Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Good morning everybody!

Wow, I can't believe I have not updated my post since Convention!  So much to do when I got home and things still haven't really settled down.  August is already booked up for me with appointments, visitors, parties!!  The good thing about this is that it keeps you young -- I can still go up and down my stairs at a pretty good pace, LOL.  Well, I guess going down the stairs is getting a bit slower -- the steps are all starting to melt together for me (that's the best way to explain it -- one big blob of a step that just doesn't have the same measurements when I step on it, so after falling on my face a couple of times I decided to take it a little slower and hold on to the hand-rail).  I refuse to admit to myself it is a sign of getting older (which I just got another year older while at Convention this year!).  However, I like to think it is a sign that I probably need new glasses -- because I'M NOT GETTING OLDER!! 

Last night was another awesome night with fellow RubberQueens at Ronda's August meeting.  For our make'n takes she did another Baggie Book using the new Paisley Prints stamp set and wheel.  Now I have to tell you (even tho most people know this already), paisley has never, ever been on my "wish" list -- even back in the 70s when it was in style (and is again).  I don't know how Ronda does it, but she made the cutest cards using this set.  She really has been on a roll with these Baggie Books -- the place was packed with RubberQueens!  I liked all of her cards, but didn't get a chance to do mine at the meeting because I had to leave to pick my daughter up.  So as soon as I get them put together, I will post pictures on my blog -- you will love them.

So today I am posting some pictures of the awesome swaps.  The theme for the swap was Christmas cards, but we had a mixture of other cards swapped too.  I did not know who created these cards below until just now when I was looking for names to post.  I was not surprised however when I found out who created them.  All of the swaps were beautiful, but these are ones that really stood out, and I had material to CASE.  I hope you like them as much as I did.

Isn't this just gorgeous!!  This was done by Tamie Ackerson.  See this and more cards on Tamie's blog HERE.  I will be doing this one for my Christmas card stack class in September for sure. 

Another gorgeous card, done by Lynn Schulz.  You have to enlarge to see all the shimmer.  You can see a better picture on Lynn's blog HERE.

This beauty won the swap contest.  UPDATE:  I finally found out who created this:  Heidi Wilkins!!  Now I know why I didn't recognize her, she is one of Ronda's new recruits.  Sorry it took me so long to find out, but was waiting for Ronda to update her blog with pictures from the meeting.  Thank you Ronda for giving me the name!! You can't see it well, but she used the Lattice Embossing Folder.

This is my swap card, using the product everybody at Convention Closing Session won from the Holiday Mini:  Deck The Halls Designer Series Paper and the Hostess Level 2 Peaceful Season stamp set.  I stamped the holly and ornaments on this piece of the designer paper.

Another of my swaps (just different piece of designer paper that I added ornament stamp).  I used the new Tea Stain Ink from the "Distressing Essentials."  I just love this product.  It is so easy to use to get that Vintage look (my favorite style).

And one last picture of one of my swaps -- isn't this designer paper gorgeous!!  I didn't stamp anything extra on this piece of the designer paper (just added Tea Stain) -- no need as it is beautiful as is.  I also used the Bigz Two-Tag Big Shot Die with Crumb Cake cardstock and the new 1/8th-inch Taffeta Very Vanilla Ribbon.

One last picture!!  I wanted to show you this beautiful tin I won from Monica Weaver.  She makes awesome projects (including cards) using tin with the Embossing Folders and other mediums.  This is so beautiful in real life, and if you enlarge you can see the detail better.  Visit Monica's blog HERE to see more awesome creations.

I hope you loved all of these samples as much as I did.  If you think you would like to join my team and be part of the RubberQueens, this is just a very small sample of what you get as a perk.  Just imagine being able to go to Ronda's events every month to share in the friendship, presentations, and fun we have.  This alone is so worth being a demonstrator; let alone the discounts, convention, regionals, cruise!!  Let me know if you would like to join me as a guest to attend one of Ronda's events and you can see for yourself!!

Happy Stamping!


  1. Oh they are all beautiful. Love the tin so cool. What a talented bunch of ladies. Welcome back I missed ya!!!

  2. Wow, Sandi you have really made me miss Ronda's meetings today!!! Love your card and the others. So sorry to missing out on these now.

  3. Sandi your cards are super great, one of your best yet. Really love everyting on them especially how you did the tag, going to have to case these for sure. Now just need to send in an order to get the new supplies.

  4. Hi Sandi,

    So you are the one that made that card, you know it really helps when you put your name on the back of them so we know who made them!! It is a beautiful card. It was good to see you last night and I can't wait for the retreat week-end we are going to have a BLAST!!!!
    Love yah! Tamie

  5. Sandi, love your swap cards, especially the two with the earth stamp. TFS

    P.S. Do hold that handrail. A stair fall was how I shattered my shoulder around this time last year!

  6. OOPS! I guess I looked at these but forgot to leave comment....Well, you know one of us had to be wrong so why not me!!!

    I love all the cards and the deck the halls DP is super gorgeous! Have to put on my wish list for Oct (if I can wait that long!) The one done by Lynn is so over the top and I love how Tamie made hers. She has the neatest card that are quick but elegant. So my favorite is: (DRUM ROLL) PEACE ON EARTH with the bells. I will certainly case that one. Great job on all your swaps.
