Sunday, July 25, 2010


Good afternoon all!

Today I got to sleep in!!  Awesome, especially because Lynn and I did not finish eating dinner last night until 12 midnight!!  And then of course, I was up sick last night from eating so late.  Lynn finally just got dressed (3 p.m. Michigan time).  I haven't taken a shower yet, haven't eaten anything yet (3:15 p.m.), and I feel awesome because I am being soooooo lazy.  I do have to start "organizing" and finding out how I am going to get all this stuff I got home -- good thing I brought extra baggage with me as I have so much (don't you just love it). 

Yesterday was another awesome day.  Great demonstrations and classes.  And all 2,800 of us at Convention got a surprise gift from Shelli the last 5 minutes of Convention -- WooHoo!!  We got a package of the new Deck the Halls Designer Series Paper, Cherry Cobbler Classic Ink, Silver Glass Stampin' Glitter, and the new Hostess Level 2 Peaceful Season Stamp Set from the Holiday Mini.  Don't let anybody ever tell you that SU doesn't treat their demonstrators like queens -- we are so blessed.  Lynn and I also went to the Late Night Stampers WOW event last night.  We had 8 presenters show us techniques, product, etc. and I learned so many new tips and things I want to incorporate.  One of the ladies discussed how she did a hands-on workshop for SU's "My Digital Studio."  Out of 23 customer's signing up for the 2-hour class (where each person had their own laptop to actually "play" with the product and complete projects), she had 7-8 people buy MDS and one new recruit (she wanted the package).  She also provided this class to all of her downline first.  And, on top of the wonderful presentations there were tons of prizes given out -- one of the things I won was a brand new Crop-A-Dile, woohoo!!  Anyway, here are some pics I thought you would find interesting:

My roommate for Convention, Lynn Schulz

Lynn's "clean" bed (yes this is clean, and yes she is relaxing after a non-stop week of fun)

My "clean" bed with lots of my goodies (and more stacked next to the bed) -- WHERE AM I GOING TO PUT ALL THIS TO GET IT HOME????????  Well, if all else fails, I'll throw away my clothes as we all know they are not as important.

Swap done by Rachel Durtschi -- isn't this gorgeous!!

Swap done by Carol Payne -- another gorgeous one.

I just loved this -- absolutely awesome IRL, and I don't know who did it because it was one of the swaps Lynn got.  If it is yours, let me know so I can give you credit.

And finally, another card Lynn received that I fell in love with because it is so simple but is a real "WOW" in person.  I will be doing this for sure at my stamp-a-stack but probably using the "new" ornament in the Holiday Mini.

Well, I guess I have procrastinated enough and HAVE TO start packing.  More swap pictures will be coming, just give me a couple of days to unwind when I get home tomorrow night.  Until then, happy stamping to all -- Sandi

Friday, July 23, 2010

Convention--Day 3

Hello all!

I am so very sorry that I was not able to post yesterday as I had promised.  But for all of you who have been to Convention before, you certainly know how packed the days are -- so much you want to do and so little time to do it.  I didn't hit the sheets until after 1 a.m. last night and had to be up before 6 a.m. so I am really, really dragging today (but loving every minute of it).

We had such an awesome day yesterday, and the evening Awards Night was so special to see so many of my friends getting awards.  Every one of them deserved it and more.  So tonight I am going to share pictures of the today's ceremony (no battery yesterday, another reason I couldn't share pictures).

Dale Fillmore, President of Stampin' Up, and our MC for morning session.

The stage (enlarge by clicking on image for better view).

And of course Ronda Wade, our leader of the RubberQueens, and #17 for Demonstrator of the Year.

Another "Queen" -- Melissa Roberts

Ronda and Melissa awarded for top sales.

Tamie Ackerson, top sales award for over $40,000

Part of the RubberQueen group at convention.

Another shot, but the "Queen" is smiling in this one so I couldn't resist!!

I hope you enjoyed sharing some of these special moments with me.  And, if I am able to keep my eyes open tomorrow night, I hope to have some exciting news to share with you along with some more awesome pictures (yes, I will show you actual projects!!).

Until then, Sandi

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


What a day it has been!!  So much fun, so much to do.  Got so many goodies at Memento Mall (I'll show you pics tomorrow), did all my swapping, went to Ronda Wade's (Queen of the RubberQueens, in case you forgot) awesome dinner she had for her downline and training group (approximately 70 of us), and then on to the Flower Power Party!!

I couldn't make up my mind what pictures to show you tonight -- our beautiful convention bags and goodies, swap cards, my Memento Mall goodies, or the hippies at the Flower Power Party.  So decided to show the hippies as everybody else will probably be showing the other things.  The party was so much fun.  Good 70's music, lots of demonstrations, fun games, and lots of people to visit.  Even the Prize Patrol was there handing out prizes -- but it wasn't my night so maybe before I go home????

On to the pictures -- sorry there are so many, but I had tons more and really had a hard time narrowing it down to these.

From the left, here's Tamie Ackerson, SU Staff, our RubberQueen Leader Ronda Wade, and Melissa Roberts. 

And here's Shelli and her husband Sterling looking really groovy.

