Thursday, July 25, 2013


Back from Convention and finally got all my bags unpacked, laundry done, and house back in order -- in less than a week!!!  This is an all-time record for me.  It usually takes me 2 days just to start thinking about it.  So today I spent the day packing up again and writing lists so I can go camping tomorrow.  Unlike my friend Ronda Wade, when I go camping we cook over the open fire or Coleman stove, sleep in sleeping bags (me on the ground I think as I didn't pack my tent), and play board games all day long.

I'm really not recovered from my poison ivy, as it has now spread over my entire body; but I am on medication now and the weather has been cooler so that helps when your body is itching from the heat.  I'm also only going camping for 3 days (most are there now).  I think my daughter, Tricia, told her daughter (my granddaughter, Emily) to ride with me as she called late tonight saying she needed a ride all of a sudden.  Everybody in the family knows I get lost just going to town (6 miles away), so they don't trust me to drive by myself.  I just laugh because I never get lost, just temporally can't find my destination!  I definitely have gotten my money's worth out of my compass in my car.  I have a GPS, but the lady always tells me the wrong directions -- however, she does do a good job telling me what lane to get in.

Today I want to show you all the goodies I got at Convention.  Stampin' Up just showered us with gifts this year.  Wow, over $200 in free product/gifts, and then on top of that I won a $100 Stampin' Up shopping spree!!!  I had so much fun looking through the new Holiday Mini Catalog to order my free stuff yesterday (demonstrators get to order early).  This is just one reason why you need to sign up as a demonstrator (call me and I will tell you even better reasons).  I also have a few swaps to show you that I received at Convention.  Enjoy!!

Our Convention bag/backpack we received this year (upper right corner) is awesome -- top quality!!!  So many features and so many zippers!!!  Memento Mall Strawberry Slush Hoodie (upper left), RubberQueen T-Shirt (lower-left), and Convention T-Shirt (lower right).

Convention Goodies!!  (can't show you all the stamp sets because they aren't for sale yet).

Everybody received a free Paper Pumpkin Kit, the 25-Year Stampin' Up silver pen was in our Convention bag, and the charm bracelets and key chain from Memento Mall. 

My new friend, Kelly Mayou, gave me this cute 3-D box with a little Keurig® hot chocolate mix inserted. 

Isn't it just the cat's meow!!!

This swap was done by my friend Eleanor Faught (another RubberQueen) -- so cute!!

Another cute one!!  No name on the back.

Another RubberQueen and friend, Melissa Roberts, made this sweet card -- I love it and will be CASEing this for a class!!

Until next time,

"Every day is a gift, Lord, each moment a treasure,
Give us eyes to see beauty, hours to hug pleasure."
-- Fred Bauer

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Well the party is over!!!  One of the most awesome conventions I have ever attended.  Every day was a new party, new product, awesome demonstrations, so many prizes, so much excitement, so many friends that I haven't seen in a year, and so many new friends!! 

Today was especially awesome for me because I was one of 25 attendees to win a $100 shopping spree from only playing one game last night at the 25 Year Celebration Party!!!  WOO HOO!!!!  Can't wait to get home so I can shop through the catalogs.  Everybody at convention won a prize patrol, everybody received a prize every day at General Session, and then there were more prizes handed out at the Opening Social and Celebration Party!!  We work for the best direct sales company there is, so get on board and join my team -- you will never regret it, I promise!!

Today I want to show you pictures of Shelli's presentation projects and some of the projects on the boards:

Shelli's projects -- so beautiful in person.  Sorry I couldn't get pictures of the fronts, but they were on the display board like this.

Another project done by Shelli.

Projects using the new Undefined Stamp Carving Kit (we all received this kit to make our own stamps).

Sorry I don't know who did the rest of these pictures as they were on the display board.

Swap card I thought was beautiful.

Another Swap card I thought was beautiful.

And one last Swap card I thought was beautiful (I'll show more later).
We surely have very talented demonstrator artists -- so many beautiful projects.

