Monday, April 30, 2012


I don't know about you, but I am really ready for some warm weather.  I am so tired of wearing a shirt and 2 sweatshirts over the top and then sometimes a jacket on top over everything.  The weather channel is predicting temperatures in the 70s by end of the week, so I guess we have something to look forward too (not sure if I should have added that extra "o" on the word "too" but I can't end my sentence with a preposition now can I?).  We did need the rain today so I'm not going to disk the rainy day.  Besides I always love how everything looks after a good rain.  Looking out the window while I am typing this is so awesome, as there must be a hundred different shades of green bursting from the landscape.  (No, I don't do "flowers" - just not my thing, but love to stamp and color them!!).

As I promised, today I am showing the final 2 card sets my ladies did at my last class.  One you have seen before (crazy birds!), but it is so worth showing again.  It is crazy, crazy!!  So let's just jump right into what I came up with:

Yep, Stampin' Up's Elegant Bird Bigz Die went crazy on me!!  I have been wanting to share this card with my ladies for a couple of months, so when I told them we would do a birthday card for young males, I knew just what card I was going to create.  Of course you can use this for something other than a birthday (I gave one to my grandson after his first performance in a local play -- he "was" one of the very good ones!!).  Stampin' Up supplies used:  Elegant Bird and Lattice (for beaks) Bigz Dies; Big Shot; Smarty Pants Stamp Set; Just Add Cake Designer Series Paper; So Saffron, Wild Wasabi, Baja Breeze, and Poppy Parade Card Stock; Paper Piercing Punch (retired); and Baja Breeze, Poppy Parade, Wild Wasabi, and Black Markers.

This is the same design, just different background designer paper from the Just Add Cake Designer Paper.  I also used the 1/2" Circle Punch for the eyes (so you don't need to go out and buy the Wiggle Eyes).  TIP:  I punched Early Espresso Card Stock with the 1/2" Circle Punch first, then adhered the whole circle to Whisper White Card Stock, then I punched off-center with the 1/2" Circle Punch again -- much easier to get the crazy look -- LOL.

I have also wanted to showcase how beautiful and easy you can make beautiful cards using the Simply Sent Card Kits, especially when you want something in a hurry and don't have tons of supplies.  I didn't add a lot to these cards, as I really didn't want the beautiful lace border and background to get "lost" in the card design.  Adding the punched out dies from the Blossom Builders Designer Printed Kit  to the Everyday Elegance Simply Sent Kit made this a 2-minute card -- just stamp a sentiment, add some ribbon, and punch a circle and you are done!!!

This was the 2nd card using the same product.
If you like these cards and/or the product used to create them, make sure you stop by my Stampin' Up Store and click on the "RETIRING LIST PICTURE" -- product used for these cards will be discontinued in 30 days!!  Stampin’ UP! has released it’s Retiring lists and there are so many goodies on there that you are going to want before they’re gone.  Some of the Accessories are even up to 60% discounted from the regular price. WOWOW!!!   Retiring Accessories are "WHILE SUPPLIES LAST."  You know those are going fast!  If you have questions or need help just give me a call.

Until next time,
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. . . .  He is like a tree planted along a riverbank, with its roots reaching deep into the water. . . ." -- Jeremiah 17:7-8
"Lord, what awesome wisdom You've given us in Your creation!  Give me the heart of an oak:  strong, steady and with the will to endure."  Fay Angus

Sunday, April 22, 2012


If you don't mind, I would like to vent a moment before I get to what you came here for.  Just got done talking to my middle daughter, Deborah, and she (being who she is) decided to check to see if I got the best price for my airline tickets for Stampin' Up's Convention (in July).  Well she proceeded to ruin my day when she said she found tickets $300 cheaper than what I had paid -- oh yah, that was a bummer!!  Of course I knew that would happen -- but wasn't expecting that much of a difference.  And to top it off, it was a non-stop flight!#!#!  The only difference was the flight was from Detroit; whereas, I don't do Detroit (the furthest I will drive is Flint!).  But of course, she just had to add, "Mom, you should have told me because you know I would have driven you to Detroit and then picked you back up!!"  I did know she would have done that, but hate to bother my kids and she had just driven me down there last month when I went out west for vacation.  Oh well, it is what it is, and now that I have vented I feel a ton better (kinda).  On a positive note, I left somebody a seat on Delta for a really cheap price (whoever gets my seat can send me a thank-you card, but you better hurry!!).

