Thursday, April 12, 2012


What an awesome week it has been!  It started out Sunday with the celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead (Easter) and a celebration of the birth of my youngest daughter, Tricia, who was born on Easter Sunday (4-11-1971).  Family and friends were invited over for dinner, which started out with 9 guests, and ended up with 12 arriving!!  If I do say so myself, I prepared a delicious feast (took me 2 days to prepare, but thank goodness I always make too much food and I was prepared for the extra guests).  I made name-tag gift boxes for table decorations -- so cute (see pictures below).  Thanks to my middle daughter, Deborah, who ran down to my studio to make extra boxes for my surprise guests, everybody went home with an Easter treat. 

Monday my granddaughter came over to do a school project:  sew a stuffed "mole."  Yep, I don't have a clue why she picked me to help her as I DO NOT sew, but I did know that she had to cut her pattern out as the first step.  She accomplished that and then decided it was best to come over again tonight to use the sewing machine after we spent a half-hour trying to figure out how to sew the pattern pieces together and another half-hour trying to cut out feet for her mole!!!  I now know why young girls centuries before were always brought up spending hours every day learning needlepoint and sewing.  What happened to the days when girls were taught sewing in middle school???  Of course I took it, and barely passed -- but I do know how to thread my sewing machine!!!  The good news is that I got some bonding time with my granddaughter to add memories.

Tuesday night was Ronda Wade's RubberQueen meeting.  We received lots of business-booster tips, awesome make'n takes, tons of project ideas from the WOW table and swap cards, and (my favorite) the opportunity to visit with 40+ RubberQueens!!  Of course I was too busy visiting and had to take my make'n takes home to complete; so that is on my agenda today along with finishing my gifts for this weekend. 

And last but not least, to top off the week, I am leaving for Ronda's Creative Escape Weekend Retreat tomorrow!!!  Wahoo!!  I have lost count on how many years I have been going to the semi-annual Retreats, but it is always one of my very favorite events to attend.  So today is also packing day -- after I finish all my stamping projects.

Wow, don't you agree that I have had an awesome week so far??  And it's only going to get better.  Before I leave, here are pictures of my celebration boxes (to celebrate Easter and Tricia's Birthday):

Name Tag Treat Boxes (filled with yummies).  Stampin' Up Product:  Kraft Gift Boxes; Summer Smooches Designer Series Paper; Summer Smooches Designer Brads; Daffodil Delight Seam Binding; Bright Blossoms Stamp Set; and Big Shot Framelits Label Collection. 

Close up of the box tops.  The designer paper, stamp set, ribbon, and brads are sneek peek products from Stampin' Up's Summer Smooches product line that will be in the new 2012-13 Catalog -- which you can purchase until the end of  the month!
Until next time,
"Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kindness and his wondrous deeds . . ." -- Psalm 107-31
Thank you Lord for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me.


  1. Sandi, your boxes are so cute and colorful. I bet everyone that received one loved it. I seen you had no comments yet. I get to be your first one. :-)

  2. Darling idea...thanks Sandi for sharing!

  3. These are simply adorable! I just love the little card, so darn cute!!

  4. Sandi these are really cute. You have been really busy lol

  5. Sandi, I love the boxes. I can't remember if I ordered any of these but if I did I will bring them and case yours..LOL OK?

  6. Love all the pretty boxes... neat how each side has diff des. paper!! Very vibrant! and you put yummies in them too!! How lucky are the recipients!
