Sunday, May 30, 2010

GRADUATION DAY & "How You Live (Turn Up The Music)"

Today is graduation day!! 

Yes, today my second oldest grandson, Zachary, graduates from high school.  Do I feel older?  Not really -- after the first and second graduation, the third one doesn't even phase me!!  I am just wondering how it got here so fast.  I still remember the day, like it was yesterday, when he was almost two and he ran down the hill in our back yard and just jumped into the pond.  Good thing mom was right there to jump in and save him.  (All of the grand kids did this -- but it never gets easier.)  The rule at this house is no kids at the pond unless mom is with them (even when they wear life jackets).  So today I am posting Zak's graduation card.  I'm sorry about how scrunched up the first picture is, but I don't know how to fix it.  So right-click and select "open in new tab" to get the correct picture. 
Here is the front.  I used a "safe" style; trifold an 8 1/2" x 11" piece of Close to Cocoa cardstock.  Stamped with the new "Go, Graduate" stamp set and colored with water pen.  Used "To the Nines" speciality designer paper and a "round" Star designer brad with VersaMark and some old Baroque Burgundy embossing powder (yes, I still have tons of this).

This is the inside, showing the pocket to insert "moola" (is that how this is spelled??).  I have been saving up U.S. Savings Bonds for about ten years and am ready to give them away for Zak to store.  Of course there is some "instant cash" going in the pocket -- hey, the guys gotta get gas and book money for college!!  I used the "Happy Grad" stamp (love this) that I won from Ronda, along with the "Go, Graduate" stamps again.  I love both of these new graduation stamps in the Summer Mini, I so hope they will be in the new catalog and around for a while as there is so much you can do with them.

And finally, I'm leaving you with a beautiful song today, "How You Live."  I saw this on another blog and after listening to it, I knew I had to share with all of you.  Don't ask me how I downloaded it, because I can't remember.  All I know is it took the whole day with my dial-up connection.  That just tells you how much I loved it.  The reason:  well, when you get my age, you understand life a little better and (hopefully) are a little wiser.  So many of my friends are going through challenging times right now with deaths and everyday struggles that I really wanted to share about living every day to the fullest.  In the grand scheme of things, LIFE IS SHORT. 

Keep God in your life and live every moment like it is your last!!  Sandi


  1. Love the little money card. I haven't gotten this set yet but it's on my list. You'll have to stop enabling me.

  2. Love your card and the music is beautiful. I listened to it twice and tomorrow if I don't forget will play it again with the sound up higher!!! Came home one week early from camping as construction begins on Tuesday. Catch you later.

  3. Hi Sandi
    I love the quote at the bottom of your page. Hope you don't mind, but I posted it on my blog today. Inspiring words, I'd say! hopefully you will get some traffic from my blog today.

  4. Love the money card. Zak is one lucky guy to have a grandma like you!

  5. Howdy, I stopped by. Lynn

  6. Nice card need to get these stamps like how you used them