Now that I vented, how about taking a look at a couple of the cards from my card class yesterday.  I can't show them all in this post because I gave my attendees options on the type of card (sentiments, etc.) making this post way to long.  Some didn't need Mother's or Father's Day cards (brings tears to my eyes just typing that), so I always design those cards to allow them the option of using a different sentiment (ending up with 2 samples).  Here is what I came up with:
I love, love, love this card.  We made these at our last RubberQueens' meeting (designed by Ronda Wade - thank you so very much).  I knew immediately this was going to be my class card for Mother's Day.  Stampin' Up product used:  Very Vanilla, Soft Suede, and Pretty in Pink card stock; Antic Boutique Designer Series Paper; Labels Collection Framelits Dies; Pearls; Pretty in Pink Taffeta Ribbon; and Apothecary Art Stamp Set.

Don't you just love how it opens!!  Stampin' Up Product used:  Attic Boutique Designer Series Paper, Dotted Scallop Ribbon Border Punch, and Eyelit Border Punch.

And here is the inside of the Mother's Day version.  Stampin' Up product used:  Lace Ribbon Border Punch, Full of Life Stamp Set, and All Holidays Stamp Set (retired). 

Birthday Card option using Stampin' Up product:  Full of Happiness Stamp Set and Warmest Regards Stamp Set (retired).  I used retired sets because I liked the type fonts for this card.

Father's Day card using Stampin' Up products:  Well Worn Designer Series Paper; Early Expresso, Very Vanilla, and River Rock Card Stock; Extra-Large Oval and Photo Corners (retired) Punches; Hemp Twine; Studio Sketches and Loved Ones Stamp Sets; and Early Expresso Classic Ink.

Birthday Card option uses all of the above Stampin' Up product and Bring On the Cake Stamp Set (instead of the Loved Ones Stamp Set).
Hopefully, these samples depict the versatility of doing one design for different occasions.  I will post the rest of the class cards on my next update.  Have a beautiful Sunday!!

Until next time,
"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst . . .." -- John 4:14
Thank you Jesus for giving me the Water of Life -- yourself!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What happens at Creative Escape Retreat?  Whatever happens at Retreat, stays at Retreat!!!  Okay if you really want to know, I will tell you it is always awesome; we are pampered, laugh a lot, make new friends and catch up with old friends, eat a lot, sleep very little, win lots of prizes, receive lots of goodies, and of course we do some crafting when we aren't doing all of the above (LOL). 

Ronda Wade and Tamie Ackerson deserve all the credit and then some, as they hosted a flawless retreat.  Tamie made the most awesome decorations and pillow gifts.  Ronda had so many prizes that I seriously doubt anybody went home without winning something.  All 62 ladies spent their time doing different crafts that they love.  Some sewed or created cards, scrapbooked pages, or 3-D items; or prepped for upcoming classes (as Cofounder and CEO of Stampin' Up, Sheli Gardner, would say:  crafting "your way").

As far as the juicy stuff that went on at Retreat, my lips are sealed!!  You will just have to attend the next one in October to find out.  However, I will show you a "few" of my pictures (click on the pictures to enlarge for better view):

This is our Retreat bag full of free product!!  The name tag and candy vase (with flower) were on our table when we arrived, and the purse and box (with product inside) were pillow gifts sitting on our table each morning.  Make sure you enlarge this picture to really see how cute these are.

My daughter, Tricia, won a new Big Shot!!!  First time I have seen her speechless!!!

We had 5 people in our "group corner."  Ronda did an awesome job pairing up friends/family so they could sit together.  This is one of my "adopted" daughters and customer, Amy Krumm (Tricia's table is right next to hers).

Ronda (holding bag) and Tamie drawing door prizes and a shot of the front room (gosh, looks like a lot of people went to bed already!!).

And our hostesses:  Tamie Ackerson (front-left) and Ronda Wade (back-right). 

The little 6" x 6" square on the left page (bottom-right) was one of our make'n takes that I converted into a 12" x 12", 2-page album spread.  I got the idea to convert the 6" x 6" page into a 12" x 12" spread from  my friend Patti Matejewski.

Close-up picture.

Close-up of other page.
I will post pictures of the other make'n takes and classes I took in my next post. 

