Thursday, April 5, 2012


Ask me how hard it is to get back into a routine after being on vacation for a month!!!  Sad to say, my vacation is over -- but what a trip it was!!!  My brother really pampered me and my sisters with a whirlwind of adventures he had planned.  I hope you had a chance to look at my previous posts showing a few pictures from our adventures.  Trust me, just about every second of our trip was packed with something new and exciting -- I even had to bow out on a few things just to catch my breath.  Sorry I couldn't post any pictures of our four days in Vegas, but I really didn't think my pictures were appropriate to post on this blog.  For all of you who have toured Fremont Street in Vegas, you know what I mean.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't X-rated, but those dang show girls kept getting in the pictures.  Personally, I thought the people just walking around (visiting) had some worse issues (i.e., they weren't mid-west country girls or boys).  I did see some awesome shows and the massive hotels with unbelievable architect and grounds.  And best of all, we met up with my brother and sister-in-law, whom I haven't seen in 25 years!!!  I cannot even put into words how great that was -- we've already made plans to meet again next year in San Francisco!! 

So, I got my fingers inky yesterday (finally) and used the new Heaven Blessed Stamp Set, in the Occasions Mini Catalog, to make my Easter Cards.  Here is what I came up with:

Stampin' Up Product:  Sweet Moments Simply Sent Card Kit; Watercolor Paper; Pink Pirouette Card Stock; Watercolor Pencils; and Aqua Painter.

Card Inside

Birthday Card using Stampin' Up Sale-A-Bration product.
I will be stamping again tomorrow to get ready for Easter dinner, combined with a Birthday celebration.  I can't believe how hard it is to get my creative juices flowing again after being away from my ink for a month!!

Until Next Time,
". . . And behold, I am with you always, unto the end of the age." -- Matthew 28:20
Father in Heaven, thank you for being with me and my family to guide and protect us during difficult times.


  1. Wow Sandi, got your card today and it is beautiful. So happy you all had a great time. I am so glad R & D met up with all of you. Sounds like you will have another great time next year. Again, thanks for the great card.

  2. Sandi, both your card were GREAT! I got mine in the mail and thank you very much. You came up with some new ideas that I will have to try soon. Thank you again for my birthday card
