Monday, December 24, 2012


I don't know why, but I have been humming the "Santa Baby" song all day long.  Maybe it is because I finished all my prep work for Christmas and relaxed half of the day today.  Granted, I still have a little cooking to do when I get up this morning (yes, it is after midnight).  But very little (couple of pecan pies, corn casserole, and roasts on Christmas day).  A few years back, my daughters decided it was time for the next generation to take over the holidays so I am blessed with very relaxed holidays.  And it doesn't hurt that they are all awesome cooks (which they learned on their own).

Today (okay, technically yesterday), we took over all our gifts to my daughter's house (with a lot of help from our son-in-law).  This way we won't have to worry about carting it all in on Christmas day.  I am so proud of myself for getting everything done 2 days ahead of time.  I shopped for 16 family members; made Santa fabric bags for 12 (hubbies shared with wifes); and made stocking decorations for all the bags yesterday.  I hate to shop with a passion; but at Christmas time, I love shopping for the kids.  Always have, always will.  This year was extra special because I have my first great-grandchild -- who doesn't love to shop for babies!!!  I did get a little carried away probably, but they are only babies once (except if you have a daughter named Tricia).

Anyway, I want to show you my Santa fabric bags that I made to go totally "green" this year -- that's right, NO wrapping paper!!  And I can use them every year.  Everything is Stampin' Up but the fabric (as you can see, I didn't have enough SU fabric to make these bags):

It looks a little bare in front of my daughter's tree, but that is because she hasn't put any of her gifts under it yet.

I couldn't get all of the bags in one picture.

A little closer (if you want to see my Stocking Tags, right-click on the pictures and select "open in new tab" to enlarge).  The picture hanging on the wall was done by my grand-daughter, Holly, when she was in 9th grade (she is a Senior now).

Last two Santa Bags.  I can't remember what kind of fabric I purchased but it was like a soft blanket.

Close-up of one of the Stocking tags (gift card is behind the stocking).

Another close-up of Stocking tags (ran out of disk space on my camera so couldn't get pictures of the other stockings).  The red stocking with snowflakes was made out of fleece and all the stockings have chipboard backings that I ran through the Big Shot using the stocking die.
Wishing all of my blogging friends a very Merry Christmas!!

Until Next Time,
"For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord."
--  Luke 2:11


  1. very cute idea, instead of using wrapping paper, they can use the bags.clever. thanks for sharing

  2. Lucky family!! Thanks for sharing & I wish U Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!! My hubby & I are in Sarasota Florida spending time with his 85 yr old parents. Different for us

  3. they look great sandi. love the tags too.

    1. Wow Pam, how did you do that??? I keep clicking on your name and hoping it will take me to your own blog -- I think you need to create one so you can post your Crafty Thursday projects!!

  4. Love the tags and the snow flake! Thanks for linking to the LNS challenge this week!

  5. Sweet! I love these. Both the gift ideas and the tags! Thanks for linking to the LNS challenge this week!

  6. Great gift ideas and tags. Thanks for playing with us this week at LNS and linking to the LNS challenge.

  7. Great ideas - love them! Thanks for joining the challenge this week.

  8. What a great idea to make the bags! Way to go Green! Your gift tags are fabulous. Thanks for playing with us this week at LNS.

