Thursday, December 16, 2010


And a "Crispy" good morning to all!!

Is it cold out?  Heck Yes!!  Is the sun out?  Heck Yes!!  Am I ready for Christmas?  Heck NO!!  Do I really care about all this?  HECK NO!!  Aah, the joys of being old, there are just so many perks that come with age.  I now have an excuse for dressing funny, forgetting everything, driving erratically, saying inappropriate things, wearing glasses after 40 years of wearing contacts (yes, you loose a lot of your vanity when you get old -- but I still have a little more than "normal" hidden back in my brain), loosing control once in a while (and I'm not talking about THAT KIND of control ladies), and finally my very favorite:  when I choose to be vain, people don't get jealous anymore (I don't want to brag or make anybody jealous or anything, but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school.)  So for all you women out there that are collecting Social Security -- isn't LIFE GRAND???

Oh my gosh, I was having so much fun telling you how wonderful life is that I forgot this is my Stampin' Up blog -- E X C U S E    ME!!  So let's get on with it and show you some pics of my last Christmas cards I made yesterday.  But first, here is a special treat (some more of that "vain" stuff coming out).  Below is a video of my older grandchildren wishing you a Merry Christmas.

Featuring (from oldest to youngest):  Blake (black hair), Emily (strawberry hair), Zachary (blond hair with dimples), Holly (brown hair), and Nicholas (another blond).

All three of these cards are a little different (couldn't make my mind up on which I liked), and were my version of a card originally created by  Jill Hilliard (thank you Jill!!).  Click on the cards to enlarge for details.

You probably can't tell by these pictures but I used SU's awesome Candy Cane Designer Fabric for the top half of the Top Note die, which was embossed with the Petals A Plenty Embossing Folder.  And of course to go with the fabric I used the awesome A Cute Christmas stamp set and the Candy Cane Big Designer Buttons.

I think I liked the Baha Breeze colored button better (see above).

Okay, I need to get started wrapping gifts.  I hope you enjoyed my post today and my video -- I'd love to hear your comments.

"Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading." - - Chambers 


  1. SO CUTE!! Thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoy your family to the fullest and have a wonderful Christmas! I love you!

  2. Grandchildren?? You look to young to have garndchildren. Thanks for the card. And Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    Love Brent

  3. Sandi
    Cute video and great cards. Thanks for the great card I received in the mail today! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  4. I love the video. My nephew and his boys did one last year and I laughed every time I watched it. The cards are great too.

  5. I forgot to mention that this was done last year, but I couldn't upload it to my blog then (my old PC couldn't handle it). So the kids are a little older now -- LOL. Thank you all for leaving a comment, I love to hear from you!!

  6. Sandi you crack me up with your perks of aging! LOL! Love the elfs...I mean grandkids :) Great cards too!

    xo Jacki