Some more of our Stampin' Up Staff.

More SU staff dancing away.

Oh my gosh, you had to see them in person!!

Some of the SU Staff who were our singers that we had to get autographs from for one of the games.


Waited in line with these ladies and they were hilarious!!

I wish I could show you more, but it probably will take your PC forever just to download these pictures.  There we so many cute outfits, and some were hilarious.  I'm telling yah, these people know how to party.  And besides that, I need to get to bed as I have to get up earlier tomorrow as the doors open for General Session at 7:30 a.m. -- YIKES!!

So until tomorrow night, keep the home fires burning.  Sandi

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Good evening all!

Yes, I'm a hoppin' and skippin' around my room at the Radisson!!  Woohoo!  I made it to Stampin' Up Convention 2010, with ALL my baggage!!  Guess this means I have to change my clothes every once in a while now. 

My day started at 2:15 a.m. when I got up, which was 15 minutes earlier than my alarm was set.  My husband was already up and waiting patiently for me (don't you just hate that!).  So I rushed around and was out the door by 3:20 a.m., headed to the airport.  All my flights were overbooked so I knew ahead of time that it was going to be an interesting day -- and it was.  Left Flint pretty much on time, but when I got to Detroit my flight had already listed as a half-hour delay due to shortage of crew (that was a little scary when you think about what shape they might be in when they got there -- had they been flying around all night????).  Well after boarding the plane, we sat for over an hour and a-half first for a computer part (some more scary stuff), then for the signal men to direct us (hmm, don't they teach these pilots how to back-up the plane when they get their license??).  So by the time we left, I knew there was no way I was going to make my connection in Denver to get to Salt Lake City.  So I just went to sleep as it was someone else's problem and they would figure it out.  The good news is that they did take care of the problem.  When I got to Denver, they handed me a new boarding pass to jump on another plane that was taking off right then.  I was a little nervous about my bag catching up with me (you know, the bag with all my clothes I talked about in my previous post).  But I was blessed again because there was my baggage when I finally found the baggage claim area (that is another long story about me getting lost when I got off the plane -- but I'm used to that so wasn't really ruffled about that either).

So here I am, in my room, feeling pretty comfy and waiting for the other shoe to drop as my roommate isn't here yet (she should have been -- hmm, I hope her day wasn't like mine).  So I am going to close for now and wait to post this when I find out what happened to her.  Stay tuned!

Here is a picture to look at while we wait:

The scene outside our hotel room window -- gorgeous!

Okay, one more shot.

Update:  Lynn made it safe and sound.  We went for a yummy dinner of summer squash soup and salad so we wouldn't get full and could split a fried banana split dessert with caramel pecans and chocolate on top!!  Oh so yummy!!  Now it's time to organize for the big day tomorrow.  Hope to have some awesome pictures for you tomorrow.

Until then, hugs to all

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Hello America!! (don't I wish!)

I got up at 4:30 a.m. this morning so I could finish my Convention swaps without being interrupted.  It worked -- I was done in an hour!!  The kids have already been over to swim, last of laundry is in the wash, dinner is in the oven, and I'm getting ready to take a nap!!  Now I am getting just a little excited, but won't reach my peak until I'm in my Utah hotel room with all my luggage.  I always fear that my luggage will get lost, and I will have to wear the same clothes for a week, because there is no way I will waste my time to go shopping.  Nope, I will by some soap and hand-wash my clothes every night if I have to -- and hope I can borrow some PJ's from somebody as I don't think my room-mate could handle it otherwise.  The bright side to that is everybody will recognize me every day as, "that girl with the same clothes on."

But, let's think positive as there are a lot worse things that could happen (we all know what that could be), and let's get on with what you came here for -- SWAP CARDS!!  I have had so much fun looking at the different posts showing their swaps, so decided I wouldn't wait either and just post them now instead of after Convention.  There will be lots more to show you when I get back.  These were really quick cards, as I couldn't fool around so be kind to me.

I am totally in love with SU's new "Distressing Essentials."  So much fun.  I used the blue vintage ink to color the pitcher and the new Pear Pizzaz classic ink for the pears (dah!).

Here is another layout using the same materials (I like the other one better).

Newsprint Designer Paper stamped with River Rock in using the Medallion background stamp. Again, I used the blue distressing ink over this and the crown from the Artistic Etchings stamp set.  You can't see in this picture, but the crown and the Fleurette both have a half-jewel rhinestone inserted.

Same products, different layout.  I wanted to use up all my scraps so that is why there are different designs.  The card base is Very Vanilla and Night of  Navy layer.  The ribbon is the new 1/8" Marina Mist.

Yah, I got kinda wild on this one -- but you know me, I don't throw anything away (even tho it looks like I took it out of the trash).

Okay, I'm cutting into my nap time so that's all for today.  Have a nice weekend and we will see if I have time to post again before I leave.  If not, I hope to post while at Convention.

Thanks for stopping by, Sandi

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are you ready for some more???

