stampin' Up's new Stampin' Card Keeper.  I covered the entire box with First Edition Speciality Paper, then stamped the Sunflower Background Stamp on tissue paper with Not Quite Navy Classic Ink, ripped around the flower and adhered to the box with SU's Anywhere Glue Stick.  I then sponged around edges, etc. with Soft Suede Classic Ink.  A piece of the Spice Cake Frabic was tied around the lid and bottom of the box, then flowers made with the Sunflower Background Stamp Set (stamped on First Edition Speciality Paper and cut) were adhered.  There is a Spice Cake Designer Button in the middle of one of the flowers that you probably can't see until you click on the picture to enlarge.
I hope we squeeze in one more beautiful day before the rain starts, but either way enjoy your week!!

Blessings to all,

"He will be our guide even unto death." -- Psalm 48:14
"Dear Father, may all our partings be filled with Your peace." -- Karen Barber

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello all!!
Today is another quick post because it is really to nice outdoors to be in front of this computer screen!!  We are having some beautiful 70-degree Fall weather here in Michigan.  And the trees are in full autumn color -- love this time of year, another reason I stay in Michigan!! 

I am posting pictures of my tissue-stamped decoupage vases today.  I totally loved doing these, and could have made tons more, but just not enough time.  The wonderful part about doing these is the fact you will never have any two look alike, so it feels like a whole new piece of art each time you are done.  I had so many demonstrators ask me how I made these at the Creative Convention, so I promised I would include this information when updating my blog.  I have to give Sharon Field a huge thank-you for posting a tutorial on her blog, HERE, with the directions on how to make these.  They are very easy, and very quick.  Another project that the young ones (and teens) would be able to tackle and never have mistakes.  My 16-year old granddaughter begged me to make one after she saw my first vase completed, and absolutely loved making hers (see picture of her finished jar below). 

Make sure you click, or double-click, on the pictures to enlarge as the details really don't show up in these pictures.  This is the first vase I made.  I used the Sunflower, Sweet Floral, Wonderfully Worn, and French Filigree Background Stamps on white tissue paper.  I think it turned out like a Claude Monet, who was a founder of French impressionist paintings.
This vase uses the Sweet Floral and Woodgrain Background Stamps.

My granddaughter made this glass urn, using the Sweet Floral and En Francais Background Stamps. She used SU's Markers to color the Sweet Floral.  Didn't she do a great job!! 

This was an old empty candle jar with a lid.  I used the new Hello Doily (embossed in White Embossing Powder) and the En Francais Background stamps, then brayed over the tissue paper in Baja Breeze, and then sponged on some Crumb Cake Classic Ink.

Just another picture showing the jar with the lid removed and how opaque the glass is when applying the tissue paper.

Hope you enjoyed these, and you really need to give it a try because you will love it (you don't need to use a background stamp, but make sure you use a solid stamp as lined stamps don't work as well).

I'll be back in a couple of days with more projects!

"Hear O Lord, and have pity upon me; O Lord, be my helper." -- Psalm 30:11
"Thank you, God, for the people who give me a helping hand.  And today, please help me to be a helping hand to someone else."  -- Linda Neukkug

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Wow, what a fabulous four days I have had!!!  Most of you know by now that I have been preparing projects as a presenter for Ronda Wade's Creative Convention this last weekend.  Well, let me tell you, it was absolutely fabulous.  I learned so much, stamped for 4 days, and made some fabulous new friends as well as getting a chance to really sit down and visit with my old friends.  There were 80+ ladies there, from all over.  From the awesome Canadian ladies, to the large group from Tennessee, and demos in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and my home state, Michigan, we had a great representation of demonstrators from all over.  If I left anybody out, please forgive me and remember that I am a senior citizen!!

So what does this mean to you?  It means you are going to see tons of projects in the next couple of weeks from some very talented stamping demonstrators.  Today is just a warm up -- so trust me, you better make sure you come back every couple of days to check out the rest.  Tons of new ideas for you to try out!!

Today I want to show you our "convention bags" we received as we checked in -- so cute and very durable -- thank you RONDA!!  And then some of the swap cards that were swapped on the night of our Social (when we were treated with a yum, yum chocolate fountain).

Yes, there were even SU product goodies in our bag.  Don't you just love how Ronda designed the bags with the name of her convention, with matching notepads and pens.  And of course, the added WOW was the monogrammed scalloped circle to identify who it belonged to as there were 80+ of these sitting all over the place!! 
This was my swap card -- the theme was "Anything With a Stocking."  My layout was somewhat CASEd from Debra Currier, just different colors, technique, etc.  I used the reverse masking technique to make a shim before using the Snow Burst Embossing Folder and then brayed over the top with Whisper White Craft Ink.  Card stock:  Old Olive, Marina Mist, Whisper White, Riding Hood Red, and Letters to Santa Designer Series Paper.  Accessories:  Mini Jingle Bells, Baker's Twine, Rhinestones, and Stocking Builder Punch.

I had to show you this card done by Sheryl Spitzley, from Portland, Michigan -- isn't it gorgeous!!!  You know I love anything vintage!! 

And the winner of the "Anything With a Stocking Swap":  Melissa Davies, of Michigan.  Isn't this just the cutest design you have ever seen!!  The details of this card can be found on her website, at
Well, I've had my shower and put on my "Advanced Nighttime Repair Serum" so I guess I am going to try again to see if it works and hit the sheets (it never has worked in the past -- I still wake up every morning looking old, but I'm hoping one day to be surprised).  Please make sure you stop back to see my projects I made for my inspiration table -- a lot of new stuff and techniques!!  I promise there will be something for everybody (especially when I also have over 100 new cards)!!

Thank you for stopping by,
"Even in old age they will still produce fruit and be vital and green." -- Psalm 92:14
"Heavenly Father, thank You for the adventures that lie ahead." --  Patricia Lorenz