Sunday, September 20, 2009

Class Gifts

Good Morning!!
Just a quick update being as it has been a while since I have stopped by to let you know I am still ambling along out here in the woods.  I sooo very much love this time of the year.  I just wish it would last a little longer.  I guess some would say it did this year because of our cool August.  But isn't it beautiful in Michigan during the Fall season.  I love going down our dirt road (which is narrow with big trees on both sides) and seeing the leaves in their bright colors covering the road.  I never get tired of it.  I cannot imagine living in Vermont.  If there was anyplace I would ever move, that is the state I would pick.  Love the trees, rocky streams/rivers, rock formations, hills/mountains.

I have been to so many interesting & beautiful places.  Two places come to mind right off the bat that I am sure most of you have never heard of before, and they are must see places (close to Michigan also).  I want to hear from all of you who have been to the House on the Rock (in Wisconsin) and Hocking Hills (in Ohio).  I won't say anything more about these places until I find out from you if you have been and what you liked.  Or if you haven't been, let me know what is your favorite place to visit as a family.  I will have to come up with some blog candy for a drawing for those that let me know their favorite family trip (please don't say Disnyland -- we all know that is the absolute favorite for everybody).  Okay, here I go again:  RAMBLING!! 

Oh, I suppose you want to know what this picture is all about.  Simple little treat boxes made for those who attended my Christmas Card Stack class.  I used my Big Shot (of course) and two different dies:  Bitty Box and Matchbox.  They both hold the same amount of chocolate!  Supplies include:  Real Red & Whisper White Cardstock, a piece of green print Christmas DSP on my test box (liked using cardstock better because it was heavier); Mistletoe Ribbon; Ornament Punch; Delightful Decorations stamp set  (two ornaments glued together, with one side using the "To: & From:" stamp); Real Red classic ink.  So very easy, but always elegant and something for them to use again.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Sunday!!


  1. Okay my two favorite places are House on the Rock also. That place is so fab. I went with my family, mother and step-dad, Aunt Betty and Uncle Bud probably twenty some years ago and still remember it with excitement. The awe of how he hand made all the rooms,the inside waterfalls, the book shelves, and the city downstairs with the real working full size carousal. All this cut out of the side of a rock mountain by hand by one man. Awsome!! But most impressive and what got me to collecting glass vases was the ladies bathroom. Inside the ladies bathroom the one whole wall had inclosed glass shadow boxes. Inside each section was a different glass vase. If I was to build my own home I would do this in my bathroom. And as my family knows I certainly love to collect glass amoung other things.

    My second favorite place was up north in Baldwin at my mothers Ten Pin Acres where we all went camping. She had outdoor camp sites for the family and we had many a family bloopers and cookout by the fire and lake. Many many family memories.

  2. Ok, One of my favorites was also at Hocking Hills with 3 of my siblings and their spouses. Also the day trips we took and the great food Pam made (also the wicked games we played LOL)

    My second place is the U.P. We have been several times and also go a least one new place of interest. There is so much to do up there especially in the fall. The colors are so awesome.

    My third place(and best)was the 8,000 mile trip we took in our Mini Motorhome back in 1978 out west. We went to the most popular sightseeing places and some out of the way places too.

  3. I've been to Vermont in the summer and I have to tell you a little story. I had read that Peacham Vermont is the most photographed town in Vermont. So we went there. Wide spot in the road, general store, gift shop, church and cemetary. Nothing special. So we went into the store and asked why it's the most photo'd town. They told us to go up the hill, make a right turn and go to the third house on the right. Go out in their back yard and check the view. Well, they were working on the road so we didn't go but I got a couple of post cards. In the fall the view is breath taking. And the people who live in that house go away for a couple of weeks just to avoid the crowds. Lynn

  4. Hi Sandi,
    Can't make it to your place for the stamp a stack so could you please forward my gift. Thanks kat.
    All jokes aside these are so cute wish I could come.

  5. I love these! I really want to get the die, punch and stamps from the mini. Maybe in October I'll splurge??

  6. Stamps with matching punches are my favourite! These are very cute!
    Isn't that ribbon gorgeous?