Until next time,
"The Lord lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down."  -- Psalm 145-14
Thank you Heavenly Father for always being my rock!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


What an awesome week it has been!  It started out Sunday with the celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead (Easter) and a celebration of the birth of my youngest daughter, Tricia, who was born on Easter Sunday (4-11-1971).  Family and friends were invited over for dinner, which started out with 9 guests, and ended up with 12 arriving!!  If I do say so myself, I prepared a delicious feast (took me 2 days to prepare, but thank goodness I always make too much food and I was prepared for the extra guests).  I made name-tag gift boxes for table decorations -- so cute (see pictures below).  Thanks to my middle daughter, Deborah, who ran down to my studio to make extra boxes for my surprise guests, everybody went home with an Easter treat. 

Monday my granddaughter came over to do a school project:  sew a stuffed "mole."  Yep, I don't have a clue why she picked me to help her as I DO NOT sew, but I did know that she had to cut her pattern out as the first step.  She accomplished that and then decided it was best to come over again tonight to use the sewing machine after we spent a half-hour trying to figure out how to sew the pattern pieces together and another half-hour trying to cut out feet for her mole!!!  I now know why young girls centuries before were always brought up spending hours every day learning needlepoint and sewing.  What happened to the days when girls were taught sewing in middle school???  Of course I took it, and barely passed -- but I do know how to thread my sewing machine!!!  The good news is that I got some bonding time with my granddaughter to add memories.

Tuesday night was Ronda Wade's RubberQueen meeting.  We received lots of business-booster tips, awesome make'n takes, tons of project ideas from the WOW table and swap cards, and (my favorite) the opportunity to visit with 40+ RubberQueens!!  Of course I was too busy visiting and had to take my make'n takes home to complete; so that is on my agenda today along with finishing my gifts for this weekend. 

And last but not least, to top off the week, I am leaving for Ronda's Creative Escape Weekend Retreat tomorrow!!!  Wahoo!!  I have lost count on how many years I have been going to the semi-annual Retreats, but it is always one of my very favorite events to attend.  So today is also packing day -- after I finish all my stamping projects.

Wow, don't you agree that I have had an awesome week so far??  And it's only going to get better.  Before I leave, here are pictures of my celebration boxes (to celebrate Easter and Tricia's Birthday):

Name Tag Treat Boxes (filled with yummies).  Stampin' Up Product:  Kraft Gift Boxes; Summer Smooches Designer Series Paper; Summer Smooches Designer Brads; Daffodil Delight Seam Binding; Bright Blossoms Stamp Set; and Big Shot Framelits Label Collection. 

Close up of the box tops.  The designer paper, stamp set, ribbon, and brads are sneek peek products from Stampin' Up's Summer Smooches product line that will be in the new 2012-13 Catalog -- which you can purchase until the end of  the month!
Until next time,
"Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kindness and his wondrous deeds . . ." -- Psalm 107-31
Thank you Lord for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Ask me how hard it is to get back into a routine after being on vacation for a month!!!  Sad to say, my vacation is over -- but what a trip it was!!!  My brother really pampered me and my sisters with a whirlwind of adventures he had planned.  I hope you had a chance to look at my previous posts showing a few pictures from our adventures.  Trust me, just about every second of our trip was packed with something new and exciting -- I even had to bow out on a few things just to catch my breath.  Sorry I couldn't post any pictures of our four days in Vegas, but I really didn't think my pictures were appropriate to post on this blog.  For all of you who have toured Fremont Street in Vegas, you know what I mean.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't X-rated, but those dang show girls kept getting in the pictures.  Personally, I thought the people just walking around (visiting) had some worse issues (i.e., they weren't mid-west country girls or boys).  I did see some awesome shows and the massive hotels with unbelievable architect and grounds.  And best of all, we met up with my brother and sister-in-law, whom I haven't seen in 25 years!!!  I cannot even put into words how great that was -- we've already made plans to meet again next year in San Francisco!! 

So, I got my fingers inky yesterday (finally) and used the new Heaven Blessed Stamp Set, in the Occasions Mini Catalog, to make my Easter Cards.  Here is what I came up with:

Stampin' Up Product:  Sweet Moments Simply Sent Card Kit; Watercolor Paper; Pink Pirouette Card Stock; Watercolor Pencils; and Aqua Painter.

Card Inside

Birthday Card using Stampin' Up Sale-A-Bration product.
I will be stamping again tomorrow to get ready for Easter dinner, combined with a Birthday celebration.  I can't believe how hard it is to get my creative juices flowing again after being away from my ink for a month!!

Until Next Time,
". . . And behold, I am with you always, unto the end of the age." -- Matthew 28:20
Father in Heaven, thank you for being with me and my family to guide and protect us during difficult times.