Yes, here is the second part of my Color Crazy Day event presentation pictures.  Not much more to say than yesterday, plus I'm busy getting excited for Convention, so I will just post pictures and leave it at that for once.  (I'm probably the only person you will meet that says or confesses to being "busy" getting excited.)  Without further ado, here are some more cloth flowers made with the Big Shot Clear Flower Bigz Die:

On this flower I did not "gather" each petal -- just to show you the difference.  See previous post to compare the striking difference.

I used combination of Big Shot dies for this purse pin.

Small Big Shot dies used for this hair barrette.

Large "Flower" Bigz Die for this pin.

This poor doll is probably 20 years old, but all I had to put this baby headband on (of course the head was too small so had to clip in back).  I used the new "Island Floral" Bigz Die for this pin.

Here is a close-up of the baby headband flower.  You can barely see one of the discontinued "Sending Love" epoxy brads with a red heart in the center.

Well, I still have a couple more, so if I have time before I leave for Convention I will post along with any swap cards I might have time to make. 

Until then, remember:  "In everything give thanks." --1 Thessalonians 5:18


Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hi everyone!

Well yesterday was Ronda Wade's Color Crazy Day event, and what a day it was!  Ronda really outdid herself with 20 awesome card designs for us to make and put in 4 different baggie books, based on the stamp set we used.  She used all the new color combos, and 4 brand new stamp sets.  We each got a roll of ribbon, rhinestones, and half-pearls in our bags to accessorize our cards.  Check out her blog (linked in first sentence) to see how the baggie books looked when finished.  She will be posting more pictures during the week.  I had so much fun.  The food, company, and cards were all awesome. 

Lynn Schultz (see pictures on her blog), Sandi Haynes (picture in next post), and I did presentations on different flower techniques.  I was to make my flowers with cloth.  Well, we all know I don't sew so I had to come up with something a little different.  And thanks to my friend Lynn Schultz who suggested using glue, I came up with a completely different flower that I haven't seen on a blog before.  Very fast and easy to put together.  I did many different sizes, using various Big Shot dies, but only demonstrated one version featuring my new technique using the BIGZ Clear Flower Die (#114534 for $19.95).

This is a rag purse I made for my granddaughter, Emily, which was special ordered as it is larger than most along with having a flap over the top.  She loves it and has gotten many nice comments from her friends, which surprises me because they are teenagers.  Anyway, I made one of my flowers to match and pin on the top flag.

Here is a close up of the flower using my new technique (applying a dab of glue to each petal and pinching it together so it looks like a real flower petal, then gluing all 9 layers together).  I used the small daisy flower die for the center and toile for one of the layers.  The top black petals have a little shimmer paint applied.  I know I say this all the time, but this picture really does not do justice to what it actually looks like in person.

Here is another flower using different shades of blue and a little more shimmer paint (yes, that is a discontinued Baha Breeze corduroy brad in the middle).

And this card has nothing to do with my presentation, but I wanted to show you my swap card I made that I didn't need because nobody swapped cards!!  Another one of my dah moments.  LOL  When I was putting this together I decided to add some ribbon above the "Friend" sentiment and realized SU did not have any CHOCOLATE CHIP ribbon in the new catalog!!  Oh my goodness, I couldn't believe it, and it had to be chocolate chip to coordinate.  I had the new Espresso ribbon, but it didn't look the same. So I ended up making my own ribbon with a 1/4" strip of Chocolate Chip cardstock -- which is fine with me because I always like the shabby chic look.  It just took forever to make these for the 20 swap cards. 

Stay tuned for more pictures this week, I have lots more so I hope you come back.  Until then, happy Stamping!!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Well, don't get your hopes up people!!  Sorry, there are no projects to show you today. 

When you look at these pictures below you will know why.  Yes, my dear sweet Ronda (who is my adopted daughter, who I love to death, and Queen of the RubberQueens) asked me to do a presentation for her Color Crazy Days event this Saturday.  Yes, she has been adopted long enough to know, like my birth-daughters, that I have a hard time saying "NO."  Even tho I keep telling her that nothing is easy for me, I really don't think she "gets it."  She knows perfectly well that I have "issues," -- one of them being that I cannot stay "focused" and the worst/biggest problem is that I cannot just sit down and design 20 cards or ANY PROJECT in a couple of  hours (like she did yesterday and all the time).

But does she care??  NO!! She just keeps making me work out of my "box."  Yesterday, she had the nerve to e-mail me to say "keep it simple....You don't need to have a big display!!!  Oh my gosh, doesn't she realize this is how I "keep it simple."  So today I am showing the proof, in pictures, of how totally out of hand I get when trying to "design" -- if you want to call my work anything close to "designing."  What a TOTAL MESS!!  Does your craft room look like this?  I highly doubt it, but if it does I can totally relate!  Enjoy your laugh for the day, but I will eventually have the last "laugh" with Ronda -- I will get her when she least expects it, somewhere/somehow.

Bet you can't guess what my presentation is?

Dah, guess you can figure it out now!

Stay tuned for my next post when I will show the results of my "keep it simple" presentation.  Maybe I'll even post a couple of pictures of my "cleaned" space.  But it will be a short post as Convention is just a couple weeks away and I have classes to prepare for (yes, another messy room) before I leave.

Have a great week  -- keep cool -- and yes Ronda, I still love you (just watch out)!!