Well, I have about 4 hours before I have to get up to go to the airport and still have to shower and pack, so until next time, Sandi


Another awesome day here at convention!!  I won prize patrol right of the bat -- which totally surprised me!!  Awesome demonstrations of our new product (wait until you see the new stuff!!).  Played with our new "UNDEFINED" stamp carving kit -- way too cool!!  Everybody attending convention received one to play with, and everybody at home can start ordering now!!

But really, really most awesome new tool coming out in August will be the new envelope maker!!!  This will fly off the rack immediately, so get yours first before it is on back order.  I love, love, love it!!!

It is 1 A.M. in the morning (Saturday), and I'm really getting tired so this is going to be another short post as I have to get up no later than 6 a.m.  Here are a few more pictures of the home office.  Right-click on the pictures and select "open in new tab/window" if you want to see close-up.

Notice the rosette circles on the mantel -- adorable!!

I would love to have everything in this room!!!

These are made with designer paper and are huge hanging down from the ceiling.
Come back tomorrow for more pictures -- I will have pictures of what Shelli created on stage!!

Until next time,

Friday, July 19, 2013


Good morning from Salt Lake City!!  I have 5 minutes before Lynn and I leave for Friday sessions, so thought I would hurry and post some pictures from Stampin' Up's Riverton tour yesterday.  I will post more tonight.

Lynn and Eleanor out front of the entrance.

Atrium inside.

So beautiful in person -- all Stampin' Up cardstock!!

And of course I love this!!!

Front of the office building.

Gorgeous in person -- stained glass technique!!
Gotta leave -- so sorry this is so short.  I promise there will be more!!

Until next time,

Friday, July 5, 2013


Yes, I'm still alive and functioning!!  Even though I have been debating with myself this last month as to whether it would be easier to move to a new home or to continue cleaning 30 years of "stuff."  Yes, I do clean on a regular basis, but for some reason I got it in my head to obliterate every piece of dirt and dust in my house before my grand-daughter's Open House in 8 days. Now that I am down to crunch time, I realize that is not going to happen (and as my husband keeps reminding me -- who cares???).  I keep telling him that "I care," but he just doesn't get it.  I just keep telling myself that Stampin' Up's 25th Anniversary Convention is right after Open House and I can go knowing that if the plane goes down, I won't be too embarrassed because my house will be clean (cleaner?).  Why are women like that?? (E.g., like my mom always said, "Make sure you have clean underwear on in case you have an accident."  I'm sure not many men think of this.)

I did squeeze in a couple of hours this week to make 50 Convention swap cards and a couple more album pages for my grand-daughter:

I am so in love with Stampin' Up's new Washi Tape!!  After making 50 swap cards with the new Gingham Garden Washi Tape, I still had over half a roll of each left over (talk about economical!!).  Plus it is so forgivable if you have to reposition.  I used the Simply Sketched Stamp Set, water coloring with the Melon Mambo and Old Olive Classic Inks, using the Aqua Painter.

Yep, this page is not for everybody -- but it works for the person I made it for, and was so much fun to put these pages together.  I love the new "grunge" style of art (hard to believe when everybody knows I love Vintage and Shabby Chic).  But to me it is basically the same, just different stamp sets and backgrounds.  It's all about texture, layering, and lots of color!!  The texture shows up better if you enlarge these picture by right-clicking and selecting "open in new page."

How did I do it?  I applied Gesso on Stampin' Up's Basic Black card stock, let it dry if you choose (I didn't on the page above and got a completely different look with the ink), apply ink refill, let I dry, add designer paper, then stamp away!!  You can't see it in the pictures, but there is lots of texture.

Here are the 2 pages together.  Notice the difference on how the ink refill bled out on right page when the Gesso was still wet.  I used the following stamp sets for these pages:  Off the Grid, Gorgeous Grunge, and Clockworks.  Accessories included the new Smoky Slate Chevron Ribbon, Basics Glimmer Brads (Black), and Modern Medley Designer Series Paper.
I am truly interested in your comments on my "grunge art" and constructive criticism on how I can improve.  I haven't seen any samples on blogs yet using our new grunge stamps so your thoughts would be very welcomed.

Until next time,

"You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble."  -- Psalm 59:16