Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, I'm still alive after an awesome Scrapbooking Weekend Retreat Getaway!!  Ronda Wade (our RubberQeen Leader) and Melissa Roberts (top ten SU Demonstrator) our Hostesses for the weekend always put on the Ritz for us -- and this weekend was no exception.  Actually, they just keep getting better and better.  I don't know how they will top this last one tho.  But they have already booked the hotel for March 12, 13, & 14 of 2010 for the next Retreat!!  The bad news is that I forgot all about taking pictures Saturday until it was Sunday at 1 a.m.  Hey, we were having way too much fun (as you can tell in the pictures) for me to stop and think about taking pictures.  Thank goodness I had an hour before the doors opened to take pics of the hotel.  Anyway, here are some of my pictures.  I can't show all of them because I don't want you to know how much fun we had -- I don't want Ronda to fill up her spots for the next retreat before I get my deposit in to her (she is accepting $25 deposits now to hold a spot as space is limited).  Enjoy the few pictures I have, and sorry I didn't get more.  Please check out Ronda's Blog HERE to see more pictures.

The view right outside my room upstairs!!

Our Hang Out Spot -- Food & Drinks!! (Door to our Classroom in upper right corner)

Hot Tub/Jacuzzi on upper left

My class projects and refreshments!

Our Hostesses:  Ronda on right standing and Melissa sitting in center left.

Part of the crafting/class room

You really need to right-click on these pictures to open in another new page to see details, as I am very limited in my blog for the size (especially for the class projects so you can see how beautiful they were).  I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun I had at this retreat -- and I was so happy to spend time with my RubberQueen friends that attended for the first time (Lynn, Sandy, and Brenda; my sister Lois and niece Michelle; and all the new friends I made) and of course, my daughter Tricia who puts up with my snoring!!  See you in a couple of days when I post some awesome pictures from our last RubberQueen meeting!! 

Thanks for stopping by and here's hoping for some more beautiful Fall days in Michigan!!


  1. Great pictures, Sandi. I really like the one with the projects that you did. I will try and post my photos this afternoon. Had a lot of fun and called Ronda to get my spot reserved for March. Thanks for the info.

  2. Oh, it sounds like such a great time. Wish I could have gone. The projects look wonderful.

  3. My retreats would never be the same without you. Lois, it was great to have you there!! You guys are the best!! I can't wait for March. Melissa and I are already planning some fun things!!! It's getting hard to top ourselves, but we're going to try!

  4. Okay you talked me into it. As soon as I get paid next month my money will be on it's way to Ronda ASAP. ALL I HAD TO SEE WAS THE PICTURE OF THE CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN ON RONDA'S BLOG AND YOU HAD ME!!!!! Of course all the fun and laughs kind of were a second choice.
