Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Whew, it has been a very busy last couple of weeks!!  I have done tons of projects, just not enough time to post -- so sorry!  I will try to make it up with lots of pictures today.  I am still working on my granddaughter's album for graduation open house, so I'll show a 2-page layout I did this weekend. 

Speaking of this weekend, I got to attend Ronda Wade's Creative Retreat for 3 days of solid enjoyment stamping and taking classes.  Ronda only does this twice a year, so for me it really is a "retreat" to get away from home and be pampered (no cooking, cleaning, or answering the phone)!!  Between Ronda and our co-host Tamie Ackerson, they wine and dine us from Friday through Sunday with tons of gifts and games included.  I am also posting a few pictures of our pillow gifts and make'n takes (all included in the price -- woohoo!!).

First, here are 2 more album pages completed for Holly's album:

This picture really doesn't show up the ink sprayed on the background -- it is much brighter in real life.  You will recognize mostly discontinued Stampin' Up product on these pages (e.g., designer paper, brads), but I did get a chance to use the new Stampin' Spritzers to apply the ink splatters.

A close up of the left page, which looks better if you enlarge (right click on picture and select "open in new window").

Right page enlarged.  These pictures of Holly were taken by a school classmate, who used Holly as her model for the photography class she was taking.

This is our Creative Escape bag we all received at retreat, filled with Stampin' Up product.  The dress-up card was my name tag for my table, and the other three items were pillow gifts (Petite Pocket had Daffodil Delight Stitched Grosgrain Ribbon inside, the purse has chocolate inside, and the Daffodil Delight flower was attached to a container of Silver Soda Pop Tops.

Two of our make'n takes.  So cute!!

More Stampin' Up product in our goodie bag!!

The gift card holder was another make'n take and the soda pop top was another pillow gift from Ronda and Tamie (so beautiful in real life).
Thank you Ronda and Tamie for an awesome weekend!!  I have a few more pictures that I will show in my next post.

Until next time,

"I command you:  be firm and steadfast!  Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go."  --  Joshua 1 1:9

Saturday, April 6, 2013


I'm still working on my granddaughter's album, so you are going to see some really different art styles in my future posts for a while.  I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun I have been having.  First, just working on album pages is a dream come true for me -- don't know why I don't do it more often.  Second, I have found a new art style that I love:  Vintage with Punk Art!!  I really didn't feel like I had much of a choice when designing my pages, based on the pictures I knew were being featured.  I had pretty much decided how I was going to design the pages, but then came across some awesome blogs featuring punk art and found out the style had a name!!  I love it because you use lots of color and shapes -- so it seems kind of weird that I decided to mix it with vintage, but that's just me.  This style is one that you will either hate or love -- but isn't that true of all art????

Here are my next two pages:

I told you it was different!!!  Here is what I used:  Collage Curios, Circle Circus, and (retired) Pick a Petal Stamp Sets; Basic Black, Island Indigo, Pacific Point, Garden Green, and Crumb Cake Classic Ink; Newsprint Designer Series Paper; Whisper White and Crumb Cake Card Stock; Remember This and That Rotary Stamp (love it!!) and 1/2" circle punch; Antique Brad; Sponges; and retired Antique Brass Build-A-Brads.  I also used Acrylic Gesso to paint over the card stock prior to sponging with ink.

Close-up picture of left page (which you can make larger by right-clicking and selecting "open in new window").  This picture is one of my favorites of Holly, it really shows her beautiful eyes.  I added some vintage lace that I purchased quite a while back from the antique store, as it really set this page off by continuing the circle theme along with the vintage look.  You can't tell by this picture, but the lace actually has green in the crumb cake lace.

Close-up of right page.  I actually used the Pacific Point Classic Ink (mixed with the other colors) only on this page because there was so much blue in the photo.  The flower petals were cut using the discontinued Clear Flower Bigz Die and then stamped using the discontinued Pick A Petal Stamp Set using Basic Black Classic Ink, and then over stamped using Acrylic Paint to add dimension.  I wanted to use this stamp set because it flowed with my circle lines.  I forgot to mention that the largest circles were made by inking up the lid of an embossing powder jar in Basic Black and then stamping -- perfect size!!
I hope some of you enjoyed my "experimenting."  I think everybody should just sit down and get crazy once in a while with their art and have fun!!

Until next time,

"Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them: if ministry, in proporation to the faith . . .."  --  Romans 12:6