Thursday, March 22, 2012


Well here it is Day 8 already and it seems like we have packed a month-long vacation into one week.  We have done and seen so much that I cannot begin to capture it in my blog updates.  Yesterday we went up Mingus Mountain to Jerome City (where I could spend the rest of my life) and in the afternoon we went to Montezuma National Forest to see the cliff dwellings at Montezuma Castle.  The beauty of the trees and flora were amazing.  Teddy Roosevelt named this a national monument (I think it was either the 4th or 5th) and I can see why. 

Today we went through Sedona as we decided we would go to the Grand Canyon, and we "almost" made it until my brother stopped by the side of the road to get some pictures and my baby sister, Pam (who is never afraid to do anything), had a panic attack and said (or should I say screamed) she couldn't take the heights any longer.  Of course it didn't help that my brother pulled over on this tiny piece of roadside that was a shear drop-off from on top of the mountain (about 7,000 feet up).  So after calming her down, we turned around and went back to Sedona for the day (woohoo, my lucky day!!).  I didn't take my camera so you have been saved from looking at more of these pictures -- but Sedona is totally "a must see" city for everybody.

Here are some pictures from yesterday:

This has nothing to do with the scenery, but it was in a shop, in Jerome City, and I loved how they made it.  The picture doesn't do it justice, however it is good enough for me to CASE as it is made out of paper.  Look for my interpretation in an upcoming blog!!

Looking down the valley from Jerome City, on Mingus Mountain.

Walking up to the Castle.

Where the Sinagua Farmers lived in A.D. 1100.

This castle housed about 35 people and another (Castle "A") housed close to 175 people, for a total of over 200 in the community.  Three ladders were used to get between the 5 levels of this Castle.

The walk up to the Castle was beautiful, with these large Sycamore trees all over (some of them were much, much larger).

Ruins from Castle "A"
I too over 50 pictures this day, and they are all beautiful; however, I didn't want to bore you with more pictures.  Needless to say I am having a great time but missing my home and family very much.  We are on our way to Vegas tomorrow so probably won't have time to take pictures and/or post. 

Until next time,
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." -- 1 Thessalonians 5:18


  1. Wow, looks like you are all seeing some beautiful sites. We never went to that spot on our trip. As you have said before, there is so much of our country to see and not enough time or money to do it all. Tell Pam, I no what she went through as that happened to me several times on our trip out west and the worst was Rocky Mts. Continue to have fun and tell Russell Dick & I said "HI". Love you all..

  2. Great photography of the castle Mom! I'm really glad your sharing your trip on your blog. It looks like Uncle Richard is keeping you all very busy. Looks like you've had great weather everyday. Trees are budding here, and today I have to cut the grass. It doesn't seem like March here. Looking forward to our scrapbook retreat! Have fun in Vegas! Love you.
