Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I bet you all thought I had left for vacation already (or worse yet, maybe nobody missed me????).  Well, if you didn't miss me, that is okay because "I missed me."  What have I been doing, basically fooling around.  I really have been having a lot of fun (fooling around is fun!!). 

Let's see, since I last posted I had my Christmas Stamp-A-Stack.  This is always my very favorite class of the whole year.  And this year especially, because of all the absolutely gorgeous SU stamp sets.  I mean, who can resist not buying them all.  Plus, I mainly CASEd all my cards this year because between Ronda and all my Christmas swaps from fellow RubberQueens this year, I REALLY had a very hard time picking what cards to CASE.  And for any of you RubberQueens reading this, if your card was not picked, it is probably because I decided to use it for my "personal" cards this year.

I have also been preparing for Ronda Wade's Holiday Extravaganza Event this Sunday.  I get to do my favorite thing:  Vintage!!  Yahoo!!  So I have had my thinking cap on since last week with visions of lace, ribbon, buttons, prints, and anything to do with paper (you know that is about all they had back 100 years ago).  And mix all that with SU's fabulous vintage stamps -- wow, what a vision.  So you just know what my next posts will feature.  Lucky for me that I only had one day of jury duty this week, so now I can do a few more projects.  And if I get really lucky, maybe I will need 2 tables to display projects (well, don't worry, that isn't going to happen).

Okay, I need to get back to creating, so here are pictures of 4 of the Christmas cards from class.  I did alter a tiny bit some of those CASEd, but don't we all!

This was inspired by a swap from Carol Payne, but after looking at her card I guess I changed the whole thing but the colors.

This is a total CASE of Tamie Ackerson's swap card, except I used lace ribbon instead of embossing folder.

 This is what the inside of the card looks like -- I really liked this design layout.

 And another CASE from Tamie Ackerson.

This was CASEd from one of Ronda Wade's cards we did for the "Punches" Baggie Book.  I did move the snowflakes from the bottom of the card to the top.  I love this little snowman!!

My last card for the class was one I designed for a swap card shown in a previous post.  I loved all of these cards and I hope you enjoy them half as much as I did.

Okay, I really need to get back and create at least "ONE" new thing today, or I won't even be able to fill up half a table with projects at Ronda's event.

"[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, [and] endures all things."
 1 Corinthians 13-7


  1. They are all cute Sandi.....but Santa is my fav!

  2. When you mentioned that all they had years ago was paper I remembered that my grandmother used to make scrapbooks all the time. She was very talented and painted all over the pages. I don't know where those books went but I would love to have one now.

  3. Of course we missed you Sandi!! Your addicting smile and your clever comments. I love to check in on your blog daily to get a daily dose of cheer! Your cards are very cute, and I love how you stepped them up.

  4. I like the snowman one it is so festive and love the blue but so sad because I do not have that stamp, he is so cute....

  5. Love the Santa but it looks like math is involved! I like the first one too, but I'll need to get the embossing folder.
    Hopefully I'll see you Sun as I have to leave early.

  6. Yes we missed you. I wish I wasn't missing Ronda's event Sunday. Your demo's are always great. You're the QUEEN of vintage. All your vintage projects are beautiful. Be sure to post them. I will be checking in while on vacation. Love....Dianne

  7. I miss you everyday, Sandi !!!! I love the card with the little Snowman. He is just too cute! Glad you are back. Wish I was going to be there for your "vintage" demo this weekend!!


  8. Sandi, My favorite is the Seasons Greetings. They are all beautiful but you know me--love that blue on blue. Sorry I can't make it Sunday as we are moving Kellie this weekend. Sorry I will miss you vintage display.
