Monday, March 7, 2011


Welcome back for another week of Try Stampin' On Tuesday Challenges.  I really, really had a tough time with this challenge design this week.  Don't get me wrong, stamping, water coloring, and coming up with my image was easy.  I just can't "cut" in a straight line, it's just not my forté.  These old eyes just can't manage that any longer at all .  So you will have to look past this issue, and just try to imagine what it would look like if I could cut straight, LOL. Otherwise, I loved the final result.

I hope you are enjoying these challenges.  I know it has really stretched my creative abilities and allowed me to try new things. I have been told I need to keep my posts a little shorter (which is just not "me"), so without further ado here is the challenge:

Here is your Challenge #5 Design This Week
This is what I came up with for some inspiration.  I so enjoyed using my "Watercolor Wonder Crayons" last week that I had to use them again.  Products used:  "Elements of Style Stamp Set"; "Staz-On Black Ink"; "River Rock & Night of Navy Card Stock"; "Watercolor Paper"; "Photo Corners Extra Large Punch"; "Bashful Blue 5/8" Satin Ribbon"; "Aqua Pen"; and "Watercolor Wonder Crayons: Bashful Blue, Marina Mist, Old Olive, River Rock, Always Artichoke, & Basic Gray."
And before you all raise your eyebrows; yes, I just realized the "Bashful Blue 5/8" Satin Ribbon" is discontinued.  Somehow I neglected to remove this ribbon from my current products (maybe because I love it???), so never even gave it a thought when I used it on this card (hey, it went with my colors).  You can substitute this color with the "Marina Mist 5/8" Satin Ribbon" however, and it would be just as good.  Obviously I had a tougher time on this card than even I thought when I started this post.  I hope you still like my creation anyway.

So now it is your turn.  Get on over to the Try Stampin' On Tuesday blog and check out the rules.  I really would like to see a few more of you joining the challenges -- I promise you it is fun!!

"I give you a new commandment:  love one another.  As I have loved you, so you should love one another." -- John 13:34


  1. I Love your card!!! So glad I am the 1st to comment! You have made the flowers come alive with your fantastic water colouring!!! The photo corners look great and that bow is divine! Just beautiful!

  2. Your flowers are awesome. I can almost smell them. This card pays so much attention to detail and is just beautiful! Thanks so much for being on our team.

  3. Absolutely stunning, retired ribbon or not. The flowers just leap off the card.

  4. YEP! You did it again Sandi! Love this!!! I just love Vintage and this screams it!! Wonderful!

  5. Sandi this card is beautiful and wouldn't it make a card card for the card swap today at our meeting? That way I could have one!! I just LOVE IT.

  6. Oh my word! This is jus STUNNING!!! It looks like your flowers have come to life and are just popping off the page! GORGEOUS!

  7. Sandi, what can I say that hasn't been said above. The flowers do seem to pop out at you. I guess I will have to take your word for it that the squares are not straight (even with picture enlargened I can't find any curvy cutting) LOL I am glad you are on this team as this gives you something to challenge yourself. I am still in the planning stages for my entry. TFS

  8. Really beautiful. I love the punches in the left corners, a perfect solution to "too much white space."
